sm0l child(Weylin) — 02/16/2020
Greyleaf, ever since she had found out she was going to have kits, had been long pondering this conversation. Through all the excitement and such of her life currently, she didn't WANT to have to worry about seemingly trivial matters, but, in the end, she understood that it did matter. To her, at least. If she didn't say anything now, or tomorrow, or the day after, how long until it's too late, and she regrets never saying anything? She had already made it very clear to any other queens that she would be raising her kits, and they'd have zero say in what moral lessons or life lessons they were taught without going through her first... Her sister, though? This was a different matter. This wasn't setting boundaries, this was setting a wall between her sisters life style and its contact with her family. She told herself she had to do it, trying to work up the courage... and, finally, she had.

All day she had waited in camp for her sister, wherever she may be, pacing around. Many times she thought she should back down, what if this ruined their relationship?! What if her sister got angry and didn't understand?! What if she refused and taught her kits the morals she was doing her best to avoid, just to get back at her? Would her sister even do that? No... No of course not.. She hopes. She continued to tell herself this was necessary, and, when she finally ran across her sister in camp, she had no doubt in her mind.

"Softfeather!" She called, she didn't sound angry, but her tone was far from the usual cheerful and peppy attitude. "Can I talk to you for a moment...?" She mrrowed carefully as she approached her sister. This would all go okay.. it had to go okay?

belloblossom — 02/16/2020
Softfeather had been spending her days hunting, because that's what everyone else was doing. In leaf-bare, it was even more important to hunt than not. Prey was scarce and this leaf-bare seemed to drag on for moons passed normal. She ate well and did her part to make sure that her sister, now expecting kits, had food to eat too. Though really, her doting mate Badgerclaw was always on that long before Softfeather came by.

She was proud of her sister. To have found a mate so early on, to finally be expecting the litter Greyleaf had always wanted, to have easy access to Honeyfur. She only wished they'd waited until new-leaf, so that the kits wouldn't have to know hunger, but... They would live from Greyleaf's milk for a while after they were born. Surely it would be new-leaf by the time they started to eat prey, right? She thought of when she'd had Silverstreak and gave a sigh as she walked back into camp, two sparrows dangling from her mouth. She was placing them on the fresh kill pile when she heard Greyleaf calling for her and picked one up again.

Padding over to her sister, she placed the sparrow at her paws.
"Have you eaten recently? I just caught these. Not much on them, but they're fresh." She said, indicating with a flick of her paw to the sparrow at Greyleaf's paws. "And yes, of course. You can always talk to me, silly sister mine." She purred. She stared at Greyleaf expectantly, her eyes moving from her sister's face to her round belly and back again. "What is it?" @sm0l child(Weylin)

sm0l child(Weylin) — 02/16/2020
Greyleaf was prepared for this. All the pep talk she'd done, she's never felt more ready for anything in her entire life, and she's about to start a family! She dwelled for a minute on that, she should probably feel more ready about starting a family... oh well! All that is besides the point. She eyed her sister for a while, questioning the approach. Should she be harsh, gentle? Oh well, she was just going to let fate control her words.

"Thank you, but I'm really not hungry now.. that's very kind of you, though." She said slowly, glancing around. She was thankful to find that no cats seemed to be paying them any mind. At least, not to her knowledge, she didn't spend much time worrying about that. "Well.. you see.. I wanted to discuss my kits, and... well.." She took a small breath, she'd start slow.

"There are so many rumors about flings and such going around.." She began slightly, hoping to lay the idea out plain and simple, not straight to the point. "I'm a bit.. concerned, about what they'll be surrounded by, and the cats that they'll be exposed too..." She was talking slowly, very slowly.. Her tail flicked slowly as she once again looked her sister up and down. Maybe her sister would catch on and the talking would be done for her. Her sister would understand and keep her love life out of her kittens life. There'd be no mention of the flings Softfeather was having, of how desperate she was for kits just.. because kits.., or, that's what Greyleaf assumed the reason is. One more issue out of the way... right? Oh, she hoped so. @belloblossom

belloblossom — 02/16/2020
Softfeather tilted her head to one side as Greyleaf seemed to brace herself for the topic at paw. Raising her eyebrows, she prompted her sister.
"Did you lose your trail of thought?" She asked her and shortly thereafter, Greyleaf began.

It wasn't surprising that she wanted to speak about her kits. With how large her belly was, Softfeather wouldn't be surprised if her sister was unable to think of anything else. Yet when it turned instead to the rumors of flings going around, it seemed to turn into a completely different topic and one that Softfeather wasn't following along with.

"I'm sorry, what?" She asked. "I thought you wanted to talk about your kits, what's this mention of flings-" Her eyes widened and she lowered her voice. "Greyleaf, is Badgerclaw not the father?" She asked her sister in a soft, serious whisper. @sm0l child(Weylin)

sm0l child(Weylin) — 02/16/2020
Out of all the reactions Greyleaf had anticipated, that one was NOT one of them. She felt her pelt heat up, her tail stiffening. She almost felt offended, would her sister REALLY think that?! [Well, of course she would! It wouldn't surprise her if her kits weren't the father she thought. She has no idea what it's like to not have to question that!] Almost as quickly as the bitterness came, it vanished. She shoved it away into the deepest part of her mind. Now wasn't the time. This wasn't meant to be an argument about Softfeathers life style, this was just a discussion about keeping it away from her kittens.

"What- Of course he is!" She responded in the same hushed tone. "I love him to death, I'd never do that to him...! What I'm saying..." Once more, a sigh, this time sounding a tad more annoyed. "Is... I don't want my kits being raised by cats that think its okay.. That think questioning the father of your kittens isn't wrong and absurd." She explained slowly, less so than last time. [Please, Starclan, help me get through this...] She thought slowly, her tail finally relaxing. If she had to get straight to the point, she would, but she didn't want to be too harsh on her sister. @belloblossom

belloblossom — 02/16/2020
Softfeather let out a small sigh of relief, convinced by Greyleaf's adamant attitude that her sister was still happy in her mateship, yet when she went on about the matter of flings, she straightened and flicked her ears.

"Greyleaf, you know I've always appreciated your traditional views, goodness knows I'm of a similar mind." She mewed. "But you have to realize, there are plenty of cats in LightningClan that are more inclined to having kits for the sake of continuing their lineage, or just to have kittens, than to have kittens with someone they love. While you can try to instill your beliefs in your kits while you have them in the Nursery, what's to happen if one of them becomes apprenticed to a cat who doesn't have traditional views like you do? Then they're sure to be exposed to that sort of thought, if only because there seem to be more flingers in this Clan these days than there do traditionalist. I understand you have a lot on your mind and I don't wish to worry you, but you do have to be realistic about these matters." She concluded with a shrug. @sm0l child(Weylin)

sm0l child(Weylin) — 02/16/2020
Greyleaf felt a similar sense of offense, but this time, it was more prideful. She wanted to prove to her sister something, that no matter what Softfeather thought she couldn't do, she would. So what if Softfeather didn't think it was realistic? She did! She couldn't shield her kits from everyone around them that believed such things, but she could try and teach them to avoid it themselves.

"Yes, Softfeather, I'm well aware of the fact most our clan has decided that satisfying a kit fever is more important than family." She meowed back, seeming slightly cold. Similar mind? Really? Oh, if only Greyleaf could believe that! [That would truly sort out this whole mess, if you truly did agree with me on this...]. "I can't stop them from having mentors that disagree with me, friends that disagree with me, or anything of the sort, you're right. But, you know, if I raise them correctly, I won't help to hide them from those cats, they'll already understand what's important." Greyleaf held her head higher than usual, trying to keep herself seeming steady and confident despite any small shreds of doubt she may feel. "And... that's why I wanted to talk to you.. I can't keep them from hearing about every single kit hungry she cats love life... but I'm hoping I can keep them from hearing about yours." [Was that too harsh...? Oh, hopefully she doesn't think I'm insulting her...] "You know, you'll be their aunt, and they'll respect you so much, I'm sure... I don't want someone they respect to also be telling them all about her flings and such." @belloblossom

belloblossom — 02/16/2020
Softfeather narrowed her eyes at the comment about kit fever versus a family. What was her sister getting at? She nodded slowly when Greyleaf confirmed that Softfeather was right about not being able to protect them from everyone in the Clan, but then what followed next had her staring with wide eyes.

"Excuse me?" She replied coolly. "I'm sure I've misunderstood you, Greyleaf. Surely you didn't just compare me to a 'kit hungry she cat', right? Because you're my kind and compassionate sister. You would never make such rude accusations without justified cause." She purred... or maybe it came out as a cheerful growl... it was a little hard to say. Her tail tip twitched in apparent irritation. "I barely tell you about the tomcats I'm interested in and do you even see the results of those supposed flings you're talking about? You're the one with kits in your belly, Greyleaf, not me! I don't think you have any idea what you're talking about. Do you want me to fetch Honeyfur so he can check your head?" @sm0l child(Weylin)

sm0l child(Weylin) — 02/16/2020
Greyleaf decided then and there she wasn't going to play too nice, then. She loved her sister more than life itself, but if she was going to be this snappy at her, she wasn't going to be gentle with her either. She didn't have time for this, she had kits to be worrying about, she just wanted her point to be made.

"Softfeather, no need to be passive aggressive. We both know what I meant." Her tail flicked back and forth the slightest bit. "You don't have to tell me anything, the clans rumors are enough. I think the fact you don't tell me much to do with your love life is proof enough that the rumors seem true." She remembered, back when she, Softfeather, and Badgerclaw went out hunting, the current word was that she had been interested in getting with Timberfall. Whether that still was the case, who knows! And, in all honesty, Greyleaf couldn't care less. She thought for a moment if she should bring up Silverstreak as any form of proof, but decided otherwise. She'd only do so if she really needed to. "You know how much I value family, how much I value being a mother, they aren't just my kits, they're my life." She insisted. "I don't want them to have kits to satisfy some desire, for no reason other than 'I want them'. I don't want them to fling from cat to cat just because they can. You're right, maybe I DON'T know everything about what you belief, but, so far, I have no reason to believe you agree with me. I'd rather tell you here and now to keep my kits away from that, if anything I've heard about you is true. The only other option I have is say nothing and regret it when my kits end up flirting with any tom or she cat they see suitable to give them babies and cut ties." She didn't appreciate that sass from her sister, and she wasn't having it. Not now. Not with her kits.
[10:48 PM]

belloblossom — 02/16/2020
"Fine, I'll just be aggressive then!" Softfeather spat. "Greyleaf, has having kits dulled your common sense? Since when have you been taking the rumors around camp as fact over the word of your sister? If you wanted to know about me, I would have told you myself! But since you've been with Badgerclaw, it's like you only want to talk about how great he is! I can't remember the last time we went on a walk together, or a hunt, just the two of us! First, you push me out of your life once he comes along, and now you're coming to tell me how to live my life that you've overheard from cats who have bees in their brains!" Softfeather lashed her tail in irritation.

"If you valued family so much, why haven't you been valuing me? I'm your sister! I was here for you before Badgerclaw. After our parents died, we were the only family we had and now that you have a mate, who am I supposed to turn to?" She demanded. "You think I don't understand that kits become your life? Look at Silverstreak? She was my entirety after..." She couldn't bring herself to bring up his name and she swallowed thickly. "I don't understand why you're suddenly here to attack me like this. Is it because you're pregnant? I experienced my fair share of moodiness when I was close to having Silverstreak..." She was scrambling to find a plausible conclusion. "Look, Grey, I understand that you're worried about what your kits get exposed to, but you can't just ignore me for moons in favor of your oh so wonderful mate, only to approach me to talk and then tear into me like I'm prey! What kind of sister does that?!" @sm0l child(Weylin)

sm0l child(Weylin) — 02/16/2020
She could only feel her anger fester and grow more and more. "I would believe the WORD of my sister, if she'd say any words on it to me! You said yourself, you don't talk to me about your relationships!" She snapped, a small growl forming in her throat. "Oh, I apologize, Silverstreak, how DARE I focus on a tomcat whom I love more than life itself?! Maybe I'm cutting you out for a reason!" She snapped..she knew she'd regret that later, but right now, she was mad.

"You're right, we were all we had, after they died, but so what?! That doesn't mean I have to stay trapped forever, placing you above every other cat in my life just because at one point I didn't have anyone else! I have Badgerclaw now, so, let me enjoy that!" Her tail was lashing, eats pinned back. "This isn't some mood swing, Softfeather, this is me looking out for my family. You were there before Badgerclaw, but at this rate, do you even want to be there now? I already told you, MAYBE I'm wrong! Maybe the rumors are wrong! But I'd rather be safe than sorry! But, no, you wouldn't understand. EVERYTHING has to be about you and how you matter so much and I should only focus on you! I just came to you, trying to explain my worries, but instead, you insult and belittle me because you misunderstood one comment I made! Some sister you are." @belloblossom

belloblossom — 02/16/2020
Softfeather drew herself away from Greyleaf, shocked and angry. Her head reeled from this conversation turned hissing match.
"Of course I want to be there for your family, but I can't do that if you're avoiding me. You spend every waking moment with Badgerclaw, you have since you became mates, but-No. You won't understand. You're not going to hear me, even if I try to defend myself." She mewed.

"You want me to tell you about my love life? I'm alone, Greyleaf! My sister abandoned me for her mate the moment she got him! Any attempts for kits have landed me with nothing! When I thought I was finally ready to open up again, to settle down with Autumnriver... He got himself kicked out of LightningClan!" She gave an exasperated, hysterical laugh. "And he didn't even look back-didn't bother thinking of me or the life we could've had together! And now, when I come over, trying to look out for my sister," She kicked snow over the finch at her sister's paws, "Despite the fact that she obviously doesn't care for my company anymore-I'm getting spat at because my sister thinks rumors are to be taken as truth."

She felt angry tears working themselves out of her eyes and over her fur on her muzzle. "Well, if this isn't a mood swing, if this is really how you feel about me-Maybe I shouldn't plague you with my company any longer! When you decide you want a sister again, come with an apology on your tongue, or don't come to me at all!" She stayed for a moment, stilled by the knowledge that if she walked away without giving Greyleaf a chance to apologize, then she may end up severing away something precious. Angry as she was, she wasn't ready to do that... unless she had to. @sm0l child(Weylin) (edited)

sm0l child(Weylin) — 02/16/2020
"You want ME to apologize?! You know what?! I will!" She had a whole range of ideas already. "I'm SOoo sorry that you're alone! I'm sorry you didnt tell me anything about your love life and left me in the dark! I'm sorry no Tom sticks around with you for long! I'm sorry that your sister found someone she loves and maybe can't spend every waking second with you! Last I checked, none of these are my fault. I've been busy trying to start a family with Badgerclaw, had you come to me to hunt, walk, talk, I would've been willing, but I'm not going to spend my time seeking out a cat who can't even be bothered to approach me herself!" She snarled, her hackles starting to raise.

"And I'm sorry that, rather than ask what I meant by the comment I made, you decided to attack me and start this whole issue!" She wasn't scared of breaking ties with this cat, anymore. She was tired, and she had a family to care for. "I don't need a sister, I have a mate and kits on the way. If you really can't understand my concerns and why I came to you, feel free to stay away from me and my kits!" She was tense, her glare glued onto Softfeather. She wouldn't walk away, either. She'd stand her ground, not because she was hoping Softfeather would resolve it with her, but because she wasn't going to run from it. "If you really cared about me, or my happiness, you'd understand." @belloblossom

belloblossom — 02/16/2020
Softfeather's muzzle was damp with bitter tears as she stood there and took her sister's half-apologies. Didn't spend every waking second with her? Greyleaf didn't bother to spend a single second with Softfeather!
"Maybe I should have reached out... But you are just as responsible for this as I am, Greyelaf, you ignorant fox-heart." She snarled. "You don't need a sister? Do you really mean-" But she shook her head. "You're the most honest cat I know." She let out a weak mewling sob and she gathered herself up, swallowing hard and pinning her ears back. "I hope you realize the mistake you make, Greyleaf, and that you come to your senses. You caused this fight and you're the one severing the ties here. I'm not going to plead for you to change your mind, because with kits on your brain, you won't. I don't know when you forgot about me, but my feelings haven't been something you've taken into consideration for some time and I just hope... I hope you realize what's really important, before you've lost it for good." She replied and turned to stalk away. "Make sure to eat that bird, eventually, so you have enough milk for your kits." She growled before she left the camp. Clearly StarClan was telling her she hadn't hunted enough today anyway. @sm0l child(Weylin) (You can wrap it up with your next post! :3 )

sm0l child(Weylin) — 02/16/2020
She snarled. "I'm so sorry I've been too busy with my own life to worry about the relationship I thought was already steady, Softfeather! Go have fun with your flings, because so far, you still haven't proven anything wrong!" She didn't care that her sister walked out. That cat wasn't her sister right now. [My sister's gone, she'll be back when she stops believing EVERYTHINGS my fault!] She decided then and there her sister wouldn't be in her kits lives, as much she could stop it. And... She wasn't sad. She had a huge group of loving cats to spend her time with, she didn't need someone she believed only dragged her down. And, with that, she walked off onto camp to find her mate, leaving the bird untouched.