Angelic_Highlights trusted to let me take lead on FG4PG since I was actice again and asked her about it. Thanks a bunch heart I have to go out today and won't be back this evening but I'll update the front page with just some up to date avatars and darker background if I figure that out as I'm sure most ppls poor abused eyeballs like darker backgrounds. I was able to tweak the front but im out and about and will finish it when im home!

Other than that I just intend to kinda watch the invite requests and make new posts in guild and try to make the place feel like its being lived in, even if its only lived in by me for now you'll have someone to talk to or catch up with and if i see anyone out and about in the forums maybe we'll get a lil bit of new life going.

Either way I'll promise to at least be on daily and keep the place functioning. Tried zOMG its playable with adobe air so there's that to do. We have a daily morning thread, probably going to sticky that, a daily where's waldo thread for plat (till i run out lol), and I'll try to add a new poll/post daily. So wb if you're just now reading this and I guess you are as I know noone's been back on in a week yet but I'm ever the hopeless optomist and hope hope hope gaia throws that new towns with fishing out soon too. Get in here and poke around!

Edit: Ok its evening now. I'm going blind from updating the front page but I think its pretty decent for now! New banner in the banner section if you want to use it. The gif one is cute too. I gotta rest my eyeballs a while unfortunately or else I'd keep reading up on gaia stuff but maybe tomorrow! If someone quotes me or msg's it should reach me by cell notification so I'll try to pay attn!