Let me know if you want any edits! This was the thread I promised you ages ago, but I still owe more. Sorry for the delay! ^^;

((Fuzzy-timed to cocktail clutch senior Weyrlinghood, ~8 months.))

Raiden was ecstatic to see his name against B'den and Riojath's, when it came to a day of shadowing. A whole day to further bond with his dear sister and her lovely dragon! Lately they had both been so busy, and candidate lessons were as demanding as ever. Free time to see her and catch up was a luxury.

Still, it was easy to feel determined when B'den and Riojath were waiting for him by the lakeside. There was a momentary pang of disappointment that he had kept them waiting, but it passed as quickly as it came. "Hey Bion! Rio! How are you both this morning?" Rukbat was slinking across the horizon, casting weird shadows across the lake.

He'd brought his own bucket and brush, in preparation for a morning bath. He was fairly certain older weyrlings didn't need baths as often as newborns, but he wasn't sure. "What have you got planned for today?" His voice was cheery and enthusiastic- the sting of not Impressing eased by his happiness at seeing his sister and her dragon so healthy. Soon he might be a Weyrling too... He was never going to stop trying.