- ■ Cenek enjoyed the stars, he always hoped that one day Sparrow would like his company and he could impress her with his knowledge of the stars. He did an essay on Mars, all the findings they had made on it, the red planet, the life, everything. He was pretty impressed with his work on his Astronomy OWL and his grade reflected that.
xxxCHARMS ~ Oxxx
- ■ Cenek could do this, he could repair things, that was simple. He only wished the repairo charm could work on repairing broken hearts, he wanted to help Sparrow feel better after the loss of her best friend. He studied hard, he learned levitation spells, he would keep pushing through until he could be someone to impress others.
- ■ Cenek wasn’t in the practical side of Defense as much as Chadwick was, but he wasn’t bad at it. He did outstanding, of course he would, he had to defend others when they were weak. Thankfully, he could handle a boggart, he had lived with his biggest fear his entire life: trees. He could handle transforming trees, he cast ridiculous and they turned into candy sticks, it made the room look like candy land, a pretty happy place.
- ■ Herbology was always interesting, it wasn’t super clean a little dirty, a lot of things could kill you, but overall, not too hard. Cenek missed a few practical questions, and made a slight mess of the pus when extracting. He didn’t do great, but Aspen would probably be proud.
- ■ History of Magic was all just facts. How was learning facts hard for anyone? He could give the date for when events happened, and he didn’t hesitate when asked what the founders items left were. He wasn’t sure how history was going to matter in his life, but it wasn’t hard...
xxxPOTIONS ~ Oxxx
- ■ Boil cure potions weren’t hard to brew, and they helped others. Potions was kind of like cooking too, and he enjoyed cooking. He knew the steps for the practical, and knew what things did for the written part. Overall, he did outstanding and he was pretty proud of that.
- ■ Cenek had heard rumors that the exam involved kittens, but he was shocked when the practical exam actually had a kitten in it. He made it vanish, and hoped that they would be able to find the cat again. On the written part he did decently, he missed several questions, but he still managed to pass with an exceeds expectations.x
xxxE L E C T I V E Sxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxHEALING ~ EExxx
- ■ Cenek was breezing through his exam, he thought it was fine, until he got to the last question. He blanked, Dragon Pox? What were symptoms of Dragon Pox! He stared until he ran out of time and groaned, he couldn’t get it. He did okay on the practical as well, but the written portion! Between questions he randomly got wrong and that last one he Exceeded Expectations, but beat himself up over not getting an Outstanding.
xxxMUSIC ~ Pxxx
- ■ Cenek had only taken music to appease his mother, all the kids should do music blah blah. Well he did but he didn’t care that much about it. Having music as a class was not nearly as fun as just... performing. He goofed off during classes, and as a result didn’t know any of the magic related music things... which ended up being half the exam. He shrugged it off, he didn’t need a NEWT in music, even if he was performing.
- ■ Doing magic without a wand wasn’t tooo difficult, it was easy to practice. Occasionally just casting a little spell on Chadwick from across with dining hall.... Cenek studied until he knew wandless practices as well as he knew his wand, and practiced enough to do outstanding.
xxxWANDLORE ~ Pxxx
- ■ Cenek hated Wandlore, he had only taken it because Chdawick had taken it, he was hoping that he could push Chadwick from the top of the class, but quickly gave up. He knew enough to answer several questions right on his exam, or maybe he guessed enough. He didn’t do well on the practical portion though, that definitely required some actual knowledge.