Summer was coming - but the mornings were still chill enough that Ichta had remained curled up in their bed, blankets wrapped up to her chin. While the nights were far warmer now, G'ran was already up - where had he gone? - and his absence made everything feel cold to her. Naughty Boy climbed over the bedding, cheeping and chirping as his tiny paws found the perfect places to crush her organs with like the closest equivalent to an alarm clock that Pern probably had. She flinched as a tiny foot pressed into the fat of her side, letting out an involuntary squeal of distress and dislodging her flit onto one side where he squawked in protest.

Certainly, she couldn't spend the entire day in bed, but she'd not wanted to start it chilly, alone, and jabbed at by a firelizard - especially not when she wanted to make the most of the day with her weyrmate. A restday, perfect for going out somewhere for a change.

She spent a moment rubbing her offended side before giving the weyr a precursory glance over.

