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Reply [IC] Ithambo'hlabathi Lands
[PRP] Enda's on a Mission

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AstoriaFallen rolled 2 4-sided dice: 4, 2 Total: 6 (2-8)



Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:55 am
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(Liyana will be attacked and injured during this rp)

4. You come across a rogue lion! (Bonus Event!)
2. You are attacked! (Penalty!)
A. You are injured and must heal. One (1) RP must be completed surrounding this task. This RP may be done either Solo or with another player. If the healing RP is with a Imbiza, you are immune to your next Penalty roll. Bonus +1 points to your total. (I think lutz has an Imbiza-poked her for rp :3 to follow this up)

Liyana and Avani were at it again, though with another pair, Siphiwe and his avian companion Ndleleni. Somehow they had convinced the pair to travel with them around dusk, hopefully the moon would provide some good illumination while out hunting for any signs of herd life. "It's scary, witnessing a famine such as this hit our homelands." Liyana said looking over towards Siphiwe wondering what he thought about the whole ordeal.

Avani was circling the air above, rising up and down slowly on a few air currents, resting her wings. "I feel for our lion counterparts, it's easy enough for us to find food to feed our bellies, but they eat a great deal more than us..." Her voice trailed off as she thought about what the future might hold for any of them.

Jovi of Shadows
I just clarified with quaji we both do rolls if we want or my rolls can count for you as well
PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 6:55 pm
Siphiwe typically liked to travel alone on his journeys, save for his forever companion Ndleleni; but the pride was in dire straits nowadays. He'd have to put his personal feelings aside for the betterment of those he loved. The young male dipped his head to Liyana, his curled mane bouncing over his eyes as he did so. "It's definitely the worst I've ever seen," he agreed with a somewhat dry, serious tone. "We'll need to work together if we want to see ourselves through this." Which was why he had agreed to join up with Liyana. He didn't know much about the lioness, but he appreciated that she wanted to help and was willing to get her paws dirty to do it.

Ndleleni had his eyes on the lions below them, his wings lazily carrying him through the sky as he followed behind Avani's circles. They didn't often travel with others, much less lions with their own vulture companions, and Ndleleni was still getting use to the idea. "I'm worried it'll get worse before it gets better," he admitted as the thermals on the wind brought him closer to the other avian. He'd never seen anything like this before, as he and Siphiwe were roughly the same age, and he was rather young for a vulture. This had been the only home he'd known, and even though he and Siphiwe adventured to far off places, they always knew where their home was.

((I'll use your rolls!))

Jovi of Shadows

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Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 11:26 am
Jovi of Shadows

She almost laughed at his words, as he hadn't been around long enough to really see as much as she had, but this was the worst she'd even seen and she'd been here a while. "Hopefully it doesn't last much longer, but until we find out why the herds aren't coming through on their normal migratory patterns, we're kind of at a loss...." What was the reason she wondered?

Avani nodded her head in agreement as she caught another draft upwards. Looking towards the east she hoped maybe they'd see silhouettes or anything to give them a sign that there was life out there. Just nothing but wilderness. "I hope you're wrong and things start to get better..." But in her heart she too believed his words, it was only going to get worse before it got better. Avani spotted some brown in the taller grass not too far ahead. "You've got company ahead."

Liyana looked over at Siphiwe. "I wonder if it's others from the pride..." Though given her run ins lately she figured it was a passing rogue.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 7:46 pm
Siphiwe hummed in agreement with her. It was strange that the herds hadn't returned, and it could very well end badly for them if they did not figure it out. He also heard the call from Liyana's vulture, though he was skeptical of their belonging to the pride. "We should be cautious, until we know for sure," he suggested, catching her gaze as she looked over at him. There was a tension behind his eyes as his gait moved into slower, measured steps. They were on their own out here, with no Umholi or Inselelo to chase away any rogues, and Siphiwe was not the best fighter. As an ahluke, with no ambition for challenging for a different position in the pride, he had never been all that interested in fighting.

Ndleleni was quick to follow Avani's gaze, his avian eyes transfixing on the small patch of brown near their lions. "This could be trouble," he groused as he gathered his talons closer to his body. He wouldn't be much help to his dear friend Siphiwe if the encounter went sour, but perhaps it was simply another member of the pride? Ndleleni much preferred Liyana's hopeful outlook as he tipped his wings slightly to spill some air from underneath him. Slowly the vulture circled downward, wanting to get closer to keep a better eye on the situation.


Jovi of Shadows

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Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 3:17 pm
Being cautious was something Liyana always was, however she was unaware of the other lion that was hiding in the brush to her left. Even Avani hadn’t noticed them. Who, or why the pair was in the bonelands, no one could say for sure. The young male pounced on her, catching her by surprise. His claws connected with her face, she followed the motion of the paw swipe to avoid further damage to her face, and potential loss of her eye and threw her weight into the young male. Letting out a growl she threw all of her weight into the young male that was attacking her, grappling at his face and throat with her paws and teeth. Eventually the scuffle between the two caused the male to have enough and off he went and she turned to see what may have happened to Siphiwe with the other lion that had been just ahead.

Avani, knowing there wasn’t much she could do regarding the situation kept herself airborne and made diving swipes at the male as he ran away, pecking at his hide with her sharp beak, always returning skyward before he could turn and take a n** at her. He looked like Liyana had gotten a good chunk out of him but she was worried about her bonded and returned back to assess further developments with the other lion.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 6:45 pm
"Liyana!" Siphiwe shouted in surprise as he was taken aback by the lion that had pounced on her from the cover of the brush. But before he could even think of jumping in to help her, he found himself face to face with the brown male that had rushed at him with his partner's distraction. "Hey man, easy-" Siphiwe stammered, his paws automatically backpedaling a step. Fighting was not something Siphiwe enjoyed doing, especially when it was thrust upon him so suddenly and without warning. In the end, it didn't matter what he said, because the brown male merely gave him a disgusted sneer at his apparent weakness before lunging with claws and fangs bared.

Everything was happening so fast, as Siphiwe was forced to focused on the threat in front of him, and he lost track of Liyana and her attacker. He could only hope she was faring better than he was! The rogue's claws sliced into his flesh as the other male forced Siphiwe to the ground, his fangs seeking any vulnerable areas. Terror struck Siphiwe as he felt teeth puncture the flesh near his shoulder, and a yelp of pain escaped him.

Ndleleni's eyes went wide as the scene below them seemed to explode into action. He and Siphiwe usually avoided other lions while they were out scouting or exploring, so he knew his lion friend was in danger the moment Liyana got jumped. Siphiwe would be on his own! Ever the more reckless of the pair, Ndleleni folded his wings against his sides to dive at the attacker that had his friend pinned. He couldn't do much, but maybe he could distract the rogue long enough to give Siphiwe an advantage. Ndleleni raked his sharp talons across the attacker's back in a flyby but was quick to take to the skies before the other lion could turn around and grab him.

It was the momentary distraction that Siphiwe needed to gather his legs up for a kick to the other male's underbelly, his sharp claws digging into the other's soft flesh. His attacker disengaged long enough for Siphiwe to roll back onto his paws, where the two clashed in a quick exchange of defensive blows. When it was apparent that the other male was now on his own against two, albeit injured, lions he sneered in frustration and turn to run in the direction of his accomplice.

Siphiwe panted hard as he watched the other male run, blood dripping from his shoulder and his legs shaking with pain and adrenaline. This had not gone as planned. He shot a look of concern over to Liyana, momentarily horrified that he had lost track of her during his own bout with the rogue lion. "You okay?" he asked hoarsely, somewhat uncertain of his own well-being at the time.


Jovi of Shadows

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Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:46 pm
Jovi of Shadows

Liyana wasn’t terribly injured, she was lucky the claws had just missed her eyeball but she’d likely have some gnarly scars that marred her face for the foreseeable future. Blinking away the blood, that was slowly starting to stop flowing, she was happy to know she could still see from the injury. Letting out a sigh of relief she could live with a few scars. Being blind would have made her a liability she felt. Even with Avani at her aid.

Giving a reassuring to Siphiwe, as he had fought off his own attacker, she nodded. “I will live to see another day. I’m sure this looks far worse than it appears to be.” She motioned with a paw to her face. “What about you? Are you okay?”

Avani came back and let out a sigh of relief as well, she wouldn’t know what she would have done in the event Liyana had been injured to the point of not being able to see. “Should I fly ahead for an Imbiza for you?” She asked, wanting to have help standing by to assess her injuries rather than have to do more looking once they got back.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2022 2:52 pm
Siphiwe took a moment to take in the wounds around her eye and the blood that matted her fur. "It does look pretty bad..." he agreed hesitantly, but at least she seemed to be okay in other regards. Still, he was wracked with guilt. Maybe if he'd been a better fighter, he could have prevented her from being hurt. Maybe if he'd been a better male, like the inselelo or the umholi, who were actually good at fighting, he could have prevented this. Siphiwe shook his head, his curled mane bouncing as he did so, at these thoughts as they wracked him with guilt. He couldn't protect her. Heck, he could barely protect himself. "I'll be okay," he replied at length as his breath steadied and he turned his attention to himself. His shoulder hurt where he'd been bitten, and he had minor cuts from claws, but no permanent damage seemed to have been done. "We should head back, before those two regroup and try again," he suggested. He doubted they'd chased them off for good.

Ndleleni circled low around the small group, his feathers ruffled from the encounter. That had not been something they had been expecting on this outing, and he could tell by how Siphiwe was holding himself that the young lion felt defeated. "I can stay behind and keep an eye on these two as they make their way back," he suggested to Avani, that way she didn't have to worry about them being alone and injured. He'd at least be able to warn them if something else were to happen.


Jovi of Shadows

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Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:21 am
Jovi of Shadows
Fin for me smile

She was in a decent amount of pain but she'd lived through worse and tried to give him a reassuring smile. She could tell by the look in his eyes he felt terrible. "I'm happy to hear that you are also in one piece, I feel things could have gone much worse so we should count ourselves lucky." Looking over to Avani she gave the avian a nod of her head. "Yes, I think that would be wise. And with Ndleleni staying back that will be some eyes in the sky for us in the event we run into any trouble on our way back, should be able to easily avoid." She hoped anyway.

"I think heading back now would be a good idea. Wouldn't hurt to report we've had a few more rogue lion run ins." She wondered if he had any when he was out on his own. Giving a small shift of her shoulders and an arch of her back she gave a stretch to loosen her muscles and followed it up with a light shake.

Avani looked over towards Ndlenleni, "That puts my mind at ease." Looking back towards Liyana, "I will be swift." Giving a few hops and some flaps of her wings she took off into the sky to find one of the prides Imbiza's to help tend to their wounds as soon as they arrived back.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 7:00 pm
Siphiwe took in a deep breath to steady himself, trying to shake his mind loose of those self-deprecating thoughts. He'd have time to dwell on that later, for now they needed to make it back to the pride. It was a good plan to split up the vultures, one to remain with them and one to fly back to the pride, so he had no qualms or concerns about that. "I'm glad it wasn't worse," he admitted, readily willing to travel back before those two rogues decided to make their way back for a second round. Siphiwe was a young male, with a slightly smaller frame than usual for one his age, but he wondered if maybe he should start learning to defend himself better. Perhaps, in better times, he could ask an inselelo to teach him to fight. Or maybe not. Siphiwe was happy as an enda and an ahluke, and did not want to give the other males the wrong impression. He had no interest in becoming something else.

Ndleleni bobbed his head in agreement to their plan and allowed the drafts to catch under his wings to carry him higher. After what had just happened, he was keen to keep his eyes peeled for any signs of danger. He especially kept a good eye in the direction those two rogues had run off in, just in case.

Fin for me as well.

Jovi of Shadows

Dangerous Werewolf

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[IC] Ithambo'hlabathi Lands

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