Alexia Reed is waiting backstage for an interview as Crusade returns from a commercial.

"Please welcome my guest at this time, the GWA International Honor champion, Andre Damone."

Andre steps into view, ready to head for the ring with the title on his shoulder. "We seem to meet like this a lot, Alexia. Almost like a champion should occasionally do an interview or something."

Alexia is business as usual. "Well, the question on everyone's mind is that a challenge was issued last week. You were busy defending the championship, I'm sure, but The Jester wants a title shot here tonight. Are you going to give it to him?"

Andre's expression turns to one of mock offense. "Are you implying that I might run from a challenge? Alexia, you wound me." The champion smirks. "No, but seriously, I'm not running from a damn clown. His name is the Jester. He's a literal clown. He happens to be holding those tag titles, but he won't be for long. Let's face, it, I have worked harder and held more gold in GWA than anyone else here. I've pretty much beaten back everyone. I beat Jester's boss, I beat back every single challenger to the International Honor championship, and he's just going to be another to add to the list. At this point, the bosses are probably struggling to figure out who will challenge me next. So tonight, Clown boy, I want you to go in the back, dig in that little bag of yours and find your balls. Leave your partner in the back because this belt is only defended under Honor rules, and I"m not in the mood to retain by DQ. Tonight, you get the main event spot on Crusade. You get to go one on one with the single most dominant champion in GWA and find out first hand why your boss could never beat me on his own, he needed your little group to help him."

Alexia: Strong words, but have they agreed to your challenge for the tag titles?

Andre shrugs. "Do you ever actually understand anything they say? Their accents are just so thick.....with bullshit. After tonight, when the gesture loses three straight falls, what excuse do they have to hide behind? I'm going to get what I want because I work for it. Besides, no one else has stepped up to challenge them. I'd say this is a sure thing."

Andre walks off