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Rosewood hadn't given much thought to being able to grow up on her own, but she'd overheard Burningnight discussing it. ForestClan apprentices weren't uncommon, apprentices died in battle or via sickness. That's just what happened sometimes. However, something had happened in StarClan that had passed into the rumor mill of the dark forest. One of their kits, Leopardkit had grown into an apprentice! Rosewood was both excited and indignant when she discovered this. On the one paw, she might have a chance at growing up! She could get bigger and bigger than her rolly polly body would allow currently. On the other paw, why did Leopardkit grow up when she didn't? Hadn't she been training harder? Was it because she was a StarClan cat? What if Rosewood wouldn't be allowed to grow older or bigger all because she lived with the ForestClan cats?!

That night when she visited Golem in his dreams, he stopped her.

"Stop, Rosewood. You're not focused and I will not train you if you are not putting everything into it." Rosewood bristled a little. She was trying her best to focus, but with the news circulating around ForestClan about that stupid StarClan Leopardkit... Her eyes lowered and she sighed. She really wanted to train and get better. She was able to do a nearly perfect hunters' crouch now and she sharpened her claws all the time, not that she'd ever have to use them against another cat. That was for living cats. Just another thing she could never be."What's wrong?" Golem asked her and sat beside her, starting to groom himself despite knowing it wouldn't make a difference in the morning once he woke.

"Leopardkit grew up into Leopardpaw." She admitted and Golem snorted a laugh, rolling his eyes.

"So they changed their name, so what? I can call you Rosewoodtoes if it makes you feel better enough that you train harder again." He replied, but she shook her head.

"No, I mean she was a kitten like me, but now she's practically fully grown! That's what Burningnight is saying, but of course I can't go ask her about it, because she's in StarClan and we're not allowed over there. I don't even know if ForestClan cats can grow up like she was allowed to!" She mewed and looked up to find Golem staring at her. She looked away. "What?" She mewed, her fur warming under his gaze.

"So what if she has grown bigger? She may have the size, but I doubt she has the dedication or training that you have. You may be smaller than her, maybe forever, but I have no doubt in my mind that you will be the more capable cat." He told her and Rosewood got to her paws and rubbed up against his leg, purring. He rolled his eyes towards the dark sky, but smiled. "If you can purr, you can train. Feeling better?" He confirmed and she nodded.

"Yeah, I'm ready to train now." She agreed and pulled away. Even if she may not grow bigger, as she supposed she always knew she wouldn't, she would still dream of as much. And besides, even if she didn't grow big, it was like Golem had been saying all along. She was still growing, even if she wasn't growing up.

(WC: 550)