Fishing was fun, as far was Seuafaith was concerned. Sure, it involved a lot of holding still while T'shim set things up and it meant the young man didn't have his undivided attention on him but T'shim had given him one important instruction and he'd watched it intently. It was one of the things about his dragon that T'shim could always rely on - hyperfocus. "When I tell you, you're going to pull this in," it wasn't a middle ground helpful-instruction. It was a pointed one, leaving no wiggle room as to what T'shim expected from the bronze. He'd held tight, waiting with an almost vibrating eagerness to be given the go.

T'shim had just been impressed Seuafaith had managed to hold still that long. Having the small (for a bronze) dragon pull the net back had made the entire excursion easier on him, however, and once the teaming net had been attached to his dragon's straps, he'd been off, bounding back towards the Weyr with all the pride in the world.

Shillourooooth! He bugled as he crested into the Weyrbowl, alarming some of the candidates who were still at their own chores. Even if she wasn't within vision, it was clear who the bronze wanted to show his hard work off to first - which meant he needed to find her. Shillourothhhhh come seeeeeeee! and if she was in the bowl, well, she was about to be bowled over by excitement.

T'shim, on the other hand, had no such pep in his step and was still several yards behind him.
