Rosekit couldn't deny how upset she had been since that horrid day, filled with dying cats and sickness all around. She found herself almost sucked into the despair, her heart shattered for the poor cats that had to go through the same fate as her, and, in turn, their family. Her own family had gone through so much turmoil after her death, especially after they had their own still born. She ached, desperately wanting to help these cats heal and move on, but the best she could do for now was tell their dead families how to visit their dreams. She didn't suspect any of the living cats would much enjoy some random know it all kit trying to soothe them in this time of grief. They wanted their family, and she wasn't that. She tried to focus her efforts on helping the cats that had lost their lives, but still.. she felt so drawn to the cats suffering in the living world.

This night was no different, as she longed to be close to all those cats that wailed over their lost ones. "Rosekit." She reminded herself softly. "You can't just go barging into cats dreams.. wait for them to come to you. They'll find the cats they want to find. You have your own family to worry about." Rosekit shook her head as she settled down onto her haunches, slowly grooming her starry fur. The blessing she had earned.. not many cats earned blessings when they were already dead and gone, but hers didn't truly fill her with pride. She would be proud of herself and the.. afterlife she lead when.. well, she didn't know what it would take.

Not long after, she felt that familiar tug, the pull. Someone was trying to contact her..? "It must be Sweetbriar. Or, maybe dad..?" With that, she rose to her paws and headed off. She knew that when meeting a cat in their dreams, no other cats would be there, so it wouldn't be too hard to find who was trying to get her attention. "Hello?" She called out, slowly looking around the golden fields.@Lunabet Soup(Rosekit mistaking his mistake x3)
[9:09 PM]

April 30, 2020

Lunabet Soup — 04/30/2020
Falcondive sighed even in his dream.

Lately it took what felt like forever to fall asleep even though he knew he could still see his brothers just as he had his father all those years. But to not actually have them be alone. To watch his mom suffer. It all just felt....wrong. Why? He asked himself that almost daily now.

But even here, as his paws stood in the golden grains of Starclan, he still couldn't help but think it. Why?

He had meant to find either Eagletalon or Fidgetfeather to see how they felt, how they were....well he couldn't say doing but he wanted to know how they were doing. When a voice hit his ears that was neither his brothers or his father, he paused. "Hello?" he called out, glancing around. He didn't immediately see anyone at first. "Eagletalon? Fidgetfeather? ......Fowlfoot?" @sm0l child(Weylin)

sm0l child(Weylin) — 04/30/2020
Rosekit was left quite confused as she heard a voice call back.. that didn't sound familiar. "Dad? Sweetbriar?" She mrrowed as she trotted towards the sound. Fowlfoot..? She knew of Fowlfoot, a fellow Starclan cat. Weren't those other names some new cats who'd died of the sickness? Was someone here for them? No, there's no way, why would she be here, then. She wouldn't be able to hear the call of whoever this was.

Rosekit neared the voice, and was left dumbfounded. That definitely wasn't one of her family members.. she watched them look around for a moment, they were probably searching for a cat, she suspected. How had they managed to bump into her? They were looking for someone else! "Uhm... Hello? Down here!" She squeaked as she stepped closer. @Lunabet Soup
May 31, 2020

Lunabet Soup — 05/31/2020
Falcondive's spirts fell when he didn't see his brothers or his father. A small growl had begun to rise up in his throat before he heard the voice again and he blinked, confused.

Blinking again he glanced down to see a small orange kit with a nose pink colored blessing on her shoulder. Confused, he took a few steps back. "Uh... you aren't my dad or brothers..." he said quite obviously before sitting down. If he had a tail to curl, he'd have covered his paws with it. "I'm.... sorry? I'm....not sure how this all works....I....wanted to see my family." he tilted his head the other direction, taking a moment to look up and around again. When it was apparent his family wasn't coming, he sighed, head drooping.

Man had he dialed the wrong number. @sm0l child(Weylin)

sm0l child(Weylin) — 05/31/2020
Rosekit shook her head at the growl. Ugh, living cats, so quick to aggression.. dead cats too.. all cats were always so aggressive! Oh well, that was none of her concern. This cat seemed upset, she may as well try to help.

His confusion amused her a bit, causing a shaky, amused purr to leave her. It was much like a kittens still, and always would be, to her knowledge. She'd come to accept that, though. "Well, no, it doesn't seem I am. That would be quite strange if I were, though! Considering I'm both a child, and a she-cat." She tried to bring a bit of joke into the conversation, only to watch the other cat continue, his head dropping down. She shook her head once more, pawing up in an attempt to bap his head. "Hey, muzzle up! You've got a whole lifetime to try, tomorrow night and the night after is another opportunity. Until then, you could always talk to me. I'm Rosekit, the best helper in all of Starclan! Or, well.. you know that's a working title, but we'll get there." She chirped, flopping down onto her haunches and patting the ground, offering for the other to sit with her.

She wasn't going to try and send off a poor sad cat. Perhaps she could help him along. @Lunabet Soup ( On my phone, apologies for typos and such )
February 16, 2022

sm0l child(Weylin) — Yesterday at 8:29 AM
@Lunabet Soup ( ur request is my command x3

Lunabet Soup — Yesterday at 8:52 AM
Falcondive did manage a small smile at least to her joke before laying down, chin on the grass to be her level. "Sorry I just... it happened so quickly and then they were gone without even getting to say goodbye..... and I know this is how mom see's dad all the time. She never mentioned seeing a kitten, always dad." he mused, though his eyes still looked heavy, he was beginning to realize that up here, in Starclan, he actually felt more alive than ever. "So....Rosekit...." he said before pausing again. It was obvious she never had a chance to really live, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow for her even if she seemed alright with her life. "Um.... can you help me find my brothers? Or....." he blinked, shifting his head in the grass around slightly again, still trying to find Eagletalon and Fidgetfeather.

@sm0l child(Weylin)

sm0l child(Weylin) — Yesterday at 9:53 AM
Rosekit tilted her head slowly, a small frown tugging at her mouth. Awwe, poor thing. "You don't have to be sorry!" She mewed, shuffling around to straigthen her posture, ears perked to the stars that never seemed to stop twinkling. "I don't get many new visitors up here, so I'm not surprised. I'm really sorry... Some cats are never able to give a goodbye. That must hurt." She had not truly spoken a word before her passing, and even if she had, her deaf sister would have never heard it. She knew the pain, of loss with out that closure, and it pained her seeing another cat before her suffer with it. Her tail swished against the grass, settling comfortably over her paws. She couldn't quite understand why she was here, then again, maybe it was by accident. Rarely was she ever visited, she always had to visit others. It didn't seem this poor cat had come here before, perhaps he didn't manage to hone who he was connecting to. "I don't know if you can find them through here.. I've entered your dream, in some way, and I don't know how much time there is before you wake up.." She sighed, feeling a bit guilty. Maybe they COULD find them, but... OH! "But, I could send them a message, and they can come visit you! It's so much easier when the dead contact the living to get it right, you know! What are their names?" Rosekit wanted to help this strange cat, and perhaps she could. She did not know him, and they were not family, but none the less, pain called for her guidance.
@Lunabet Soup

Lunabet Soup — Yesterday at 10:18 AM
When she mentioned being able to pass a message, a part of Falcondive perked up, particularly his ears. He lifted his head and glanced at her. "Wait, you can really do that?" he asked, shifting to a laying loaf position rather than a deflated version of himself. "Eagletalon and Fidgetfeather! Oh and Fowlfoot is my dad." he said excitedly, tilting his head a moment trying to think of a message to give them. "Um... maybe just... ask if they can come tell me they are... well ok. I mean... with what happened.... and that I'm sorry I wasn't able to be a better brother and save them." he added, a bit of his happiness deflating again.

He had to stop a moment however and process what Rosekit had said before. No one ever comes to visit her. "Does....does it get lonely? If no ones coming to see you?" he asked, feeling a bit bad. He hadn't meant to see her, not in the slightest, after all he didn't even know she existed for lack of a better term. So her mentioning no one came to see her made him feel bad. "I think maybe, I was somehow meant to see you first. I don't know how all this works but.... well now that I know you...." he trailed off, not sure if what he was insinuating was going to be a good thing or a bad thing for her.

@sm0l child(Weylin)

sm0l child(Weylin) — Yesterday at 10:48 AM
She didn't know if this was okay, or if he'd possibly get upset with her, but she scooted herself closer to him, reaching a paw out and placing it on his front leg. "I have seen Fowlfoot around, he's quite well known." She purrred, smiling up at him. Perhaps he just needed some reassurance. "I can find them for you soon, I promise. I'll send them your message.. But, for what its worth, there is no real saving cats." She sighed, shaking her head. "Sometimes things just happen.. and it isn't your fault, you know? It just causes hurt, a lot of it." Her tail thumped on the ground. So many cats, she'd watched them all hurt, all cry and scream at the stars. Sometimes.. things just happened.

Her eyes widened a bit, she'd never really been asked that. Hm.. how strange. It was HER job to help and yet she felt compelled to ramble now. "Well, you see, I see my dad and sister sometimes..! But they're very busy, my dad is very good at his job, and my sister is Lighhtningclans medicine cat!" Her chest puffed with pride, but she felt a twinge of jealousy that she never dared show nowadays. No matter how much she matured, she could never get rid of that yearning to grow alongside her family. "Sometimes it's lonely.. but sometimes I meet cats like you, who just need a little guidance." She explained. "I'm glad you stumbled upon me fist. I think the stars alligned. Sometimes.. we just need a little journey."
@Lunabet Soup

Lunabet Soup — Yesterday at 12:28 PM
Hearing that his dad was well known made him feel his own sense of proudness and he couldn't help but hope that soon his brothers would follow their dads pawsteps, even if theirs was now here in the golden grass of Starclan while he was still in the waking world. "I always knew dad was cool." he chuckled a bit, a small purr coming from him when she placed her paw on his front leg. He smiled. If he had a tail, he'd have patted her shoulder with it.

"Your Sweetbriar's sister?!" he gasped, now connecting the dots. Sweetbriar was a sweet she cat, even if deaf, and when Honeyfur had suddenly stepped down, Sweetbriar took over without hesitation. Or if she had any she kept it well hidden. He had to admire her for that. "Well... I'm glad your not always lonely. You really helped me feel a bit better." he said honestly. The pain was still there and sometimes when he breathed too deeply it seemed to hurt all over again. But at least he knew he really could come see his brothers....and now maybe even Rosekit sometimes. "If you want, you can come visit me again. I'm probably boring but I'll listen." he smiled, raising a paw to gently rub it against her head like he would any kit. "Sorry, your just still so tiny and cute. Yet you have so much wisdom, even beyond my years." he half laughed. He didn't mean anything by it and he hoped she'd not be too upset with him.

@sm0l child(Weylin)
February 17, 2022

sm0l child(Weylin) — Today at 11:15 AM
Rosekit let out quite a loud purr, nodding frantically. "Sweetbriar! She's just lovely, isn't she?" She chirped, her paws excitedly tapping on the ground. Nothing meant more to her than her sister, who she would forever consider her baby sister, no matter how big she got. "Making cats feel better is apart of the job I chose, so, thank you! I'm happy to have helped." Rosekit nodded softly. Perhaps she'd made a new friend here. Life moved on, death happened, it took and it persisted despite all those who cried. It was up to her to make sure it hurt less and less. "Ohh, you'll never get rid of me now!" She giggled excitedly at the offer to visit him once more. "I'll make sure when I grow big and strong I'll come say hi, and you won't call me cute or tiny then!" A lot of confidence, for a kit who would neve grow. She pressed ehr head into his paw, purring once again. "Thank you.. Good luck." She smiled up at Falcondive. She'd see him again, someday, she could tell.