
BIRTHDAY December 29th, 2045
WAND Wills wand is made of Mahogany Wood with a Jobberknoll feather core. It tends to be a bit flexible, but is 12 inches long. It appears to have been stained with a light red color, with a natural mahogany handle. It tends to do best at Charms.

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
YEAR Fifth
HOUSE I do consider your happiness
And try not to make you miserable
I’m sure you’ll find many creatures under the water:

DREAM JOB Magizoologist

xxxPERSONALITY ____xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Self-Sufficient William isn’t particularly needy and for the most part quite capable of taking care of himself. As Karah was at Hogwarts most of the year and his dad had to work, Will has learned over the last three years to take care of himself and doesn’t rely on anyone else to get him through the day. No one else is home? That’s fine William can make himself a snack, read about some magical creatures, and get his homework done.
Flexible While Will cannot be called particularly open-minded, he isn’t completely against changing his mind on things, and is quite easygoing when it comes to details. The important thing is having an end goal: Dad has to work overtime so he can’t go to the aquarium? Disappointing, but it happens. Will understands. They can go next time. Today he’ll turn off the lights and pop “Secrets Under the Sea” in for a 14th viewing.
Patient Will is not the charismatic speaker who changes people’s mind in a single conversation, but the patient figure in the back who quietly and slowly carries out his agenda. If he finds something interesting and worth pursuing, he’s content to take his time and wear someone down bit by bit, learning what he needs to understand, slipping into the smallest cracks of their defense, and making his change slow but great. So far the only thing to so deeply capture his interest has been the study of magical creatures. But he’s still young.
Adventurous William wants to see the world, discover all the new things. Or at least see the old things. Climb every mountain, read every book, meet all kinds of cool creatures.
Recklessly-Friendly William is particularly friendly towards the unknown and towards unfamiliar creatures. His human relations struggle a little–he sees humans as just…kinda boring creatures,, but he is ready to befriend ANY CREATURE NO MATTER THE COST.
Just Keep Swimming Will seems to not let comments from others get to him, and has a surprising ability to just brush comments aside. The comments that do get to him are from those closest to him, whether he admits it or not: his dad, Karah, friends. Maybe this is why he likes creatures better: they can’t say things that get under his skin without him knowing it.

■ Creatures/Animals
■ Magic
■ Storms
■ fairy tales (they must be true?)
■ reading
■ French

■ Star Wars
■ lightning
■ Karah
■ purple
■ dancing

■ Resourcefulness
■ Appreciation of beauty and excellence

■ Will hold a grudge for 9000 years
■ Socializing: avoids talking to people at all costs

■ losing his dad– not necessarily to death but more haunting is the idea that his dad likes Karah more, or blames Will for their mom abandoning them.


William Gregory grew up with just his sister and dad, and his sister was hella annoying.d, he never knew his mom. Karah said their mom hadat she abandoned them when Willhe was barely a few months old. His sister was strange. She was obsessed with Star Wars, and being a Jedi? It was hard to grow up with that, especially once she was told she was a wizard. Will thought he would be excited when she went off to Hogwarts, but after a few weeks of quiet, be began to– horror of horrors–miss her. He began reading her books–first her normal novels, then her collection of Star Wars books. While he still didn’t think much of the Jedi and Sith dichotomy, he was fascinated by the alien species and the fantastical creatures. taking her books, reading them all, This was just the start of his and began to fall in love forwith the creatures.

For Christmas every year since Karah started Hogwarts in 2054, she would get him a book on creatures since he loved them so much. He tried to go on adventures alone, to see the magical creatures that the books said existed, but his dad wouldn’t let him go off alone (the audacity). His dad did though, let Will stay at Flourish and Blotts or the local library until he was done with work. Will was confined to books, myths, and muggle documentaries, but that wouldn’t stop him from experiencing all the adventure he could from there. For his birthday, he asked to visit a magical creature reserve–any reserve. While most kids his age might have asked for toys, Will saved all of his allowances to get copies of Magizoology journals from Flourish and Blotts– he didn’t quite understand it yet, but he could look at the diagrams and try to understand them, or at least learn to recognize the words. When Karah told him of a mermaid that would swim by the Slytherin Common Room, he started learning British Sign Language to prepare for it.

He kept hoping that his Hogwarts letter would come, and finally one late Summer afternoon it did. Bet. He couldn’t wait to enter the magic world, and to be able to see the creatures face to face.


William met new friends, learned things, and overall just had a good first year finding new creatures.


William had befriended a half nymph. He couldn’t wait to tell Tam, but what if Tam didn’t want people to know...no he would just observe the friend for a while, it would be better that way. Otherwise, William’s second year was uneventful.


William and Tam had a slight mis-communication in which Will told Tam he was a wood nymph and that went over well. In the end it made their friendship stronger...once they came out of the herbology closet.


Aedan was gone. The friend group wasn’t the same and William hated it. He spent more time than usual hunting for creatures in the forest this year.

FIFTH YEAR ~ 2061 - 2062
The year that was lost

William didn’t attend hogwarts this year. William disappeared for this year. His friends had no word from him. His father was with him. His sister never cared much for the family and never realized they were gone. William didn’t realize immediately that he lost this year of his memory [to be continued in the next year]

FIFTH YEAR ~ 2062 - 2062

William was excited for the summer, it was the summer before his fifth year and they were going to have the best of times, him and his group of friends.




UPDATED (date of most recent update)
■ added school years happenings
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)

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