With parents like the gods of Bats and Camouflage, it was no wonder Itikio, the Goddess of Echolocation, felt more at home alone and in the cover of darkness than anywhere else. She did not particularly like the mortal realm for a lot of reasons, but the shadows...

She had to admit, she did like those.

Not that they were all that different from the ones anywhere else, but still. She liked the sounds of the night, too, and the strange little creatures that came out once the big beasts went to bed. She was padding along a stretch of savanna that lacked any other big life, no lions or hyena in sight, but she could just hear, feel, everything else in the area.

In fact, she walked with her eyes closed, using her echolocation to paint the world around her in her mind. In this way, she felt far more connected to the life around her than when she was looking at something in the light of day. Somehow, it was more personal, more direct. She stopped, though, when something bigger than she was expecting bounced back into her mind. She opened her eyes, looking around curiously for the source.

Something about it was different, and obscured her senses just a bit. In that way, it was familiar, as only other gods could do something like that.