[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/14/2020
/slaps down her toys/

I give permission for all Weyrborn/long standing candidates from the following Weyrs to have some sort of relationship of the friend (or not) sort.

D'rok (recently impressed but Weyrborn. Would have been actively herded at Bronzerider kids)
Kahbrohm (may not be liked)
Kinye (everybody is fren)
Juhvek (Weyrborn)

L'nik (impressed almost 3 turns ago but Weyrborn)
Aryale (impressed 1 turn ago but Weyrborn)
Thaideem (impressed like 4 months ago, but Weyrborn)
(Hi, I've realized characters who should have longer standing relationships w the world around them kind of don't. I have older ones in the same boat too)
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/14/2020
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/14/2020
Younger Weyrborn candidates (think creched in the last 14 turns or so) may also be familiar w Mailse who is a crecheworker and tends to the littles
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/14/2020
Kedah probably has a lot of friends among the weyrbrats too
Assuming they can put up with a little rough handling from time to time
R'thell of Green Triesteth08/14/2020
Zyamel says Kedah is an A+ friend and very easy to handle in certain cases. :joy:
Heida would agree!
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/14/2020
Kedah says Zyamel was also easy to handle in certain cases ;D
R'thell of Green Triesteth08/14/2020
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/14/2020
Sounds about right
They both get that from their parents
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/14/2020
HR wise, C'
mric was a creche kid and claims many others as sibs, whether they actually are or not
And is a bronzerider.
Eralgais, also Weyrborn/doot, a Herg'r kid, full of makin' friends.
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/17/2020
Khaz and Alenciath would like some RP. Anybody game for random starts here in like....an hour?
R'thell of Green Triesteth08/17/2020
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/17/2020
(Tsu) Aerden of Blue Tianxiath08/17/2020
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/17/2020
/holds out arms for kids
snap crackle smerd08/17/2020
/drops a whole a** bronze in arms ouo
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/17/2020
biggrin !!
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/17/2020
Smerdle, the bronze bros are going to have to have a Talk, one of these days. XD
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
What if I just assign you guys RPs
This is your homework nooow
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/17/2020
Doooo it. XD
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/17/2020
Arpee :slap:
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Okay, everybody. HR weyrlings sound off.
I will assign RPs to you.
T'ry and Cordeth
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/17/2020
D'rok and Khazariath
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Okay you two are going to do a RP. The prompt is that you've been paired for weyrling drills.
/pulls up weyrling chart
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/17/2020
/salute!/ I'll get something started after lunch!
(Gotta throw food in me AND in the slow cooker)
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Seventh Month
Geography of Pern -- Western Continent
Basic Aerial Drills
Learning about Between
Between Coordinates: High Reaches and Fort Weyrs; High Reaches, Tillek, Ruatha, Fort and Southern Boll Holds
Dragon Toss
First Supervised Trip Between
Supervised Beween Trips to Local Hotspots

Additional Gold Lessons
Basic HN03 sprayer Training and maneuvers during Flight
Basic gold command lecture and lessons under Weyrwoman's supervision
Advanced Leadership Training with the Weyrwoman Second and Weyrleader Second
Advanced Dragonhealing Lessons with Weyrwoman & Weyrwoman Second

Eighth Month
Between Coordinates: Igen, Ista, & Telgar Weyrs; Igen, Keroon, Nerat, Ista, and Telgar Holds
Intermediate Aerial Drills begin: including first rope drills
Night flying โ€“ including learning about star charts
Unsupervised Between Jumps at the Weyr
Unsupervised Between Jumps to Local Hotspots
Threadfighting lectures and discussions
Threadfall charts
Greens may begin to rise

Additional Gold Lessons
Advanced HN03 Sprayer Training and maneuvers during Flight
Advanced gold commands under Weyrwoman's supervision
Gold Flight Duties and Responsibilties Q&A with Weyrwoman and Weyrwoman Second
Clutch charts and general dragon flight achives
You'd be right in between these two months
Maybe stick to month 7
sounds good. - today is class day, am in class until 1:00 then have an hour until work, so I will respond as soon as I can-
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/17/2020
Ok! And no rush โ™กโ™ก
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
OKAY, any other horsies?
Alternatively: tiny cocktails
and/or NPCs
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/17/2020
/throws down Zegurath and Thai who also needs some RP @ NPCs
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Sam you have NPCs
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/17/2020
I do! I have G'rus and Ardupath and V'styn and Galaith
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
OKAY! It is month 3ish for NPCs, so kiddies...
Third Month
Geography of Pern โ€“ Northern Continent: Telgar, Ista, Crom
Intermediate ground drills begin
Dragon Development and Growth
Intermediate ground drills continue, adding in group drills
Advanced Bonding between rider and dragon
Let's set the prompt as maze walking!
Riders will be wearing blindfolds.
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/17/2020
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/17/2020
Hee! Sounds like fun.
Who'm I sticking in the maze with Zegurath and Thai, boss?
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Any preference?
Anyone need polishing?
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/17/2020
I think my default for those guys is G'rus and Ardupath, so let's do that.
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Sounds good
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/17/2020
Though V'styn and Galaith are certainly down for other assignments if other NPCers turn up.
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Okay smile
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/17/2020
I'll throw you a start, Pach.
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
@here OKAY please come get your RP assignments for weyrling RPs - I will continue to assign pairs as I'm able
T'nori and Chluaith, reporting for duty.
(Tsu) Aerden of Blue Tianxiath08/17/2020
La'hisen and Othelloth here!
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/17/2020
Sounds good, Sam! biggrin
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Okay Chluaith & Othelloth - you guys are practicing Between Coordinates
and geography
(Tsu) Aerden of Blue Tianxiath08/17/2020
Yes good! :hype:
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
No one is actually going between, however.
Got it! I imagine it'd be something like looking at drawings of locations or reading descriptions of them and repeating them back?
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
That's definitely part of it. Although they are also given coordinates from their Weyrlingmasters etc. The dragons would pass those along.
R'thell of Green Triesteth08/17/2020
HR Vardoth & Ch'el are happy to do things.

Western I've got NPC Bbs Ty'len & Exiloth, and Cocktail R'thell & Triesteth. ;3 -zooms back to work-
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Any other takers from horses/NPCs/cocktails?
- willing to do more than one rp w/ T'ry and Cordeth -
Brenva/Skalmath are up for it!
Nashwa of Gold Ilaorunth08/17/2020
I have I'zrin and Maestoth, Nashwa and Ilaorunth, and Teohe and Tiossith.
and not weyrlings but also have Samedith/Faranie and Tessiah/Devanagarith at HR
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/17/2020
Cocktail, I have Zh'gan and Manahahtath
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Skalmath/Maestoth will be one, then... Vardoth/Cordeth another
okay, I'll play XD
from Horses I have T'roi and Destrierth
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
You guys will be practicing basic aerial drills or dragon toss
from Cocktails I have Ty'nan and Chinanazith
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Chinanazith and Ilaorunth will be learning about dragon health care
Manahahtath & Triesteth will be assigned history of dragonkind
I need a second derg for Destrieth to pair with
(Tsu) Aerden of Blue Tianxiath08/17/2020
/holds out Tianxiath for cocktails
- a glutton for punishment, so if a second is needed, Cordeth is always available -
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Okay, Destrieth and Cordeth it is. Anyone else who wants multiple RPs can also make that request. You guys will be learning about between.
Any cocktails for Tianxiath? Possible that I missed one.
Of course Isteth is also available to be assigned with Tianxiath, but yours truly is a very slow RPer
B'den of Green Riojath (Mags)08/17/2020
B'den and Riojath are here!
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Okay, Riojath and Tianxiath, your assignment is basic ground drills
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/17/2020
I can do multiple threads with NPC or Cocktail
(Tsu) Aerden of Blue Tianxiath08/17/2020
B'den of Green Riojath (Mags)08/17/2020
^_^ do you wanna start tsu?
and thank you for doing this Cheri!
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
You're welcome :slight_smile:
I can try to start some threads after 3:00, when my clients don't need assistance.
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
I think fae had mentioned an interest in this, so I will assign Kahveth and Manahahtath to...
dragon healthcare and nutrition beyond the basics
B'den of Green Riojath (Mags)08/17/2020
if adults are needed i have Vosin/Killakeeth and N'den/Belengath
both are at western
[๐ŸฆŠ] Niselle of green Uvaldoth08/17/2020
Wait what's this about horse weyrlings that I missed? playing FFXIV
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/17/2020
Triesteth and Kahveth. Got it!
Nashwa of Gold Ilaorunth08/17/2020
I am exhausted from work, but could maybe do starts tomorrow, if they don't get tossed up before then.
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Any horse clutch bbs for Uvaldoth?
R'thell of Green Triesteth08/17/2020
I'm slow but still have Vardoth
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Okay, Uvaldoth and Vardoth, your assignment is geography of Pern
(Tsu) Aerden of Blue Tianxiath08/17/2020
@B'den of Green Riojath (Mags) Absolutely! I might be a tad slow, but it will happen!
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
This is still open, so if there are late comers I will continue to make assignments.
[๐ŸฆŠ] Niselle of green Uvaldoth08/17/2020
I have no idea what the assignments are but sign me up nonetheless! smile
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Here. :slight_smile:
I'm just doing it in the channel.
the assignments XDD
Geography of Pern!
Your riders and dragons will be learning about local and regional geography.
Since I assigned that to you.
Basically it's an open prompt about that.
[๐ŸฆŠ] Niselle of green Uvaldoth08/17/2020
Oooooh okay!
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
You guys can all take it from where I've started you - this is only intended to set the scene and provide something to bounce off of.
B'den of Green Riojath (Mags)08/17/2020
spring board!
@(Tsu) Aerden of Blue Tianxiath no worries. i work the next 4 days, so probably will be slow too. do you want me to start?
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Also, if anyone feels like their character needs special tutoring - I can offer Z'von & Dhremorath at HR, at least.
Although they are pretty crispy right now :joy:
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/17/2020
Deep fried tutor
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
They are grounded for awhile but it doesn't mean they can't help the baby babies.
B'den of Green Riojath (Mags)08/17/2020
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Unfortunately not with anything like... well... between... or flying :joy:
R'thell of Green Triesteth08/17/2020
..... I think some horses are due some Between jumps soon. Which month are they in? LOL
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/17/2020
going into month 8, so it's def about that time!
(Khaz will go fuss over Papa!Dhremorath for non-lesson reasons, but if he must come with an excuse he will)
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/17/2020
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Unfortunately I can't help with between lessons right now.
R'thell of Green Triesteth08/17/2020
Gonna have to work on pulling out those Between grids, for sure. < <
B'den of Green Riojath (Mags)08/17/2020
giggles Tianxiath and Riojath are going to be trouble. XD
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Anyone else interested in being paired for weyrling RP?
snap crackle smerd08/17/2020
i need NPC clutch but i know if i have it, it will be Too Many and i won't tag anything
so pretend i said yes
but i'm not
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
I'll do this again on other occasions too
Only person on shift, and potentially here for a double, so won't be able to type up any starts until tomorrow afternoon at the very earliest. So much work crazy...
B'den of Green Riojath (Mags)08/17/2020
i'm so sorry dawns
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/17/2020
Big mood that hot hot tator tot 12-16 hour life 8( good luck
Now that I'm more awake and I'm showing up hours late with starbucks, I'd be game for weyrling pairs if they might be a thing still, or just some rp for my kids in general!
I've got Tuelarua and Palouseth for horse clutch, Keris and Kiadrath for npc, and Niviora and Sauzath for cocktails.
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/17/2020
MY BAD I didnt realize this wasnt irl with the work talk going on!!
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Happens sometimes :slight_smile: dawns I think was just updating us re: ETA for RP starts
I need some more volunteers for weyrling RP
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/17/2020
throws Urzoh and Cartujanth, and Sivu and Haitanth at plotting
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Anyone else?
(Tsu) Aerden of Blue Tianxiath08/17/2020
I volunteer my kiddos some more. :eyes:
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Part of the point of this is to RP outside of your usual groups ;D
I know everyone's clusters
But I will find kiddies for everyone
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/17/2020
Give me all the interactions :catgimme:
Nashwa of Gold Ilaorunth08/17/2020
I want things but also owe so many. :CRY: /eyes little mountain of old tags
R'thell of Green Triesteth08/17/2020
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Thank you for volunteering
I understand chronic illness, but he is known for playing it up.
R'thell of Green Triesteth08/17/2020
I also owe a lot of things. :sweat_smile: I hope everyone is forgiving. Sometimes new starts can help inspire for old ones, too
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Haitanth and Triesteth will be learning all about deeper bonds
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/17/2020
I can volunteer more. Or adult dergs too.
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
(Unless I'm reversing kids)
I can also volunteer more.
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Sauzath and Manahahtath can learn more about mating flights
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/17/2020
I can figure out a start when I'm out of work later/morning time, unless you'd like to uta!!
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Tianxiath and Isteth will learn about the history of dragon kind because Uta is forcing me to also join
Nashwa of Gold Ilaorunth08/17/2020
ROFL, Ilaorunth is over here like WAIT I WANT THE MATING FLIGHT LESSON. :ablobattentionreverse:
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Not yet Ilaorunth
B'den of Green Riojath (Mags)08/17/2020
heart go uta
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Of course that also makes me break my own rules
but what are you going to do
Any more horses?
Nashwa of Gold Ilaorunth08/17/2020
But booooys. :pleading_face: :IlaorunthSparkleHeart:
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/17/2020
Urzoh/Cartujanth :catgimme:
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
I need to match Pauloseth and Cartujanth
But not together
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/17/2020
The teacher splitting up friends who talk too much from sitting together :memed:
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/17/2020
My babies are always available for all the things
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Cartujanth and Khazariath, you are assigned to dragon toss
Sauzath will be happy to dish some deets for Ilaorunth sometime~
Found her favorite subject already ajshrej
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
One more horsey
Cordeth and Palouseth, maybe?
Nashwa of Gold Ilaorunth08/17/2020
Ilaorunth would love to hear, yes pls. :blobaww~1:
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
You will be learning all about between coordinates
Nope, not yet miss goldy face
R'thell of Green Triesteth08/17/2020
@Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock] If you could do a start at your leisure, that would be great!! I'm just finishing up work and then am diving into some soup... LOL.
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/17/2020
(What is dragon toss? Is it practicing tossing for firestone?)
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/17/2020
Gotcha :catgimme:
Nashwa of Gold Ilaorunth08/17/2020
Not even gossip from sister? :CRY: WOE.
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
It's practicing throwing firestone
and catching it
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/17/2020
Cartujanth enjoy ur black eye
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
On their own time, sure
But this is Lesson Time :fire:
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/17/2020
Okay! Thats what I thought but wanted to be sure โ™กโ™ก
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/17/2020
Also sorting firestone and etc
Sauzath will happily gossip, too~ Especially about cute boys. And girls. And.... :sauzathheart:
Also I'm game for Palouseth and Cordeth if you are, @dawnses I can try to start something in a bit
I am definitely up for it. and that would be great if you could start.
watches all the Weyrling stuff
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/18/2020
Is deeper bond lessons dragons chilling together or is there stuff that needs included with it?
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/18/2020
My brain: 'Trust fall exercises'
(This is not a real answer, just had to share because I laughed)
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/18/2020
It's not just chilling together
The blindfolded maze is an example, but another one would be having one rider show the other rider's dragon a picture... then asking the rider (turned away) what it was.
R'thell of Green Triesteth08/18/2020
Some of those lessons are also likely lectures about why developing a good rapport I'd necessary. It could be a game of hide and seek where the dragons or riders go somewhere else in the Bowl and give hints to theirs. Or the other rider and dragon go "hide" and the other pair get hints. ... Or letting said dragon in if the bond is strained. Could be a report about any of it. It's important having a good rapport and trust with said dragon. And knowing how to communicate emotionally, verbally, and telepathically. More advanced techniques would involve learning boundaries.
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/18/2020
There are many ways the lesson could play out
R'thell of Green Triesteth08/18/2020
If folks aren't feeling over burdened I do have two riders at HR in the infirmary who could use some company. If anyone wants some post-Thread threads haha. Fianth is also ready to love on and support all the wounded (and her bbs).
Venandith also would not mind being a visitor... He knows sometimes those injured just need a hunk of strong manmeat to inspire them
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/18/2020
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/18/2020
/holds out her own kids to be visitors/
Nashwa of Gold Ilaorunth08/18/2020
R'thell of Green Triesteth08/18/2020
I've got a younger green rider E'sul and Nioweth, with the latter having a poor broken arm on top of all the thread damage. (Hesperith has a hard back, but still would 10/10 recommend being caught by.)

And I've got a blue rider K'vah and blue Nyenyezith, who were Magic Clutch kiddos. They're mostly feeling bad about flaming poor Meigth down and will certainly try to visit/apologize once able.

If either strike anyone's fancy. (I also need more RP for them both, so anything would be helpful on the character development front.) E'sul is flirty, K'vah is fussy/parental ... Or at least they usual are when not feeling out of sorts.
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/18/2020
/chucks F'ahr over K'vah's way
Lyfrocier of Green Guarath08/18/2020
i have both a dragonhealer and a disney clutch kid who can swing by if you'd like!
R'thell of Green Triesteth08/18/2020
-runs away with F'ahr-
Dragonhealers are always nice!! As are Disney Clutch bbs. So whoever you might wish to dust off. heart (And provided no one minds :snail: RP )
Lyfrocier of Green Guarath08/18/2020
i myself am :snail: so this works kjhksdjf
I have Samedith/Faranie of Disney Clutch, and Devanagarith/Tessiah of Magic if anyone is interested.
R'thell of Green Triesteth08/18/2020

Fianth is going to sit on all those Disney/HP kids. Stuff them under her wing. And if Horses, and somehow Big Cats, or a few Candidates get lost in there too...she can't be blamed.
Nashwa of Gold Ilaorunth08/18/2020
I want things but...owe so many. /crawls to pick at them, what r words
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/18/2020
Kaloth: Mom. squirm
R'thell of Green Triesteth08/18/2020
It's okay to want more things. It can help with the owed things. heart

Fianth: -licks wing claw and cleans some ash off Kaloth's cheek- :Fianth:
snap crackle smerd08/18/2020
o yeah i should probably do something about rixth
/slaps a band-aid on him
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/18/2020
XD Not the Mom-wingclaw!
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/18/2020
Ana may creep under that wing somehow. Maybe. (She'll just make herself as small as possible to fit)
R'thell of Green Triesteth08/18/2020
Yes. All the derg love. There's room enough for Ana and Rixth and ... everyone. This is how Fianth becomes a blackhole. Hurry now... move your dergs along past the event horizon lest they get ensnared by her need to dish out some love.
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/18/2020
Ana is learning from the best
Hiraeth will shyly come cuddle beneath mom's wing ;;
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/18/2020
I guess Rhianth should some day visit the Weyr again
(Tsu) Aerden of Blue Tianxiath08/18/2020
Skerath quietly Takes Note
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/18/2020
I'm late!! But okay re: deeper bond lesson sound interesting I was just hwad scratching on how to make a lesson thread with it xD That makes much more sense
I might have been kind of...mean to my original magic pair...who will still be able to fly and stuff..but...
R'thell of Green Triesteth08/18/2020
What did you do that was so mean? At least he's not grounded.
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/18/2020
More the merry in the infirmary :catgimme: I've been meaning to make an infirmary open
I might have made each of them have a long recovery and take a limb each D:
B'den of Green Riojath (Mags)08/18/2020
wasn't able to participate in threadfall because of RL, but I kinda think that Faranie and Samedith didn't make it out unscathed. Nothing crippling or permanent, but they probably did need to spend some time in the infirmary.
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/18/2020
I mean at least theyll recover after their long road :>?
There'll be a club forming, likely. -1 Anything to Thread. Membership includes Cool Scars.
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/18/2020
I need to decide how bad to hit Sh'vel with the ouchie stick I don't think its gonna be good
They will indeed. I was just so kind of Ash'il after first Threadfall for HR...that I decided to actually do something other than having them recover lol
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/18/2020
Pach did you want me to do the firestone toss lesson starter for Cartujanth and Khazariath, or did you want me to!
[Pach] Fahn of Green Alenciath08/19/2020
Either or!
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/19/2020
If have time to catch it I'd appreciate it XD I am two melatonin into my nightshift bedtime
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/25/2020
All right who wants to plot with me
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/25/2020
Should we be worried about the fire after?
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/25/2020
It's just flames of inspiration
(and doom)
See, the doom was where I worried smile
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/25/2020
But what's wrong with a nice helping of doom?
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/25/2020
this is fine /crisps/
looks to her Magic brown pair Umm...well I would say lots of things...buuuut
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/25/2020
I mean
I think my Magic brown pair had more doom
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/25/2020
but that might just be the beyond between talkin'
Gonna toss my hat into the ring
I mean, I can't argue with that one, Cheri, not at all.
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/25/2020
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/25/2020
slides in
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/25/2020
I can only imagine what beyond Between is like by this point lol
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/25/2020
I'm game for any sort of plotting I have characters and candidates just about everywhere :catgimme:
"beyond, the mysterious beyond..." :musical_note: Land Before Time VII anyone? Just me....
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/25/2020
At the moment, where K'ell is concerned beyond between is a pretty great place. Eskh, on the other hand, doesn't especially appreciate being cut off from everything.
I've got some ideas about character plots
But I'd need the right pieces
I guess the question is... are people interested in HR or Western plots?
Or maybe even... dun dun dun ... Nabol/Western/Rivercrest (etc) plots?
Sivu of blue Haitanth [Spock]08/25/2020
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/25/2020
Any little bb spies that need something to do? Any wingriders (of Burning Aces) that need a hobbling Wingleader to critique their performance? Perhaps someone in need of social climbing?
Possibly someone in need of a rival[mance]?
Let's see, my Burning Ace is going to be busy in recovery lol. I do need to figure out what to do with everyone...hmm
Rivalmance is my jam
Zh'gan of Bronze Manahahtath08/25/2020
oh rivalmance
(Cheri) R'xa of blue Isteth08/25/2020
I need to make an assortment of characters, but I've been contemplating which setting to cause extra trouble in
B'den of Green Riojath (Mags)08/25/2020