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                        ▰Time, Space, and Rebirth:
                        One might expect that the power great enough to withstand the total eradication by the hands of a universe's creator to be immeasurable. However one would be wrong to believe that to truly be the case. Despite it's eradication from the world by Evergreen, the energy of the Rinnegan still lingered. As many believe that part of it's energies is the reason behind the time rifts that have caused various anomalies to occur. They would of course, be right. While the Rinnegan for years has not existed, it's lingering energy changed. The changing energies caused changed to what the once revered and sought after power was capable of to some extent. It's been a long time, but finally suitable hosts to it's power are arising.

                        The Rinnegan seems to have only retained a fraction of the power it once had, and as such it's users seem to only only be capable of a fraction of what they once might have known. However this shift in it's power has made the once legendary dojutsu a more common occurrence, as many more people are compatible with the power it holds.

                        ▰ Bloodline Traits:

                        •All users of the Rinnegan are granted access to Yin Release, Yang Release, and Yin-Yang Release. They have 5 customs for each of these releases. These customs are considered bloodline jutsu for it's user.
                        •All users of the Rinnegan find themselves capable of seeing the flow of chakra in and around others, and things that are otherwise invisible to normal sight. This sight is hindered by things such as smoke and mist.

                        ▰Rinnegan Abilities:
                        Note: These are not bloodline attributes and are automatically obtained if conditions are met. These are unobtainable by Implant Rinnegan
                        ▱▰▱ Natural Elementalist | Those whom have the Rinnegan are said to be capable of mastering any jutsu. This seems to be partially true, as those with the Rinnegan are in possession of all 5 basic elemental releases. Users of the Rinnegan who are of Bloodline Class find that their Ninjutsu is considered Bloodline Techniques, however they still take up Ninjutsu Slots as normal. Users of the Rinnegan who are of Ninjutsu Class gain an additional 5 Ninjutsu Slots mirrored between all elements regardless of their chosen discipline per body rank beginning at D-Rank.
                        ▱▰▱ Rejecting the Infinite | Similar to the Sharingan, the Rinnegan is known for it's ability to counter Genjutsu. However unlike the Sharingan it is not able to reverse Genjutsu. Rinnegan users are able of Kai out of genjutsu for 2 ranks less than normal. Users of the Genjutsu, Medical, or Scholar class are capable of detecting when genjutsu is used, and who the source of the genjutsu is within 10 feet of them per body rank beginning at D-Rank.
                        ▱▰▱ The Paths | Users of the Rinnegan are capable of controlling 2 additional bodies aside from their own. These two additional bodies have their own chakra and stamina reserves of 125 per body rank beginning at D-Rank. The additional bodies are capable of using any jutsu known by the main body, has the same stats as the main body, have an offensive activation and a defensive activation, and when they've run out of chakra may use the main body's chakra. The main body may see, hear, smell, taste, and feel through their other bodies should they wish, and this does not disorient them naturally by simply doing this, which allows them to have many different vantage points at once. Each body is capable of going to any thread within the same subforum as the main body. Users of the Puppeteer class have the number of bodies they may control increased to 6, and the bodies may go as far away from the main body as the user wishes them to.

                        ▰ Optional Attributes:
                        ▱▰▱ Truth | Rinnegan users with this Attribute are capable of seeing the truth behind things. This translates to being able to see true forms behind all manner of transformation based technique, illusory genjutsu, and into other dimensions. They may also interact with what they see.
                        ▱▰▱ Pain | Rinnegan users with this Attribute find that their additional bodies receive an extra 25 chakra and stamina per body rank. The user's additional bodies may now be assigned up to 2 specific jutsu types to use. (Elemental Ninjutsu, Yin Release Jutsu, Yang Release Jutsu, Taijutsu, Bukijutsu, Genjutsu, etc etc etc.) Bodies assigned with specific jutsu types are incapable of using other jutsu types, However the jutsu types the bodies can use are considered 1 rank less in resource cost. Unlike normal cost reduction, this specific ability can stack with other cost reductions and allow reductions of more than 1 rank total. If a specific jutsu type is assigned to one body it can not be assigned to another.
                        ▱▰▱ Death | Rinnegan users with this attribute may pay an additional 10 of any resource when they utilize any of their bloodline jutsu. Doing so causes it to interact with opposing with overwhelming as if they did not have overwhelming.

                        ▰ Bloodline Techniques:
                        You must be out yo mind | Rank X | Complex
                        I ain't makin a whole list of bloodline techniques for a "haha look what I made" bloodline. GTFO.