The day was hot, the sun was high, and a vulture was making slow circles in the air above a strange zebra. From a distance one might think the bird was circling the beast because it was on its last few breaths and indeed, its gait was strange and not at all indicative of a healthy equine. The striped creature paused and the vulture began to circle downward, spiraling towards its mark. Long talons reached out to grab the back of the beast, but rather than sinking in to tear, the silver bird merely perched on the back of the...all right, that wasn't a zebra! It was a lion wearing a zebra's pelt. Strange.

"See anything?" Ukufana asked, turning her covered head to peer at her companion. Khapha nodded and motioned ahead with her shimmering wing.

"Yes, there's a whole herd of antelope up ahead! From the looks of it it seems to be a pretty permanent place they live."

"Good." Ukufana turned her paws in the direction her familiar had indicated, the bird remaining on her back as she went. They'd be out of the Bonelands for some time now, searching for a more reliable food source and a steady water supply. If there was a herd here that would hopefully lead them to water as well. She could feel exhaustion starting to get the best of her and Ukufana knew if it weren't for Khapha she'd have long since perished by now.

The herd was, in fact, pretty permanent. It 'belonged' to the Suzat pride and unknowingly Khapha had led Ukufana right over the edge of their lands. The herders didn't worry so much about marking territory as they did tending to the herds so it was easy to step over the borders. It didn't take long for Ukufana to realize she was on pridal lands, though, just from the gentle smell of lions wafting her way from the south. She paused and crouched as she noticed the tall grass rustling not far from her, hopeful that her pelt would help her blend in. Khapha ducked as well, her shiny feathers not helping them hide.

In actuality, the pelt was making her stand out. Arkani, the Thain of the Suzat, had come out to Northfarthing to see how the Herders were getting on. He liked to make rounds to the farthings to check in personally with his pride members, seeing if they needed help or if there was anything he could do to make their jobs and lives easier. Some of his hobbits loved to put in an honest days work and he found that those that chose ranks that brought them into the other farthings were of that stock. Herders worked especially hard, their job being very physical in that they kept tabs on the herds, hunted, and welcomed those of goodwill that were seeking shelter, food, and rest. They also defended the pride from those that were less innocent in their intents, but the rule of thumb was everyone was friendly and kind.

The zebra pattern had caught his eye simply because the zebra herd was nowhere near this area of Northfarthing. This was the largest area in the pride and the herds were rotated through the savanna, and right now the zebras were closest to the dens and center of the pride. Was it lost? Or was it rogue? He'd never seen a zebra on its own before so it had drawn his interest. When he'd gotten closer, however, his nose let him know it wasn't a zebra at all.

"Oh! Hello," he said as he drew close enough to see it was in fact a lioness hunkered down in the grass with a vulture on her back. Both vulture and lioness looked up at the Thain with wide eyes, clearly worried they were about to be attacked, but when it became clear that Arkani meant no harm they both relaxed.

"We're very sorry," Ukufana said as she rose from her position, Khapha shifting her weight to remain perched between her shoulder blades. "My friend was helping me find food and I didn't realize we'd crossed into a pride until just a moment ago."

"Oh, that's quite all right," Arkani reassured with a little chuckle. Khapha tilted her head, her dark eyes watching the bright lion warily. Who was ever so casual about someone entering pride lands without approval? Back home that certainly wouldn't fly.

"It is?" she asked, the caution clear in her voice. Ukufana was a very friendly lioness and Khapha felt at times that she had to be the voice of reason for her lioness friend. Out here things could get dangerous and while she knew Ukufana could physically take care of herself, it was better to avoid confrontation where it could be helped. The question seemed to make Ukufana realize she shouldn't let her guard down so quickly and her muscles tensed back up, ready to run if she needed to.

"Yes, of course," Arkani went on, noticing the tensing of the lioness but deciding to ignore it. That might only make her more wary. "You've come across the border of the Suzat and we welcome any stranger that crosses our path. If it's food and water you need we'd be happy to help you out."

"'s not just for us," Ukufana said, not wanting to cross hairs before they even started. "I'm a scout of sorts for my pride and I was looking for a place to possibly migrate to." That made Arkani nod in understanding and both Ukufana and Khapha were surprised at his lack of aggression.

"If it's help you need, the Suzat are here to do so," he said jovially. "I'm Arkani, the Thain. Er...I'm in change," he amended with a little chuckle, knowing that the title wouldn't hit home to an outsider. "If your pride is in need of help we'd be happy to do so any way we can." He had to keep in mind the needs of his own pride of course, but the Suzat were always willing to lend a paw when they could.

To say Khapha and Ukufana were surprised was an understatement. They both looked at one another with wide eyes and for a moment it seemed they were communicating through their vision alone. Finally Ukufana looked back at Arkani, a hesitant smile on her face.

"That's very generous of you, Arkani. I'm Ukufana and this is Khapha," she said, nodding back to the bird who gave a little bob of her head in greeting. She was still wary but it seemed this lion was being genuine in his words and his offer, though Khapha found it strange that she'd never heard or seen this pride before. Granted, they'd not come this way before. It was possible no other Cinga had spotted the herds or come this far in search of water and food.

"We're part of a pride called the Ithambo'hlabathi. We're...quite large, I'm afraid. We wouldn't want to drain your resources for us." She did appreciate the gesture but the last thing Ukufana wanted to do was put two prides at risk of starvation. It seemed the Suzat were a fairly stationary pride, too. She and her kin could migrate and look elsewhere.

"Your hospitality is appreciated, though," she said quickly so as not to offend. "And...perhaps if we could take you up on some of it just for ourselves?" She didn't care to say that the journey here had been tough, but Khapha had other plans.

"We've been traveling quite a long ways and my friend is rather susceptible to the sun," the vulture said without hesitation. Ukufana winced slightly, never fond of when her albinism was brought up. She wasn't ashamed of it of course - she felt it tied her to her deceased mother and wore it proudly - but she wasn't fond of the weaknesses it brought her. The zebra pelt did help keep the sun off her but it seemed she grew more weary than other lionesses did, the heat still draining to her system.

"Of course," Arkani said without hesitation. "Come, follow me. You can rest within the pride and regain your strength for as long as you need. There's a fresh kill not far from here when you can eat and there's water closer to the center of the pride. Come along, follow me." He turned without hesitation, his back to the two newcomers as he began to stride off the way he'd come. Hospitality as chief among the Suzat ideals and he wasn't about to let the hungry, tired duo leave without at least something in their bellies.

Ukufana hesitated a moment before looking back at Khapha. The bird shrugged her wings and leapt into the air, beating hard to rise up above the two again. Taking this as a sign of acceptance, Ukufana began to follow Arkani. He seemed genuine in his offer and while she didn't plan on staying long, some food, water, and a good nights rest in a safe spot would certainly help her on her way back home.

WC: 1520