Name: Pari
Age: 20 (3556.7.21)
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: More on that later. Maybe.
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Weyrling
Previous Rank/Craft: Drudge
Physical Description: Tall and leggy, Pari hasn't quite gotten the hang of walking around as if she isn't a herd of small pachyderms. She is accident prone and it shows in the various bruises that she's collected around her body. Granted, that was a fairly recent change, as she sprouted up like a beanpole seemingly overnight. But then at an even 6', with still potential to grow, who could blame her? She is a pleasantly pretty girl with an aquiline nose and thick, dark eyebrows that lend her features a sense of drama. Her hair is an unlikely shade of strawberry blond that doesn't seem to match the rest of her, but falls in loose waves past her shoulders. Her skin is an even olive tone, clearly taking after her Igenese roots, though much paler than her father's desert scorched brown. In other words, totally ordinary in every way for a Rivercrest girl.
Personality: There is very little that escapes Pari. Reading a room was the best way to avoid getting a smack both as a tavern worker and then as a drudge. She is quiet, with a deep undercurrent of calm that may be bit more feigned that she would like. While others might flash their feathers in an attempt to get noticed, Pari has no time for that, and very little interest in catching anyone's eyes. Indeed, she'd much rather remain under the radar. Watching her mother dance her way (literally) into trouble was quite enough for her, thank you.

It's not that she doesn't have hopes or dreams, or the desire to get somewhere in life, it's that she honestly didn't think it was possible. Coming to the Weyr changed everything for Pari, and she's still trying to catch up. Who looks twice at a drudge, after all, unless they are trying to take them to bed? Never mind the people that her parents may have been at one point in their lives. Pari herself has never been anyone special, and doesn't expect that to change anytime soon.

Constantly aware of her surroundings, she does her absolute best to blend in - if not fade into the background. That does make acquiring friends a uniquely challenging venture, but then again, it hadn't seemed possible to form true bonds back at Rivercrest. She would really like to have at least a few close friends, and isn't standoffish in the least. It's just that people didn't seem to stick around long enough for any depth of friendship to develop. That said, no man is an island, and Pari certainly had playmates as a child. Recent times have been harder and inclined her less to making the effort.

While not brilliant, Pari is street smart. She could even be considered bright, but the most she ever learned was how to make sure that the books were balanced.. as well as the usual assortment of teaching ballads required of all Pernese children. Again, coming to Western Weyr has been an eye-opening experience. There is so much more to the world than she ever knew, and it's... well, it's overwhelming. She was genuinely shocked to discover just how much freedom Candidates have, and soaked up as much as she could of the learning she was given. Still, writing beyond short sentences and spelling her own name is a work in progress.

She's been coming out of her shell more and more of late, opening herself up to new experiences, if not a trifle apprehensively. As fiercely protective as her parents may have been, life hasn't been exactly easy, and it's taking a lot of effort to retrain herself into the new way of things. The thought that anyone would want to know any of her opinions is a very new one, and it hasn't totally sunk in yet. At the core of all of this is a young woman desperately longing to reach out, and yet chained by her own hangups. Casgar has tried to coax her out of her shell, and there are clear signs that it's starting to work.
Positive Trait List Curious, quick, levelheaded
Negative Trait List Suspicious, cautious, quiet
History: It was a love story for the ages, or so Pari's parents would have her believe. One day an Igenese pirate came into the Rivercrest port, and stopped at what was reportedly an excellent watering hole, a small tavern of no particular name. It might have been a hole in a wall, but within that wall there was a beautiful dancer by the name of Riana, whose smoldering eyes captivated Payam. It was love at first sight, at least in his case... and the story of how he won over Riana was one that Pari would grow up hearing nearly every night at bedtime. But in order to convince the lovely dancer's parents to accept him as her suitor and future husband, Payam concealed his checkered past, posing as an ordinary seacrafter. And it was true, he certainly knew his way around a boat.

As difficult as it was for the man to find honest work, find it he did, signing on as a dock worker at first just to make ends meet. In time he was able to join a crew on one of the very ships his travelling band of pirates had once tailed. None of that mattered when love was on the line, and although his work took him away from Riana often, he was as true and good to her as ever you could wish. In her turn, Riana never strayed from him, turning down the attentions of many a man in his absence. Their family grew with the addition of little Pari, who was adored by both parents. Meanwhile, Riana attracted the notice of a very wealthy trader indeed, and the man was persistent.

He also happened to be a high paying customer, very much cultivated by the tavern boss. In fact, one might go as far as to say that the man encouraged the patron's pursuit... much to Riana's dismay. Although young, Pari could not help but notice that the trader seemed to spend an awful lot of time around her mama, and that her mama wasn't comfortable with it. For all that the flashy, beautiful Riana loved her work, she did not love all that came with it. So it was that as time wore on the man became more and more belligerent about his intentions... which finally cultivated in the mother of all fights.

There was blood on Payam's hands after that, and though he had not killed the man, he'd come close. Angered that Riana's husband had cost him his best paying patron, the tavern boss booted husband, wife, and child out onto the streets of Rivercrest. But as with all things, that was not the end of their story. Payam had been outed as a pirate, and could no longer work as a seacrafter. Though he could have returned to his old profession, he would not out of love for his wife. And so the entire family began to work directly for the Holder himself, though at the lowliest station possible. Pari had been young then, and transitioned to life as a drudge with relative ease. For all that it had cost her everything she had known up until then, she was not afraid of hard work.

It grieved Riana terribly to give up her career as a dancer, but she had not been Hall trained. That avenue was now closed, possibly forever. Still, she could find some happiness working alongside her husband, and eventually progressed to working in the kitchens as a kitchen worker. It did not escape Pari's notice that working as a drudge was no safer than as a cleaning wench in the tavern. She'd been such a small child then, and even as a growing one at the Hold, she didn't quite fit in. All of the children seemed to have already formed friend groups, and who would deign to include a lowly drudge?

Over time Pari grew to more and more resemble her mother, although she had a definitively Igenese cast of features. She didn't like the attention that being so-called pretty drew, and did her best not to stand out. Being her father's daughter had a certain advantage, however, as she could hide in his shadow most of the time. He'd picked himself back up by his bootstraps, and had made something of himself at the Hold... although he was still working essentially within the same rank. It was well known that he did fine work, but it was the day that he broke up a brawl in the dining hall that cemented his new life path. Payam was delighted to accept the position of Hold guard, though it was not precisely a high ranking one, and took to it just as he had to the open sea.

Which was all well and good for him. Pari did not have any particular talents, although her father had certainly shown her how to defend herself. The tactics that he taught her were underhanded, suited to a growing girl... and learned entirely during his Turns of service on a pirate ship. Life was a bit uncertain. It came as a welcome surprise when a visiting Western rider informed the girl and her family that her blue dragon had seen something of merit within Pari, and she was to stand at the next Hatching, if she proved wiling. For all that Thread had returned, Pari was still relatively untouched by it, having lived her entire life within the confines of Rivercrest Hold, and so she accepted the offer with little qualm.
Other: As much as she might not like to admit it, Pari did love the beautiful clothing and jewelry that her mother once sported - never mind that it was not much more than secondhand courtesan garb. She has a secret love of the finer things, although she would rather die than tell anyone.

Name: Mesosinth
Personality Living large is just Mesosinth's birthright. Hatchright? Either way, there is no reason that a proud dragon of their line should not go out there and become something great. And look at them go! Hatched out of a shell, check. Impressed to a Candidate, check. So many goals already met and at such a young age. A true prodigy if ever there was one. Look at them go! You can miss Mesosinth with your humble attitude and reminders that they are only one of many dragons. No, this dragonet is the dragonet to watch... thank you very much. Loud and proud and not at all concerned about what anyone else has to say about the matter, Mesosinth is a lot.

So it might surprise some to know that Mesosinth is also a doting and tender creature whose hearts want nothing so much as to care for any and every needy dragon and human on the planet. Yes, Mesosinth will do so in their own way, and with the best of your interests at hearts, but they will do it. Don't you try to stop them, because there is no stopping this. As anyone who knows Mesosinth if standing in their way ever got them far, and you will know that they came in like a wrecking ball and they are going to get it done. Understand? If there are hearts bleeding, tears streaming, or even just a lonely soul in need of comfort, Mesosinth is the one. The one with the fun, and the one in the sun. Okay? And they'll try to make it right.

Never mind that they don't have a firm comprehension of boundaries. That is a work in progress, and maybe more of a work than a progress. They've never been very good at acknowledging limits, even if those limits are there for very good reason. Frankly, it baffles them. They don't understand why they shouldn't go as far as they can go, and if someone else disagrees, maybe that other dragon/person is the problem. Not Mesosinth. Of course, there are a variety of opinions on that matter, and Mesosinth is trying to listen to them. Really, they are. It's just that they're really an awesome dragon, and if anyone bothered to try to understand their motives they'd understand that - wait, that's not an acceptable approach to every situation?

What do you mean that they aren't the end-all be-all? Surely this is all just a misunderstanding, and they can just have some good laughs together and become best buddies. No hard feelings. True rejection does not sit well with Mesosinth, and it's going to take a lot of convincing for them to wrap their mind around the fact that they are actually genuinely not wanted. They are likely to take that very, very badly. So badly in fact that they'll be sulking for sevendays if not reminded of the amazing dragon that they are, and that there are other fish in the sea. You can't win them all, but shards if Mesosinth doesn't try.
Egg Size: Medium
Adult Size: Large
Physical Attributes: A powerfully built creature, Mesosinth enjoys how wide their wingspan is, and just how terrifying they can be to behold. Yet they are also an elegant dragon in their own way, with a comely neck and tail.
Additional Notes: Excellent Threadfighter with a tendency to become fiercely protective. Tends to prefer their own gender, although it will depend upon the dragon.

Why Me: It's pretty obvious that Mesosinth has boundary issues, and just as obvious that Pari is Fort Knox. Somewhere between the two there is a balance, and it's a good, wholesome thing. Mesosinth is bound and determined to drag Pari kicking and screaming out of her shell, and it's just as important that Pari paint a veneer of gentility on Mesosinth. That, and teach the dragon some patience, shardit. No tree grew overnight, and Mesosinth needs to learn that they cannot have everything at once. In fact, sometimes they just plain can't have everything. Even so, Mesosinth's borderline arrogance is a good balance for Pari's shyness and retiring nature. There is a lot that they can learn from one another, and they both have a lot of growing to do. Together.
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