User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. Barriet was a busy worker -- it was almost everything she was, in fact. She worked and worked and worked until the job was done and then would immediately throw herself back into the fray. She had loved it, and still did, even, but as time moved on she had begun to realize she had missed everything else life had to offer.

Connections with her family, friendships within the pack, relationships of any kind; all of these things had slipped through her paws for far too long, and Barriet had realized with a start that it was a shame. Her pack was a beautiful one, sprawled across a gorgeous mountain with many eager paws waiting to mingle. Oh, she had worked with plenty of the pack members, but anything else? No. She was a familiar face, but that was it.

There had to be more to life, right? Clearly. Certainly. Everyone else looked so happy when they grouped together or coupled up. She didn't even really know her siblings and what they liked! It was embarrassing! It was time to change her ways, but... how? How did you apologize for years of hyper-focusing on work and not once checking in? How did you make up for lost time?

So, currently, she sat there, nestled neatly in the middle of the pack lands with a frown on her face. Was she a bad person for being so.... uh, her? There had to be a way to show she was sorry and truly wanted to change her ways.... but how?.