Claimed for kits in first round of Luna's lazy breedings '22
Claimed for stats week of 2/21/22

Nati — 02/06/2022
Grateful for Robin's enthusiasm at the prospect of a challenge, Riverpaw took off along the forest floor in pursuit of her friend. Light paws raced along the outer skirts of the Lightening clan's boarder, pounding the ground in time with her racing heart. She was crazy, what they were doing was crazy, but someone had to do it, and she was just as much a warrior as any cat in her clan. There was no way she was going to let this coyote get anywhere near what was left of her clan and the clan that took them in.

Every now and again, the faint rustle of leaves or the light creaking of branches alerted Riverpaw that Robin was still racing towards their destination as well. Robin was just as much a warrior as any of them as well. Probably more so in Riverpaw's eyes. The pale calico had no loyalty to a clan, no need to earn a name for herself, and yet here she was, speeding along the treetops to stare down death itself. She was definitely the bravest and most loyal cat Riverpaw knew.

It was a real shame that Robin didn't want to join her clan. There were many days where Riverpaw had looked around camp, wishing her friend was by her side, and many nights where she wished Robin was curled up beside her. But it wasn't meant to be. Robin belonged in the trees just like the bird she was named after. Many cat's would question if she was a cat or actually just a strange squirrel.

Suddenly a smell burned her nose and she skidded to a halt, her fur on end, a loud hiss exploding from her. It was here! Her eyes were wide and wild as she scanned the forest floor around her. "Robin!" She called out in a hushed voice. "Robin, stop!" Grey ears twitched and swiveled as she listened for sounds, anything and everything. Where was Robin, where was the coyote?
A twig snapping to her right alerted her to the coyote just a moment before it crashed into the bush right before her. The loudest yowl she's ever made escaped her as she leap into the air in fear. Before her stood the biggest beast she'd ever seen. She had been there, the night the dogs attacked Rock Clan. Barely a paw, she had watched the dogs tear her warriors apart. What she gazed upon now was twice the size of those dogs, looking lean and haggard, with a crazed look to it's eyes.

“ROBIN!” Riverpaw shreaked, “SAVE YOURSELF!” There was no time for her to run but maybe Robin could get away since she was still in the trees and out of reach. Her fur was fully bristled and she stood in a sideways stance as she stared at the giant snarling creature. This was her fate, the fate of all those in Rock Clan who should have died by the dogs… but she was a warrior! Determination flared up insider her. She had watched how her warriors drove off the dogs, learned from the surviors.

The coyote snarled and launched itself at her. With a quick dart to the side and a lung, Riverpaw’s outstretched claws tore into the coyotes eye as it snapped it’s fierce jaws in the space she had occupied a mere moment ago. She wasn’t quick enough to escape being tossed in the air as the coyote raised it’s head and howled in pain. It whimpered and cried while it pawed at it’s eye for a moment. All the breath was knocked out of Riverpaw as she was hurled into a nearby bush and landed beneath it with a light thud.
Riverpaw gasped for air as she rolled onto her feet. Where was Robin? Had she managed to escape? There was no way to scan the treetops from under the bush so River made a mad dash for the nearest tree. But the coyote had recovered and was much faster. A scream escaped her as the massive claws of the coyote crushed her into the ground and raked across her shoulder, shredding the skin to form long ribbons of blood. Pain and terror coursed through her. With all of her might, she wiggled and squirmed, yowled and hissed trying her best to escape the snapping jaws and slicing claws.

This is it. She thought. I hope Robin will be okay without me.
It had been a game - an adventure. Sure, Riverpaw had said that they were going to scare off a coyote, but Robin hadn't understood the full scope of it. She assumed coyotes were like raccoons - not hulking beasts made out of teeth and mange. She hadn't scented the coyote initially and was still moving across the branches, until she heard Riverpaw's yowl - heard the desperate plea that ordered Robin to save herself.

Robin whirled around and darted back over the branches, weaving around trunks on light, quiet paws - the branches overhead barely rustling as she moved from one tree to another like a bird in the sky. Eventually, she spotted Riverpaw facing against the... oh great skies, was that a coyote?! Her fur bristled and her eyes went wide. She stumbled a little, her paws sliding off a branch - sending a few leaves falling to the ground near the fight.

Get into a tree, Riverpaw. She thought desperately as she watched the fight down below. Get up in a tree - something that big shouldn't be able to follow you!

As Riverpaw slashed out one of the coyote's eyes a surge of hope flared through Robin - maybe her friend could best this horrible beast after all! Clan cats were on another level, after all! Riverpaw at least turned to get to a tree - no, not that one, the bark's too soft! - when the creature came barreling into her, claws sending streams of blood off of her friend and Robin, frightened, moved further up the tree she was taking shelter in.
She tucked herself in towards the tree's trunk, her heart beating so hard in her chest that she had to gasp for air. She could hear her friend screaming below her and Robin felt something in her echo the pain Riverpaw must've experienced. This wasn't fair! None of this was fair - if her Clan was so great, they should've just given Riverpaw her warrior name - then none of this would've happened!

No, Robin, you should've been the one to stop her. If she dies, it's all going to be on you. She realized.
With a hoarse cry, Robin turned to look at the branch stretched out in front of her, away from the safety of the tree trunk. She couldn't imagine her life without Riverpaw in it and while she was scared, so very, truly scared, she was going to do what she could to make sure that somehow, Riverpaw got out of this alive. If Riverpaw died, her whole Clan would miss her - she had a future to be a great warrior. Robin, meanwhile? Robin just had Riverpaw. No one would miss her if she was gone.

Choking in a sob, Robin staggered out to the thin branch - it was hefty enough, but not nearly to the point where it would support her weight. Robin could just see the coyote below her, seemingly rearing back to deliver what would surely be a lethal blow. Robin jumped up and slammed her weight down on the branch, snapping it and falling it as she and the wood came down on the coyote. Twisting in the air, she landed on the coyote, claws slashing - she was disoriented and dizzy, but eventually she was shaken off of the mottled beast.

The minute she landed, she heaved herself to her paws and started towards Riverpaw. Nearby she could hear sharp, hoarse whines and she turned her gaze to the coyote. It was stumbling, one of it's back legs was being held up and blood was streaming into its eyes - well, what was left of them. Graciously, it seemed to have had enough of this particular prey and with a final snarl of anger, it turned and fled. For a moment, Robin stared after it, her legs threatening to slide out from under her, but there was someone else, someone so much more important here.
"Riverpaw!" She turned her gaze to her friend. "Riverpaw, Riverpaw, Riverpaw!" She hurried over, her eyes wide. "The coyote's gone, Riverpaw. How can I help you? I can't carry you back to your Clan, I'm sorry. Riverpaw, I'm so sorry. This is my fault. I should've made you come up to the branches with me where it was safe." She lay down near her friend and whimpered. "Please, please, be okay."
There was so much pain, so much fear, that she couldn’t focus on anything. One moment she was being trampled, slashed at, and snapped at, the next, she was in the trees. The weight on her had lifted and though there weren’t many, leaves and stems sheltered her. Gathering herself, she backed into the safety of the thin branch that had saved her. What had happened? Wild green eyes found the coyote bloody and limping. Had a tree just saved her?

A familiar voice called out, bring Riverpaw back to the moment. Robin! She was okay! Oh thank Forest Clan, Robin was okay! “I’m okay, I’m okay.” Riverpaw said to her friend, though, she wasn’t sure that she entirely was okay. “Are you okay? Did it get you? Is it really gone?” Her fur still stood on end but her eyes were less wild. After a moment she took in the damage to her shoulder. A few tentative licks was all Riverpaw could manage as the pain was just to great. The cuts were deep but she’d seen cats survive worse.

As they sat there, Riverpaw curled her tail around her loner friend. “You saved my life just now Robin. I was so sure I was going to die and you and that branch just came out of nowhere!” She laughed a slightly delirious laugh. “We just survived a fight with a coyote because of you! You’re right, it’s your fault we’re both alive! We’re alive!” She laughed again before stopping short to flinch in pain. “Thank you, Robin. Thank you for being here, for saving me, for sticking with me through my crazy idea. I promise I won’t every ask you to do anything like this ever again!” Riverpaw gave Robin a few grateful licks on her cheek.
The pain was starting to get to her. She needed to get back to her clan and see the medicine cat. With a deep breath and a light cry, Riverpaw heaved herself to her feet, not putting any pressure on her front injured leg. “I won’t ask you to carry me, but it would mean a lot to me if I could lean on you a bit. I’ve seen warriors survive worse but only when treated by a medicine cat. I need to get back to camp.”
Nati — 02/07/2022
Robin pressed close to her friend, her head spinning with relief that Riverpaw was still awake and conscious - that she hadn't died already. Robin's lips trembled, she wanted to collapse there and sob until the tears would finally dry up altogether, but... Riverpaw was hurt. She was asking Robin for help, in walking - she had to put on a brave face. She swallowed breaths of air and then with a final hard gulp, she stood and nodded.

"I'm okay." She mewed. "You need to get to your medicine cat? Let's go." She wobbled on her own paws, something felt a bit amiss - had she landed on them funny? They would be sore later, after a fall from that height, she knew that much at least. "The coyote's gone. Really. I think it'll think twice before it tries to go anywhere near cats again." She said, but she wasn't sure how confident she felt about it. "Next time, I'll show you how to pick a good tree to climb into. I'll show you so many times, it'll become second nature to ya. I'm pretty sure coyotes can't climb like we can." She mewed her reassurances and then moved to stand beside her friend when Riverpaw stood.

"You can always lean on me, Riverpaw. I'm always gonna be here for you." She told her companion fervently. "I may not be able to be your Clanmate - my life is in the branches and trees, but... Riverpaw, you're my family and I love you. I'm gonna be here always. Now, let's get you back to your medicine cat so you can get better right quick." She glanced away, suddenly feeling shy despite the circumstances they just faced. What if she was pushing things? Sure, she'd saved Riverpaw's life, but what if the Clan cat didn't want to be family with a loner? She fixed her gaze ahead and moved slowly. She could dwell on that later, after Riverpaw was home safe.