Name: Thraete
Age: 20
Nameday: 3556.11.06
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Craft: Glasscraft
Rank: Journeyman
Location: High Reaches
Physical Description:
Thraete cuts an imposing figure with his broad shoulders and muscular frame that skews toward bulky in conjunction with the often solemn expression he wears. His features are strong, from the sculpted angle of his cheekbones to the statuesque squareness of his jaw tapering into a chiseled chin that is adorned, more often than not, with well-maintained scruff. His skin is a rich golden-brown that suggests either a fair amount of time spent in the sun or just very good genetics and is mottled only by a pair of scars slicing over his heart.

His hair is cropped close to the scalp on either side of his head and is kept dark while the rest on top is left long where he sweeps it over and has colored it blue at the roots where it then gradually tapers to a soft green then yellow out to the ends. This look stands in sharp contrast to the rest of his appearance and attitude, indicating maybe a lack of the severity that he seems to exude.

His eyes are a deep, warm brown color that can either appear dark and brooding or soft depending on how one catches and chooses to interpret them. When he speaks it is in a low, rumbling voice that is smooth as opposed to gravelly in spite of his otherwise gruff appearance.

Thraete often presents with the hardness naturally found in those who spent their formative years breaking rocks in dark holes that could collapse on them at any moment. It isn’t so much in his words or deeds, but in the energy he exudes and the constant ‘hard’ expression that he wears. This makes him seem relatively unapproachable to outsiders and he doesn’t do much to expel these initial impressions, though his colorful choice of hair could be some small effort on his part to show that he isn’t just some brute who will growl and snap like a hungry dragon whenever someone wishes to speak with him.

In truth he is a gentle man who was taught to handle things with care and to listen when others speak because you learn more that way than speaking over them. He has a compassionate heart and he earnestly roots for the success of others. Having had someone believe in him was young taught him the importance of having someone in your corner, whether they are unexpected or not. That being said he still spends much of his time alone and, although he welcomes others to open up to him and take the support he offers, he is a bit closed off when it comes to doing the same. His family wasn’t really interested in hearing about him or his life and Delnyora was great, but he preferred listening to her than telling her about himself. All of this culminates in his seeming removal from forming deeper bonds by sharing parts of who he is.

When you do get to know him though he is a surprisingly fun loving guy who can be sarcastic and funny when he wants to be. Beneath his hard outer shell he is full of surprises and, in time, he may open up enough to allow others to see that in him. He is creative and strong willed but above all he always strives to be kind.

Positive Trait List Resilient. Patient. Quiet.
Negative Trait List Guarded. Imposing. Stubborn.

Thraete was a hold brat born into a poor family in Nabold who, like so many of the underprivileged, tirelessly worked the mines in order to line Lord Gansley’s pockets while they barely managed to scrape by or afford so much as a loaf of bread to soothe their almost constant hunger pangs. And as soon as he was big enough to pick up debris he was tossed into the dark, dusty mineshafts right alongside his mother, father and elder brother. Day after monotonous day he spent breaking rocks in search of jewels, minerals and ore that he would never be able to handle aside from placing it into a bin to be shipped off to where those who were far better off than he could admire and flaunt their value. It wasn’t much of a life, but without much of an education and zero opportunity to even attempt to amass wealth, it was as good as it was going to get for him. Or so he had been repeatedly led to believe. However, and in a place where bettering yourself was nigh impossible without wealth, he was granted a very slim and very small opportunity almost entirely by accident.

One day after finishing up his shift at the mines and stepping out into the quickly fading light he found himself witnessing a rather unusual spectacle. A slender, wrinkled woman appeared to be arguing with one of the wher handlers guarding the mines and, judging by the shrillness of her voice and the booming of his, things were about to turn nasty. And, although he had been taught after many years to turn his head and ignore such things lest he wind up in the middle of something that would cost him dearly, for reasons unknown he wasn’t able to walk away.

After nearly causing way more problems for himself and his family than he was comfortable with he somehow managed to diffuse the situation and peel the still irate woman from the guard, issuing plenty of placations as he did so. It wasn’t until he had gotten her a safe distance away that the two began speaking and he came to realize that he had risked life and limb for sand. Yes, sand. The woman turned out to be a glasscrafter by the name of Delnyora who had, apparently, made some kind of deal with that particular wher handler that granted her access to some of the sand that resulted from their efforts in the mine. But, as she continually pointed out, even corruption can be corrupted.

Things should have ended there and things should have gone back to the way they were, but they didn’t. As it turned out Delnyora had seen something in that dirt encrusted youth who had come to her aid that day, a passion bubbling just below the surface that had yet to be completely snuffed out by the oppression of life in Nabold. She took a chance on Thraete and decided to teach him glasscraft in private simply to see if she could repay his earlier kindness, not knowing that it would become so much more. After much cajoling and convincing, she finally got the young miner to use his hands for something other than destroying things.

Even though Thraete only managed to spend a few hours at a time with Delnyora he was able to pick up the basics of the craft fairly quickly and actually discovered that he enjoyed doing it. There was something about taking a molten lump of nothing and forming it into something useful that was relaxing and fulfilling in his mind. Delnyora was also a highly interesting person to spend time with considering she had originally come from the Weyrhold at Whitecliff for reasons he couldn’t understand, but he enjoyed hearing her stories none-the-less. He learned much under her tutelage and guidance such as how to follow his passion, listen, gentility and to be patient. She was also an excellent role model in the way of standing for her convictions, though that was harder for him to master.

There was no way for the glasscrafter to take him on as a true apprentice because his family never would’ve allowed it, but she seemed to enjoy sharing her craft all the same. To his family’s limited and uneducated minds something like that was a fruitless waste of time when mining was all they had ever known to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. He spoke of it to them only once and never again afterward, especially since everyone in the mine heard about his interest and decided to make his ‘delicacy’ the butt of many of their jokes. He learned to keep silent about such things as he knew they were not appreciated there, but that did not prevent him from continuing his lessons. It wasn’t until a few years had passed that the world he had started to see for himself came crashing down around him like shards of broken glass.

Delnyora had always been bold and strong in her convictions, but in a place like Nabold such spirit was not appreciated. Eventually the feisty woman crossed the wrong group of thugs and she lost her shop and her life as a result of it. Whether it was an ‘accident’ or not mattered little to Thraete and he was too broken up about it to be consumed with anything other than a deep sense of loss.

Thankfully it was around this time that he was discovered during a Search as being in possession of something that may make him worthy of being a dragonrider, otherwise he likely would have slipped into deep obscurity and hopelessness. He likes to believe that this opportunity was again granted to him by Delnyora and her ardent belief that there was more to him than meets the eye.

Other: N/A at this time

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No