WC: 1267

Uolie liked roaming again. Although she knew if she ran into a demon they'd encourage her to go back, for now the pale lioness was more content exploring the world, a venture a friend of her grandfather encouraged to track Varii down even as Mioyo went searching for someone she hoped wasn't lost as well; but weather was never perfect all the time. The clouds and the sky was dark, the clouds above unleashing a torrent of rainfall that soaked the area and Uolie too, the large lioness sopping as she looked for shelter. Her search led her to a small shelter in the mountains nearest Doma, the lioness wedging herself into the entrance as she caught her breath from sprinting before shaking herself out a bit moments before a masculine voice spluttered, and Uolie spun on her paws, eyes wide with surprise.

The den was occupied by two others, a lithe cheetah that sat, spluttering and a giant male lion who took one look at his companion and let out a booming laugh. Uolie, for her part, frowned, huddling away a bit immediately. If it was one, she supposed she could handle anything a male could throw without violence, but two? Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. Uolie was a lover, not a fighter, and her eyes went wide in alarm before the cheetah paused.

"Well, I suppose it is coming down. Are you alright?" The cheetah asked soothingly. Zephirin... Was lost again. Without the presence of a threat hanging over others from the lioness that broke his pride and used him, he was lost once more. He'd actually come to cisit with Paulecraine and Grinnaux, and the rain had caught himself and Frinnaux before they entered Doman land properly. The arrival of another escaping the rain shouldn't have surprised them, he supposed, but still. However, it was a lone traveller, and one whom appeared frightened at that.

"Just -- just soaked." Uolie responded. The larger lioness was eying them with caution, however, even as Zephirin nodded, smiling slightly.

"You can calm. We do not believe in attacking the innocent." Zephirin responded, before Grinnaux finally grunted.

"We sure she's innocent, Zeph?" The lion looked to the cheetah, who hissed at him.

"Innocent, until proven guilty, Grinnaux. It's raining besides. Ah, forgive my manners. I am Zephirin. This giant idiot--" Grinnaux grumbled at Zephirin's judgement. "-- is Grinnaux. We were pridemates a long time ago... Both sworn to the defense of those whom can not defend themselves. And you?"

"...Uolie." The lioness responded. "I'm - I'm looking for my brother. He's big too... Black and white... Fairly serious..." Had they seen her brother? Has they crossed paths? He hoped so. She missed Varii, very much. Zephirin looked to Grinnaux, who shook his head with a grunt, before Zephirin frowned.

"No, miss. I'm afraid we haven't." Zephirin responded gently. "Are you lost?"

"Not really. Lost infers you're going someplace. The pride I was around was... Seperated, so I thought I'd go looking for my brother. It might be easier if I knew where my parents were..." Uolie huffed, Grinnaux arching a brow delicately.

"Why is that?" The male lion asked pointedly. Uolie stared, and motioned with a paw.

"Oh, he's a seer. My grandfather is the god of leadership. I think he's following one of his mates right now so...."

"A god?!" Grinnaux blinked. "You. God-descended. You." The male looked at Zephirin. "Beats if someone was descended from... Y'know. Goddess of Ice."

"Grinnaux." Zephirin scolded rapidly. "No. Pray forgive him, my lady. He's not always polite." Zephirin bowed his head before Uolie shrugged a bit, sighing.

"No, no. Don't worry. I'm from -- well, my pride was the Aegnor'hini purely because someone thought I'm too friendly to be out alone, but, now they're all bugger-all knows where so I'm just... Finding Varii. I'm sure we'll figure it out from there. He's very smart. I just need to better utilize my hunting skills to find his scent and avoid... Well avoid affronting others. I'm a pacifist, and... It wouldn't go well if someone took exception to my presence alone." Uolie smiled brightly though, shrugging her shoulders carefully before looking out of the save. This pair seemed safe enough for her to watch the rain fall, the sound of raindrop hitting the land the only sound several minutes before Grinnaux seemed thoughtful. The male hummed in deep contemplation, eyes closing as he slowly considered, before nudging Zephirin. The cheetah blinked, looking to the lion curiously as his ear flicked, Grinnaux using one massive paw to pull him closer.

"Say, you wanted something to do, right Zeph?" Griunnaux asked quietly. Zephirin blinked at him, nodding.

"Yes, but something helpful to others. Why?"

"Lone female roaming the roguelands... Little pacifist-y... Could get hurt on her own... You see what I'm saying, brother?" Grinnaux used the old term from their birth pride intentionally and Zephirin stared a moment before looking towards Uolie. His ear flicked, and he blinked slowly,, head tilting in thought before he frowned.

"Perhaps, but I don't feel it meet to impose upon the lady if she doesn't want my company." Zephirin responded. Grinnaux grunted.

"Look. Look. Zeph. My pride's friendly to these demons. They're not awful but they probably kept her in their territory for protection reasons. Can't hurt to ask." Frinnaux let him up, Zephirin giving the male lion a dirty look before approaching Uolie, sighing. He despised feeling like a mercenary, but Grinnaux made a fine point. They didn't know if this young lady needed a protector, so he tried to be gentle about it.

"If it's not too forward, Milady -- might you welcome someone whom is willing to fight on your travels?" Zephirin asked gently. "I don't want to impose, however -- but..."

"It wouldn't be an imposition. I... I hate fighting. Hurting others... Makes me feel sick inside really. I'd rather made friends, maybe snuggle. Are you sure it's no imposition on you?" Uolie immediately looked distressed and the two males looked surprised. Grinnaux whistled thoughtfully before Zephirin blinked, and smiled brightly.

"Ah, no, it is no imposition. I was a protector of a pride long ago, but our ways were altered, and I... Was cast out when I refused to adapt, as was Grinnaux. But in our homepride, to allow harm to come to a lady would be absolutely untoward. Assisting you would be my honor, if you'd have a disgraced knight."

"Disgraced?" Uolie laughed. "My momma says the same about how she was in her home pride. They were all warriors and Mama... Mama is a cuddler too. As long as you're not a bully, I don't mind at all." Uolie smiled. She was... Surprised by the offer, but found it not unwelcome, instead grateful; for the cheetah's kindness. Grinnaux smirked, nudging Zephirin roughly before the cheetah approached, slow and regal, as he lowered his head shyly and smiled, pawsteps delicate as he repositioned himself beside Uolie, the lioness looking out again into the rain. Zephirin smiled faintly, looking to her before she spoke.

"I plan to leave as soon as it's less... Torrential out there." Uolie informed him softly. "Is that alright?"

"He's fine with it. You are, Zeph." Grinnaux answered, ignoring Zephirin's scowl at him. However it did not last long, the male sighing and shaking his head.

"Normally I'd say ignore him, but... He's right. I'm fine with it." Zephirin answered, before laying down, Uolie nodding.

"I understand... Thank you, Zephirin. I really appreciate it." The lioness smiled faintly, before looking outside again, Zephirin's own eyes on the storm raging as Grinnaux simply smirked at both of their backs.

Outside, it felt as if nothing changed. The wind howled, and the rain continnued to fall, but inside the shelter, there was just a little more peace.