xxxxxxxTᥲ̀mhᥲs Nᥱᥲᥴᥱᥣ Ghobhᥲιᥒᥒxxxxxxx

xxxℬ𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓬 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓼xxx

xxxFᴜʟʟ Nᴀᴍᴇ: Tàmhas Neacel Ghobhainn
xxxNɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇs: Tàm
xxxAɢᴇ: 17
xxxBɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ: 07 January 2046
xxxBʟᴏᴏᴅ Sᴛᴀᴛᴜs: Muggleborn (as far as they're aware. In fact, he's halfblood)
xxxGᴇɴᴅᴇʀ Iᴅᴇɴᴛɪᴛʏ: Male (but embraces his feminine side too!)
xxxOʀɪᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: Homosexual
xxxZᴏᴅɪᴀᴄ: Capricorn
xxxBirth Stone: Garnet
xxxWᴀɴᴅ: 10" Wild Cherry and Wood Nymph Hair, Rigid with runic designs
xxxMᴏʀᴇ Tʜᴀɴ Aᴠᴇʀᴀɢᴇ: Half-Nymph
xxxFᴀᴄᴇᴄʟᴀɪᴍ: Picrew

xxx𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵 & 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝒆𝒆𝓻xxx

xxxSᴄʜᴏᴏʟ: Hogwarts (previously homeschooled)
xxxHᴏᴜsᴇ: Hufflepuff
xxxYᴇᴀʀ/Class Of: Seventh Year
xxxCᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ Eᴍᴘʟᴏʏᴍᴇɴᴛ: Forge Assistant
xxxDʀᴇᴀᴍ Jᴏʙ: Master Bladesmith

xxx𝒪𝒲𝐿 𝒮𝒸𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓈xxx
xxx𝒩𝐸𝒲𝒯 𝒮𝒸𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓈xxx

xxxCʟᴜʙs ᴀɴᴅ Sᴘᴏʀᴛs:
xxxxx⇾ Art of the Sword
xxxxx⇾ Creature Appreciation Club
xxxxx⇾ Culinary Club
xxxxx⇾ Healthy Haunts
xxxxx⇾ Herbology Club
xxxxx⇾ Music Club
xxxxx⇾ Quidditch Announcer

xxxxx⇾ Captain of Art of the Sword, Herbology Club, & Healthy Haunts
xxxxx⇾ Prefect
xxxxx⇾Head Boy


The most beautiful things in the world came from the heart of an artist.
Tàmhas has a wild imagination, full of vivid fantasies. Nothing is ever dull around him, and he has the ability to brighten up any sour mood. He is great at thinking outside the box, coming up with interesting solutions for otherwise frustrating problems.

The way of the smith is the way of the land, which includes all things that live upon it– the tree’s roots wind against the stone, the bones of the dead become oil and coal. All of life is not inscribed, but imbued in the stone.
Nature is a big part of Tàmhas’ life, and he carries a great reverence for everything natural–from the stone and the water to plants and animals, magic isn’t just an abstract force but it lives in the souls of everything on the earth and deserves respect. Practically, this means he does not prefer not to waste or pollute anything–if there is a process to do things in an environmentally friendly, pro-social kind of way, it is worth doing, Capitalist culture is wasteful and despicable.

You have to be firm to work with metal, and strike it true, with force, strength, and absolute certainty. If the strike is hesitant, it will show in the metal.
So too are people, Tàmhas has learned. Even if he is conflicted or unsure, he doesn’t show it to outsiders. Instead, Tam prefers to think and mull things through, and be able to present a confident decision once he has it.

Hold steady boy. This may be dead metal, but if you pay attention, you can tell everything about the piece being built from the moment you enter, and predict what will happen soon: Listen to the sounds of the saw, feel the heat of the smelter. Be always aware, for a machine is a tool that does only what it was built to. You are the smith. You must see the course of the piece, and you must make sure everything and everyone in your forge is safe.
Even before he was able to swing a hammer or help in the forge, Tàmhas was trained to observe everything around him with great detail. He engages as many senses as he can, putting together a web of how something works or an image of the space around him. He is aware of everything in his vicinity–well, once he gets used to it– and ready to react if something goes awry.

Working with others helps everyone around.
That’s just how Tàmhas was raised. He loves working with others, even though he’s usually not the leader of the group. He thinks that in working together, everyone gets to highlight their skills, while having others help with their weaknesses. Plus, working together is a great way to learn.

Everyone has feelings, but it takes a strong man to express them for everyone to see.
This is how Tàmhas has always been taught. He fully believes himself brave just for sharing his feelings. Thanks to being in touch with his own feelings, Tàmhas has gotten pretty good at identifying others’ emotions, even when they don’t outwardly express them. Unfortunately, this translates to him being swayed by the emotions of others.

xxxxx⇾Scottish Folk Music
xxxxx⇾Plants and Greenery

xxxxx⇾Waste. Landfills. Pollution. Batteries.
xxxxx⇾No matter how much he works out, he doesn't get buff! He’s strong and sturdy like an oak, but he doesn’t look like it!
xxxxx⇾Picture time– The one thing his dad loves that Tàmhas cannot stand is sitting still for pictures and taking pictures. Every. Single. Time. they do an excursion, there has to be a dozen pauses for a dozen pictures. He feels kinda guilty because he loves the pictures. But interrupting an experience to pose for a picture is [whycat gif]
xxxxx⇾Music that is just people screaming. It’s terrifying
xxxxx⇾Heights. They're just too high!

xxxxx⇾Playing the Fiddle

xxxxx⇾Tàmhas knows his limits. He has been raised to be very emotionally aware and knows when he can push himself and when he needs to take it easy.
xxxxx⇾Tàmhas is good at caring for other people. Even if it’s just making sure his dad drinks some water and eats lunch.

xxxxx⇾Tàmhas will try to be calm and fend for himself, but truthfully he would fall apart without company. He’s never been away from his dad for very long, and has always had someone watching him or keeping him company at least. He does not think better alone. He needs someone, even if it’s just a rubber duck (which is a poor substitute for a person, but at least it’s not a real duck.)
xxxxx⇾Tàmhas gets really sad if he doesn’t get sunshine and fresh air. Being cooped up inside makes his head hurt and his soul tired.

xxxxx⇾To be strong and wise, like dad
xxxxx⇾To save those that need saving

xxxxx⇾Forest Fires


[History unbeknownst to him or his dad:
His mother, Xulia, was a nymph who had been in a relationship with a human, against the better wishes of her mother, the matriarch of their nymphic clan. This went downhill when her pregnancy was revealed, and relations soured into conflict. A fight broke out and Xulia hid her newborn in the roots of a tree before she had to run. A fire swept through the area soon after, and when Xulia returned, the babe was gone. She despaired, thinking the fire had taken him, but hoping some kind person had adopted him–there had been no trace!]

Meanwhile, a local blacksmith, Aonghus, was taking a walk when he noticed the air getting thick with smoke. He heard the cries of a child in the fire and charged through to rescue him. Aonghus was able to rescue the boy just in time, though he had been licked by the tongues of fire. He hurried to stabilize the baby, then summoned the hospital. It took hours of long, terrifying surgery, and hours of interrogation by the local constable, but finally, Aonghus had the baby returned, safely, to him. The boy was so small, now even smaller, his leg missing from the burns. It was touch and go for a while as he healed, but soon enough, he was able to go home.

That brought Aonghus to the realization, he had no idea where this kid’s home was. He had gone back many times over those weeks and inquired the local authorities about missing children, no one claimed the child. As he tried to find the boy a home, he realized the boy already had one. He set to work building a proper crib, and signed paperwork to officially adopt this boy, who he named Tàmhas Neacel.

Tàmhas grew alongside his dad, helping wherever he could. He learned all about the world, despite not having a formal education. When he was old enough, Aonghus let him into the forge, though it was only to watch. But, their time strengthened their bonds.
One day, when he was 7, Tàmhas decided he was old enough to try and help. Knowing his dad was inside getting a drink, the boy used the forge tongs (which were super heavy!) and attempted to drop the still-hot blade into the barrel of oil. As soon as he did, a fireball erupted upward. By the time Aonghus heard the cry and ran in, he was sure his son would’ve been badly burned once more. As if by miracle, Tàmhas was un-marred, though quite scared. Good thing there was nothing a big ol’ dad hug couldn’t fix. There was then a rule about Tàmhas not being in the forge unless dad was there too. Probably smart...

His occasional odd behavior never was explained until his eleventh finding day (which they’d made into a birthday), when it was revealed that he was magical. Quite literally a being of magic. It brought into Aonghus’ thoughts if this boy weren’t literally a gift from the gods. They gathered up belongings and stepped foot into the Magical World. Tàmhas was uncertain about school, but with a few words of bravery, Tàmhas was on his way to a magical new life.

xxx𝒮𝒸𝒽𝑜𝑜𝓁 𝒴𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓈xxx
School was really scary to go to at first, away from Pa and everything Tam knew, but luckily, he made friends pretty quickly. His closest pal turned out to be from Arden as well, just across the forest! It was crazy that it took them traveling to London (then all the way back to Scotland) to meet. They made friends with several others, but it made the year go much better. The only real downside to the year was that Tam discovered he wasn't able to fly, but that was okay. Quidditch looked pretty dangerous.

That winter, Aedan's brother hadn't met him at the station, so Tam and Pa gave him a ride back to Arden. Those two left to the forest, but they were back soon enough. That was when Aedan moved in to live in their cottage. They had lots of fun learning in the forge and playing in the snow.

The rest of the year went by pretty smoothly, then the summer was spent working in the heat of the forge. Aedan had requested to apprentice under Pa, so they spent extra time working. Going back to school was a bit easier this time, and the friends had lots of fun. Aedan spent a lot of time studying, but Tam could always convince him to break away for silly activities... or a nice sing-a-long.

Second year was mostly the boys spending all the time together. They hung out with their friends and in the garden, having all the fun in their little lives. Tàmhas had been recruited onto the Quidditch Announcers team since he couldn't ever play (nope, it was way too scary!), but he wanted to support his friends. Aedan even helped out whenever he wasn't actually playing. It was so much fun! That year, Tàmhas had also been promised the Herbology Club once Ron graduated, which was amazing too!

Over the summer before third year, Aedan and Tàmhas had had a bit of a miscommunication, but it lead to Tàm getting his ears pierced by Aedan. He'd also gotten to know more about Aedan's brother, Rowan, who had done much the same thing. They were caught mid-way through by Pa, but he had had a good laugh and said he'd been as much of a hoodlum as a kid. Once school started back up, Tàmhas had been given Art of the Sword on top of his existing responsibilities. But no problem, he could manage! He also worked with Yari Wellbelove to start up a new club, one to help with peer counseling at school.

While he'd been riding high, it was toward the end of third year that he and Aedan shared their first kiss in the gardens. Man, they were just... so in sync. That summer, they'd gone home to find out that Pa had gotten his girlfriend pregnant.... and that he had a girlfriend. Either way, it was very big news. Tàmhas and Aedan had also gotten their Journeyman titles after proving their merit in the forge. It was spectacular! Back at school again, they spent all their time together, now officially dating.

It wasn't until that winter that everything changed. Aedan had decided to go on a short hike in the snow, though an hour or so later had radioed in to say he'd be home in a few days. What?! After dinner, Maggey had said a huge storm was rolling in, causing Pa to go out and investigate for Adean. Tàm and Maggey stayed behind, waiting nervously by the radio for word on when the others would be coming home. Instead, the message from Pa was that he had gotten there too late. Even with ambulances rolling out, the family had lost Aedan. He'd been hit by a truck and tumbled down a short cliffside, only alive for a while as Pa held him close.

What a horrible way to go, but at least he hadn't been alone. They learned soon after that there had been a car there as well, long forgotten... inside had been the remains of Rowan MacInnes, meaning the brothers had passed so close together. The Ghobhainns, along with much the town of Arden, had saved up to put them at rest beside their parents. Friends and family came to visit, all to pay respects to their fallen friend.

It nearly killed Tàmhas when he had to go back to school alone. Pretty much everyone was there for him, offering hugs and condolences... which did help a bit. But he spent those several months more focused on listening to the issues of others, rather than sharing his own pains. It didn't help that most of his friends had a very similar topic to touch upon. He got somewhat of a break in February when he was allowed to go home for the weekend to meet his new sister. They had decided to give her a middle name to honor their fallen son. Eiluned Áedh Ghobhainn. It was a bit of relief, even if she spent the whole weekend crying. Tàm struggled to keep himself together over the rest of the school year, but he did it with the help of friends.

That summer was spent largely alone, too upset to even enter the forge. He was often kept busy in babysitting, but he didn't mind. It was an excuse, at least. Back at school, Tàmhas somehow had a million responsibilities. He was running Herbology club, Art of the Sword, and now singlehandedly in charge of Healthy Haunts. Add in the fact that he now had to study overtime for OWLs, announce quidditch (now with Nic as his part-time help!), visit the rest of his clubs, keep on top of homework, and be a sounding board for any of his friends' issues. It was exhausting. Though on an upside, Adelai from Cooking Club had noticed Tàmhas' awkward gait and had offered his family's help to build Tàm a new prosthetic. What a great gift!

Shortly before winter break in fifth year, Tàm had suffered a pretty bad panic attack. He fled the library, leaving his books behind. He barely managed to make it to an empty classroom with his head swimming. Trying everything in his power to get the pressure in his head to release, Tàmhas turned to the knife on his belt loop. Thankfully for him, one of his new friends had happened to walk outside the classroom where he'd fallen. Hesperia half-carried him to the hospital wing where he was all fixed up. Linsey was working that day and came to sit alongside them both, trying to make things less... horrible. Brianna came in as well, joining the little pity party.

He'd stayed in the Hospital Wing the last week of the semester, getting therapy with Madame Kavanagh. All his friends came to visit, which just served to remind Tàmhas that he was absolutely surrounded by love. When he headed home, he was surprised to see it was just Pa there. The two Ghobhainn boys spent time together, with Pa sharing how he'd had his own brushes with mental health around the same time. But their talk worked. It broke Tàm's depression pretty well. He joined Pa in the forge the next day, then the next... and things were starting to look up. He'd even gone to collect his new prosthetic, which was significantly more comfortable than his old one had been! Back at school, Tàmhas made it a goal to lean on his friends more often.

He was able to wear his smile again, sharing time and energy on friends and other things he loved. Some of his clubs were given co-captains, if he was able. He also made sure to seek out friends (or Mme. Kavanagh) if he needed someone to talk to. He was even feeling well enough to start a crush, which hadn't been expected either. At least he was so surrounded by love!

Sixth year passed in a whirlwind of activity. Tàmhas seemed perpetually busy, but now he designated time to spend alone or with friends. Over winter break, Pa proposed to Maggey (though largely on accident, thanks to Neddie!). He also finally mustered up the courage to ask Nic to officially begin dating. After a very nice little date in the greenhouse midwinter, the two were spotted around the school holding hands and being adorable. Tàmhas also worked hard on all of his clubs, plus training Declan up further to be prepared to take over quidditch announcing. As far as friends went, he was invited to Declan's official coming out party and he was specifically chosen by Ella to help break some news to Linsey. Thankfully, everything worked out and it was a great year.



xxxLᴏᴠᴇᴅ Oɴᴇ: Nic Hayward-Ye
xxxBᴇsᴛ Fʀɪᴇɴᴅ: Nic Hayward-Ye?
xxxFʀɪᴇɴᴅs: Will Thomas, Aurais Aurelius, Barbara Luney, Linsey Grey-Cavendish, Brianna Quinn-Smith, Nicholas Hayward-Ye, Alice McNamara, Sebastian Moon, Adelai Hasenpfeffer-Bates, Hesperia Argyris, Ella Grey-Cavendish
xxxEɴᴇᴍɪᴇs: No one ever!

xxxxx⇴Pᴀʀᴇɴᴛs: Aonghus Ghobhainn & basically Magdelena "Maggey" Anderson
xxxxx⇴Sɪʙʟɪɴɢs: Aedan MacInnes & Eiluned Áedh Ghobhainn

xxxPᴇᴛ: A baby bowtruckle named Úna ♀

xxx𝓞𝓽𝓱𝒆𝓻 𝓘𝓷𝒇𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷xxx

xxxFᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ Fᴏᴏᴅ: Teriyaki Stir-Fry
xxxFᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ Cᴀɴᴅʏ: Saltwater Taffy
xxxFᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ: Grays and Greens
xxxFᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ Aɴɪᴍᴀʟ: Phoenixes

xxxIɴsᴛʀᴜᴍᴇɴᴛs Pʟᴀʏᴇᴅ:
xxxLᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇs Sᴘᴏᴋᴇɴ: English, Scots Gaelic, Doric
xxxAᴄᴄᴇɴᴛ: Scottish

UPDATED 05/16/2024

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PENDED BY ❝Yukitty❞ 9/30/2022
ACCEPTED BY ♥ Steffy ♥ 12/12/22