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Brunhilde was doing what leopards did best. Up a tree, flaked out on her belly against the largest branch. Though, had she been born any other type of feline, she'd find some way to be up a tree. Up a tree and out of the reach of anything that could disturb her rest. Not that that stopped some creatures from shouting up at her.

Take yesterday for example. Some cheeky dog had the nerve to suggest she had stolen his meal. Taken it right out from under his nose, he said she did. As if! Brunhilde might be lazy, but she would never steal from a dumb dog. Who would? They slobbered all over their meals, ingesting more whole than they chewed. Not like a graceful leopard, taking it up a tree and eating at their leisure. Nor did they squabble over who got what piece or ate so fast, it was more on your face than in your stomach because there were so many of you fighting over it. Why certain animals felt the need to gather in large groups like that or stay with their families, she'd never understand. The solitary live was the better choice. No one to bother you, no one to share your food with.

One might think her being far too pessimistic without reason to be. Brunhilde had a good reason. Not too long ago, she'd had a family to care for. Five hungry mouths for more than just food. Her attention, too. Some females would talk about a maternal instinct. Her instinct had been to raise them as quickly as possible to get them out of her life. Who's idea was it to give you the desire to reproduce so strongly, it blocked out how much you hated being around others?

If she went her entire life without hearing "MOM LOOK WHAT I FOUND!" again, that'd still be too soon.

You'll have a job with this one. xD I've only RP'd her once before, so that was new.