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                        To help characters along in their conquest of the new world, we have chosen to implement new ways of gaining experience. These are known as Passive and Narrative Experience that all characters can gain through simply posting, if they so desire. See the entries for both below for more information.

                        Passive Experience
                        While the majority of experience is gained through missions, combat, and story, characters also grow naturally as people as they progress. This is known as Passive Experience. Every moment is an opportunity to learn and grow. Each role play post (not paragraph) you make, regardless of the actions within, nets the character [25 exp] toward their total experience. The only requirement is that the post cannot count toward a mission or job and must be at least [100] words long. While the number should be kept track of, links are not required, nor are you required to report each post. On that note, you are being trusted to keep track of the experience for yourself and any exploitation will be accordingly punished. Passive experience can also be earned by posting in [The Shattered Past] sub-forum.

                        DMing Incentive: To help encourage some members to help out with running missions and playing NPCs, after every third [3rd] post they make as a DM, all active characters of theirs gain [1] post worth of Passive Experience. In order to participate as a DM, please contact a moderator.

                        Narrative Experience
                        A new section added to the experience system is Narrative Experience. These missions are meant to help characters who are non-combative without much of a way of obtaining experience, but can be completed by anyone. Just like with the [i[Passive Experience, characters grow through the situations they encounter, and as such character growth is required to complete these missions. Narratives can be completed alongside normal missions. However, characters cannot use the same posts as more than one narrative mission, although one can lead into another. They are by no means required and can be disregarded if the player so chooses. They do not count toward the character's total number of missions completed, and the experience rewarded by them cannot be increased by any outside factors.

                        Narratives should be recorded on the character's profile with the type of narrative as well as a brief summary of what happened. Just like with Passive Experience, they do not have to be reported in the guild, and you are being trusted not to exploit the system. Narrative missions are as follows:

                            Title: Discovery
                            Information: A person learns something new every day, the discovery narrative is a simple one when it comes to fulfilling. It is merely a narrative of being exposed to something new. Taking in new scenery, discovering a new menu item, the excitement of being someplace one has never been before, the joys of sightseeing, they are brief flashes of joy but are typically forgotten or have little to no lasting effect on a character as time passes. Every post made leading up to or relishing in a new discovery, rewards XP equal to one's body rank minus [3], minimum [E].

                            Title: Revelation
                            Information: Sometimes the things you learn can be enlightening in more than just book smarts. A shifting of beliefs, a new way of looking at things. These narratives affect a characters way of thinking in some way shape or form and sticks with them throughout the rest of their lifetime in most cases until a mind is changed. Revelations are often made in the company of others but even simple things such a billboard warning you 'not to eat too much-fried chicken' could change your way of life. Every post made leading up to or contemplating a new perspective, rewards XP equal to one's body rank minus [2], minimum [E]. This narrative will typically change a person's beliefs in regards to some particular subject matter.

                            Title: Growth
                            Information: To say one had grown is a difficult thing to do. To accept things that are beyond your power, to accept your failures, to strive to be a better person and believe you've made a step towards that better person...even a disillusioned one. These narratives often occur after experiencing some level of loss or confronting some level of difficulty and coming to terms as difficult as it may be. Usually, this involves sacrificing a key character trait. Be it one's penchant for being 'too blunt' a 'bad habit' overcoming a personal vendetta or grudge. Growth is also often found in self-reflection or even developing an existential crisis that affects ones overall behaviors in the long term. Every post made leading up to or recounting oneself and beliefs provides XP equal to one's body rank. These narratives require that the character change at least one aspect of themselves be it for the better...or the worse.

                            Title: Bonds
                            Information: Call it friendship, call it camaraderie, call it a legal obligation. The nurturing of relationships is one of the most fruitful types of narrative. Helping a friend out in a kitchen, helping keep their business alive, being there for them after a bad break up, building new friendships...building new rivals...building new nemesis's. Confronting those nemesis's and exchanging conflicting beliefs in fierce wholehearted heated debate and getting to know the other through their opposition on a new level. Every post made strengthening an existing relationship with an rpc, rewards XP equal to one's body rank plus [1], maximum . Those interacted with may also be considered to be running this narrative with you albeit their posts are separate from your own. The narrative is considered completed once the parties part ways for another day.

                            Title: Trauma
                            Information: Experiences which can never be forgotten, experiences which linger in your head in the dark of night and won't leave you be. Traumatic events are some of the most impacting narratives. Having massive changes on the character themselves and how they think, behave, and act. These narratives will effect one's character on the largest of levels often getting their own pieces in that person's history. To truly be a trauma, one must be capable of being triggered when reminded of said trauma. These triggers be they erratic or subtle they are always painful reminders. Every post made leading up to or experiencing a genuine traumatic event rewards XP equal to one's body rank plus [2], max . These events must have a lasting effect on a character and often times will lead to the production of a new fear.

                            Title: Lasting Memory
                            Information: Experiences which can never be forgotten, but the opposite of traumas. Events that are so joyous, so wholesome, they simply cannot be forgotten. Lasting Memories are often only made with those the user has bonded with. Be they family, friends, or others just as important. A Lasting Memory can be an overwhelming achievement such as becoming the first gladiator ever in a village to reach the top. These are moments and times you can feel genuine pride and joy in until your dying days. Every post made leading up to or experiencing a genuine lasting memory rewards XP equal to one's body rank plus [2], max . These events must have a lasting effect on a character in that these memories when mentioned are never to be forgotten and if they are forgotten will cause significant distress as if having a part of oneself missing.

                    Passive XP and Narrative Missions borrowed with permission from Shinobi Revolution.