Name: In High Reaches men are given honorifics -- but not female riders. In Western Weyr, they're less restrictive about names.
Nameday: YYYY.MM.DD i.e. 3560.03.18 [Please note that Pern has 13 months and each month has 28 days.]
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation:
Weyr: Western
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: If applicable.

Physical Description:


Positive Trait List [At least 3. Just spell out what they are and it should follow your written personality i.e. cheerful, loyal, confident]
Negative Trait List [At least 3. Just spell out what they are and it should follow your written personality i.e. insecure, selfish, anxious]


Other: Anything else you want to add?

Name: Jihlavath
Age: 2
Color: Gold
Size: 40'

Physical Description: One of the smaller golds in the weyr, Jihlavath is (in her own considered opinion) perfectly proportioned and exceptionally dainty. She moves with a seemingly careless grace that is, in reality, quite calculated.


Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: This is a thread...