xxxxxxA U S T E NxxxA L F R E Dxxx M A S T E R Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Aus, Janey
              AGE »» 12
              BIRTHDAY »» 30 June 2038
              GENDER »» Male
              FACE-CLAIM »» Daniel DiMaggio Grant Gustin
              BLOOD STATUS »» Muggleborn
              WAND »» 9 2/3 inches, Walnut with Sphinx hair, rigid and knobby
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, can read in French and Spanish
              ACCENT »» Yorkshire
              PET »» Half-kneazle Agatha

              xxx»» Mysteries
              xxx»» Winter time
              xxx»» American food
              xxx»» Classic rock
              xxx»» Art museums
              xxx»» Rough housing
              xxx»» Fish
              xxx»» Candles that smell like food
              xxx»» Sweating
              xxx»» Stupidity
              xxx»» Reading
              xxx»» Solving mysteries
              xxx»» Drawing

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Austen isn't one to speak harshly or raise his voice. He doesn't talk much at all, really, and half the time no one notices when he does because he's so quiet. He has a hard time getting a word in edgewise, and learned at a young age not to bother most of the time. He only really makes an effort when he's correcting someone on something they're incredibly wrong about, because nothing annoys him more than people being misinformed.

              xxx»» Austen inherited his mother's love of reading, and spends as much of his time possible doing just that. He's especially fond of mystery novels, which has given him rather good observational and problem-solving skills. Of course, sometimes he thinks he's a little better at these things than he actually is, and gets in over his head trying to fix things. Still, he's usually pretty good at piecing things together. He likes to approach things from all angles to get the best result.

              xxx»» Austen is the smallest person in a very, very busy household, and sometimes it can be a bit much on him. He's got a very low threshold for annoyance, and tends to be very withdrawn and irritable as a result. He's not prone to outbursts, but will rather frequently be found trying to hide from everybody else. He also tends to outright ignore people when he's annoyed at them, no matter who they are or what they want from him. He'll hold a grudge like nobody's business and expects to be apologized to sincerely before even considering forgiving the other person.

              xxx»» It's not that Austen doesn't like people exactly, he's just very selective about who he wants to spend time with. He finds most people to be incredibly exhausting, so he tries to limit time spent with them as much as possible. If he likes someone, he'll still usually restrict himself to only a couple of hours with them, because it takes him a while to recharge. There are very rare exceptions to this rule, and those people usually tend to be the sort he can sit in a room not interacting with and still feel like they've been hanging out.

              EASILY BORED
              xxx»» Austen doesn't need to be active all the time, but his brain certainly does. He has trouble falling asleep at night because laying down to do nothing goes against everything in him. He's often caught with a flashlight and a book under his covers, because he can't stand to just do nothing. When he's not reading, he's usually thinking up elaborate stories in his own head. His waking hours are much the same, constantly seeking something to stimulate him mentally. He doesn't like things he considers too easy, and can be a bit of a snob when it comes to activities if he doesn't feel like he's being challenged.

              xxx»» Austen doesn't know when to quit. He's not one to give up on things, and will hold his ground firmly when challenged. While he's not one to start a fight, if he feels the need to get involved in one he's going to see it through. He waits until he feels that he's been well-informed before he forms an opinion about anything, so getting him to change his stance can be a hard fight. He usually trusts what he's read more than he does what a person says, unless the person in question is a recognized expert on the subject at hand, or the material to read from is extremely biased.

              xxx»» Well-read
              xxx»» Deductive
              xxx»» Easily annoyed
              xxx»» Constantly sleep deprived
              xxx»» Falling
              xxx»» Going blind

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Austen is the youngest of two siblings, but he always felt like the youngest of a lot more than that. Between Duane, Vince, Andi, and Maya, plus his parents, their various friends, and the various children of those friends, his home was rarely a calm. This wasn't terrible, exactly, but for a young boy who liked having a quiet place to read, it seemed like hell more days than not. Still, he grew up well loved, and a little spoiled. While he didn't get his way in all things all the time, it was rare for him to be denied things he wanted, and he never went without things he needed. It was, all in all, a perfectly normal, if hectic, childhood.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» Austen was, unsurprisingly, sorted into Ravenclaw. He made a surprising number of new friends, and even joined the RPG club, though he was careful not to allow it to affect his schoolwork.
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» Adventurer's Guild
                  SECOND YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  THIRD YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  FOURTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  FIFTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SIXTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» - - -
                  xxxEXTRACURRICULARS »» - - -

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDING »» Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
              HOUSE »» Ravenclaw
              YEAR »» Second
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» History of Magic
              xxx»» Astronomy
              xxx»» Herbology
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» Flying
              xxx»» Defense Against the Dark Arts
              xxx»» Potions
              LIFE GOAL »» To solve a mystery

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Unknown
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Single
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» - - -

              xxx»» Father James Masters Mother Lyre
              xxx»» Older sister Maya
              xxx»» Extended family Duane, Vincent, and Sissy Masters
              xxx»» Best friend Quinn Abrams
              xxx»» Hitori Miyazaki
              xxx»» Rian McLellan
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -


12 July 2020 ««
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❝Yukitty❞ 4/26/20 ««
❝Yukitty❞ 5/9/20 ««