The day had been long and hot, leaving Malie to give up trying to walk during the sunlit hours. She'd found a nearly dried up watering hole and a lone tree to rest under, finding nothing but flies for company for the majority of her rest. She'd tried to nap but without the familiar ocean breeze it was hard to find any sort of comfortable position. Was she wrong in having left the Bahari? Was she silly for trying to find her way to the Firekin? Was this a waste of time? Would they laugh her away from the edge of the pride without even giving her the chance to duel?

While the young lioness lay contemplating her life choices, not far off a lone male strode quietly through the plains. Tawa was having similar down-trodden thoughts though for completely different reasons. He'd joined the Bonelands years ago, following his childhood sweetheart to her new home following her exile. He'd waited months for an opportunity to join, had succeeded in ousting the male he'd battled, and had found a new home with the lioness he'd followed. He'd had a small but beautiful litter with his 'mate' - though he couldn't use that word within the pride, as it was his job to give cubs to any female who asked him - but soon after their birth a fire had claimed the life of his beloved. Tossed into a sudden depression, Tawa had stepped down from Inselelo to Ahluke to raise his daughters on his own. He'd sired another litter of cubs though he tried to have as little to do with them as possible, devoting himself to the twins he'd had first. Years had passed and the albino twin had set off on her own, leaving one day and never coming back. Hurt by her loss, Tawa was beginning to wonder if he should leave as well. He was becoming a useless weight to the pride, feeling lonely despite being amid many lionesses.

Still, he had a job to do for now, and he could smell the scent of a lioness he didn't know on the air. That wasn't a bad thing, of course. It could mean more new blood for the Bonelands. Approaching the monochrome speck under a tree, Tawa gave a low chuff to announce his presence.

Lifting her head at the noise, Malie felt her heart race as she spotted the huge male approaching her. She quickly got to her feet, ready to rumble if that was the case, but also ready to bolt. He was...yup. Huge. Maybe running would be the better option.

"Hey!" she called out, trying not to let her voice shake too much. "What's up?"

The casual call made Tawa pause, the youth of the lioness becoming apparently. He slowed his walk and paused a safe distance away, tail flicking casually to let her know he wasn't a threat. A little smile crossed his muzzle and he gave a low chuckle, recognizing her defensive body posture. She was spunky but young and probably scared.

"Hello," he returned. "I was just coming to see who was here. I caught your scent on the air. You're not far from my pride and I just wanted to make sure you weren't a threat or, perhaps, if you were interested in joining."

"Your pride?" Malie sniffed the air, but thanks to the way the very low wind was blowing she couldn't scent anything but the murky water beside her. "Oh...uh, well, unless your pride is the Firekin, nah, I wasn't looking to join a pride. But you look like you'd fit in there!" she said with a little laugh, relaxing now that it was apparent the massive male wasn't going to attack her or try to chase her off.

Tawa's heart ached as the young lioness spoke. The Firekin. His original pride. The one that had tossed his beloved out for not being the proper coloration due to no fault of her own. Her albinism had saturated her fur, stealing the fire from it and with it her chance at thriving where she was born. Tawa couldn't help but feel resentment towards his homeland even though he knew that was the way of things.

", my pride is the Bonelands," he clarified, trying not to let his emotion into his voice. The black and white female didn't seem to notice, thankfully, and he cleared his throat. "But that's a...noble destination. It's quite difficult to make it there. The desert is harsh and unforgiving."

"Yeah, that's what I've heard." Malie rolled her shoulders a bit, a grin on her face that clearly welcomed the challenge. "Only those that make it to the border are honored with a duel. I can do it." Maybe not right now, but she was honing her skills here in the rogue lands. Her hunting had gotten much better and despite her youth she'd managed to fend off a hyena or two from her kills. She was gaining knowledge she'd never have gotten in the Bahari and with every passing day she felt as though her chances of impressing whatever Firekin she met for a duel were getting better.

Tawa gave a low hum. It was clear the lioness had fire in her heart even if she was fireless in appearance. Still, her colors were acceptable as far as he could tell. Surely when she grew she'd be able to challenge her way in. Hopefully she'd find more success there than he had.

"Well, if that is your path, I'll leave you to your rest. There's a better watering hole about an hour's walk north of here," he supplied helpfully, nodding in the direction he'd said. "More animals around as well. You're welcome to stay here, of course. I'll let my pride know that you're simply passing through."

"Oh, thanks!" Malie said with a grin. "Yeah, I was just waiting for the sun to set a bit. Hot day and all." She tilted her head as if she was going to say something else but decided against it, instead flopping back down into the little wallow she'd dug herself. "Well, thanks for the info! Hope you have a good day, sir."

"And you as well," Tawa returned, pausing a moment before turning back to his patrol. He tried not to think about his old home or his current one. Both places held heartache. Perhaps it was best to consider finding a new start somewhere else once again.

WC: 1081