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The Konohagakure armory is responsible for supplying all guards in the village with only the finest equipment. The building itself is a small sectioned off building that is attached to the barracks for ease of access.

Sealing Array:

* NOTE: All seals in this array were placed by Lahlil and as such are permanently under the jamming effect when trying ng to locate them.

Finger Engraving Seal [ Shikoku Fuuin ] | Rank C
-All seals are placed on the surfaces themselves and not on paper.

Seal Vanishing | Rank S+ | Class: Fuinjutsu | Cost: Chakra
-Placed on each seal in this array, this seals causes all others to become invisible to sight. (Custom)

Seal Decoy | Rank S+ | Class: Fuinjutsu | Cost: Chakra
-Placed five times over on each seal in the array, this seal mimics the original, in that it appears as if this were the seal one needed to remove in order to distrust the effect to sensory and other funin masters. (Custom)

Seal Ineligibility | Rank S+ | Class: Fuinjutsu | Cost: Chakra
-Placed on each seal in this array, and prevents the reading of, having knowledge, or otherwise being able to disconcern which seal is which in this array by other funin users. (Custom)

Multiple Infinite Embraces [ Tajลซ Mugen Hลyล ] | Rank S+
-Applied by Seal Expanding to cover the whole thread. When activated drains an A-ranked amount of chakra and deal tier-three trauma per post to those inside. This seal is kept in the Konoha sealing array room and must be unsealed there to prevent its projection.

Seal Strengthening | Rank: S+ | Class: Fuinjutsu | Cost: Chakra
-Placed on Multiple Infinite Embraces, preventing the seals unsealing/destruction of until this seal is dealt with. This seal is kept within the Konoha sealing array room.

Seal Strengthening v2 | Rank: S+ | Class: Fuinjutsu | Cost: Chakra
--Placed on Multiple Infinite Embraces, preventing the stealing/prevention of activating/interference with outputting already established connections of this seal without first dealing with this one. This seals physical location is in the Konoha sealing array room.

Seal Strengthening | Rank: S+ | Class: Fuinjutsu | Cost: Chakra
-Placed on Seal Strengthening v2, this seal prevents the unsealing/destruction of without first dealing with this seal. The physical location of this seal is in the Konoha sealing array room.

Seal Expanding | Rank: A | Class: Fuinjutsu | Cost: Chakra
-Expands the Multiple Infinite Embraces to the entire thread. This seals physical location is in the Konoha sealing array room.

Seal Strengthening | Rank: S+ | Class: Fuinjutsu | Cost: Chakra
-Placed on the Seal Expanding lines, this seal prevents the unsealing/destruction of without first dealing with this seal first. The physical location of this seal is in the Konoha sealing array room.

Seal Strengthening v2 | Rank: S+ | Class: Fuinjutsu | Cost: Chakra
-Placed on the above seal, this seal prevents the stealing of/prevention of activation/interface with a current outputting signal until this seal is dealt with. This seals physical location is kept within the Konoha sealing array room.

Seal Strengthening | Rank: S+ | Class: Fuinjutsu | Cost: Chakra
-Placed on the seal above, this seal prevents the unsealing/destruction of it without first dealing with this seal. This seals physical location is in the Konoha sealing array room.

Scroll Communication Technique [ Sukurลru tsลซshin no Jutsu ] | Rank C | Universal
-Multiple Lines of Communication are placed throughout the area, as well on with each guard themselves that act as walkie-talkies with other guards across the village, Lahlil, and Sadayo.