Name: Izara
Age: 45
Nameday: 3532.11.06
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Panromantic demisexual
Craft: Trader
Rank: N/A
Location: Variable, currently based out of Fort
Physical Description: 5'6"
Positive Trait List [At least 3. Just spell out what they are and it should follow your written personality i.e. cheerful, loyal, confident]
Negative Trait List [At least 3. Just spell out what they are and it should follow your written personality i.e. insecure, selfish, anxious]

History: Born and raised in a trading caravan, Izara numbers among one of many of Pern's hereditary traders. As a child, she was carefree and full of the wanderlust typical of her kin. As a trader she learned from a young age to be shrewd and savvy, and through bitter experience also learned to be wary. Not every Hold was welcoming of a wandering band of traderfolk, and though they never quite outstayed their welcome in any one place, by the same token Izara never really had a Hold that she called home. Over time, she became aware of discomfort the longer they lingered in a Hold, all too conscious that things could sour at a moment's notice. For the most part no one ever even said an ill word, but Holds were and are notoriously insular. In that way, they were very foreign.

Nevertheless, as she grew to adulthood, it was with one of those very same holderfolk that Izara fell in love. The lad was slightly older than her, but only by a couple of Turns, and it was all Izara could do not to pine for him when her family prepared to leave. To her surprise, Tylel decided to come with them. He was a local trader, and though he was just beginning to make his mark on the area, he found he couldn't imagine his life without her. At first, she was reluctant to put a name to her feelings. He'd become her friend over the Turns visiting that Hold off and on, and was well on his way to becoming more.

But Tylel was no fool. He knew full well that if he pressed matters, Izara would more than likely run the other way. So friends they remained, even as he began to court her in earnest. She was sixteen and he eighteen, young enough that marriage was not quite on her mind, just yet. As they traveled with her family, their friendship deepened, and she was amused by his attempts to win his way into her families' hearts. He was a kind young man, and clever. Someone who she could while the time away with, and more often than not that was exactly what she did.

In time, though, she did realize her true feelings for Tylel. When they were a little older, they married, and he became family in truth. Surrounded by friends, family, and love, Izara knew only joy in those early days. Within a few turns, they started their family together. Their first born they named Itzlel, and he took after his father in temperament and looks. He seemed almost born with a sense of responsibility, and although at first there was little reason for it, he was followed by Tyfri, and after them, Izaryel and Tyara. As their little family grew, so did her love, until she was full almost to bursting with happiness.

It was when they were trying for their fifth child that disaster struck. During one of those forays into Bitra Hold, her beloved husband was stabbed by a raving drunkard. The man had claimed that he'd been cheated by him, but poor Tylel hadn't even known the fellow. She'd watched in horror as her husband had dueled the man, who ran away as soon as he'd plunged the knife into the trader. Heartbroken, Izara took her beloved's sash to wear for her own, knowing that this alone was all that she had left of Tylel. It had been a cruel twist of fate... but worse was yet to come.

In time Izara realized that she was carrying another tangible piece of her husband with her, in the form of their last child together. She must have just become pregnant before the terrible event, and it was incredibly hard to imagine raising this new baby by herself. As brave as she was, it was a frightening notion, and one that just made her heart ache. A tiny shred of hope burrowed its way into her shattered heart, and she tried to shoulder the weight of everything on her own. Though her parents and siblings were a refuge to her in the storm, she couldn't shake the hurt of losing her beloved when they were both still so young.

Devastated by her loss, Izara nevertheless tried to show her children a brave face. They, after all, had lost their father. He had been her rock, but he'd been theirs, too, and their pain seemed more important than her own. Pushing her grief aside for the time being, the woman tried desperately to buoy her children up. To shore up their broken hearts, and help them move past the horror of their father's murder. In private moments, Izara wept unceasingly, not only for the loss of her husband, but of what could have been. For her children's innocence, now forever lost.

Not even a full Turn later, the trading camp was ravaged by a fire. Izara had been sleeping at the time, and awoke to find nearly all of her hair burnt off, and her right arm and torso engulfed in flame. With a shout, she'd found herself rolling desperately on the ground, not near enough to a stream to take advantage of one. Whimpering in pain, the woman strained to find her children, and could only locate three of them. By some stroke of luck, they were all alive, though her youngest two were badly injured.

That, however, was as far as the luck extended. Nearly every single member of Izara's family had perished in the flames. Likely Izara and her children would have died too, but passing dragon riders rescued them from the still raging fire. Grieving now not only for her mother, father, sisters, brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, but also for her eldest son, the woman found herself near totally overwhelmed. Numb with the loss of her home, her family, and all that she had known, Izara collapsed into a healer's waiting hands. However, when she awoke, it was to the devastating sympathy of the healers. Something about their quiet stillness told her all that she had needed to know: in the chaos and terror that had befallen her, she had lost her infant child.

The days and weeks that followed seemed to blend into one another. Time would allow her hair to grow back, and would turn the ravages of her arm and body into scars, but it could not bring back the dead. Numb with shock, it was all Izara could do to swallow the unwelcome mouthfuls of food that were all but forced upon her. If she hadn't known that three of her children yet lived, she likely would have lost her own will to live. Unbeknownst to her, her son Itzlel and a few of her cousins had survived. She could scarcely recall that he had been away during that terrible event, as overwhelmed by all that had befallen her as she was. Without that knowledge, all she could do was grieve for them, and grieve she did. As she had not allowed herself to do before, she grieved.

In less than a Turn she had lost nearly everyone she loved. But life moves on, even when we are not ready for it. So Izara found, too. Before too long, Tyfri left her, striking out on their own for Redoubt Hold. Although Tyara and Izaryel remained with her, they too were growing up. Her daughter was now training as a healer, and her youngest son she taught to become a trader. He seemed almost honor bound to take up the mantle. Although it was true that both of his parents had been traders, and that his deceased kin were the same, Izara had wanted him to have the freedom of choice.

But unlike Tyara, who spent nearly all of her time at Fort Hold, Izara could not be tethered down. It was time and enough to begin to build back their lives. Hard though it was to do so when virtually alone, the woman forged onward. Perhaps she had been burdened with a near excessive amount of caution, but she never quite settled down again. Travelling was what she knew, and where she felt the most comfortable. Even Threadfall's return had changed little for her; it was only more dangerous to move around unprotected by dragon's flame or stone walls.

She spent a number of Turns like this, close to half a dozen. It seemed just yesterday when she'd been brought to Fort Hold by the riders, but she quite suddenly her children, one after the other, were Searched to Stand for dragon clutches. Though she had no way of knowing it, her eldest and second eldest children had already Impressed. Izara would have the opportunity to watch her daughter Impress, but during that self-same Hatching her twin children were attacked by a dragon.

Heart in her mouth, she'd watched with bated breath. Would they, too, be lost? She had had no real understanding of dragons or their hatchlings, before this moment. Terrified that she might lose her children, she waited... and waited... until finally the awful moment passed. The blue had moved on from her babies, and they had seemed to mostly be in one piece. It was after the Hatching that she discovered something truly miraculous: her son, now called I'zel, was alive. Not only that, but he was a dragonrider, as was Tyfri. All at High Reaches Weyr.

Other: Has a blue flit named Flitterbee who was named by her youngest son.