Name: T'bir
Age: 32 Turns
Nameday: 3544.02.22
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homoflexible
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider (Assistant Weyrlingmaster)
Previous Rank/Craft: Journeyman Courtesan ("Diplomat"/Spy)
Physical Description: T'bir is a man who is undeniably striking, and not just because of his impressive height. Easily the first thing noticed about him is that almost everything about him is shockingly pale. His hair is platinum in color and falls into his eyes and around his ears in choppy waves - framing a particularly sharp, angular face with narrow, russet brown eyes. He is particularly prone to sunburns, as his skin is so pale that most of his color comes from the flush of his blood showing through, giving him a pinkish undertone. Years of living as a dragonrider has given him an impressive physique, although his muscle tends to favor developing compact and lean, giving him a sleeker look overall. While his daily fashion tends to lean towards practicality, T'bir is a man who does take a small amount of pleasure in fine things. He often wears rich blues and decorative furs when he can get away with it, although his furs are reserved for occasions where they won't risk damage.
Positive Trait List Pragmatic, fiercely loyal, quick-thinking, composed.
Negative Trait List Quick-tempered, slow to trust, prideful, stern.
History: T'bir was born in a small cothold beholden to Western Hold to a farming family that claimed to have worked the land for generations. Although there was no definitive way to prove those claims, his father was particularly proud of the supposed birthright he intended to pass down to his sons as his own father had passed it to him. For that reason, his father was elated when his wife announced her second pregnancy. Pleased though he was with his first son, a second child was a welcome surprise.

But any joy he felt over his second child was shattered the moment he first beheld T'bir - small and pale in a way no one else in the family was. Through a quirk of genetics, his birth had shattered the peace of his family. While his elder brother always adored and doted on him, his father always seemed cold and distant, and the relationship between his parents only became more strained as he grew older. No matter how hard he tried to please everyone, he quickly learned that it was impossible. His brother was easy, but to placate one parent always seemed to disappoint the other.

And perhaps his life would have continued along that vein well into adulthood, had the resentment his father harbored not finally come to a boil.

From a cothold beholden to Western. Has an older brother. Father accused mother of adultery because of his appearance. Apprenticed to Courtesan hall to escape turbulent family life. Was tapped for spywork. Reached Journeyman and was sent to observe hatching as first assignment. Accidentally Stands impressed. (Will elaborate further. Just tossing down notes for me to remember.)
Other: T'bir has one firelizard hatched from an egg he purchased as a small celebration for walking the tables - a bronze who has recognized his name as Nuisance. The little firelizard's chosen moniker is rather apt, as he is an ornery little thing that enjoys harassing his owner, but he can behave when it's important. Funnily enough, he always seems to know when it is.

Name: Hinokith
Age: 12 Turns
Color: Bronze
Size: 92'
Physical Description: Unmistakably large, both in terms of length and sheer bulk. He is powerfully built with a broad chest and enormous wingspan, but suffers a bit in speed and maneuverability due to his sheer size. In spite of his musculature, he has a particularly long head and neck crowned with elegant head knobs, matched by an equally long tail.
Positive Traits: Cheerful, loving, optimistic, loyal.
Negative Traits: Dramatic, oblivious, impulsive, headstrong.
Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment:
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