If you have any spare gold or items lying around they will be much appreciated sweatdrop
I'm not another begging or questing topic, i am offering you something for helping me, i adore making graphics like the ones you are seeing in this topic. I also use many pictures from animes, games and such... so for those that help me on my quest i am offering you free graphics. I also offer dollz for those who want them smile i have a shop for those but people here i will offer them for free in thanks for there help.
heart heart heart
Kikky Kitty Brought today 3nodding
Demonic Pitchfork
Kitsune Mask
Currently all i have is 4k 22k as you can see i have a huge way to go.
So i hope there is some kind hearted people who will help me on my way.
LunarStar6 - 810 and a easter basket heart
sly_fox_anime_chick - 628 heart
o0o_m_i_k_e_y_o0o - 2000 heart heart heart
Thankyou for your donations
Only Those In Here
I don't want something for nothing... i will make graphics, banners for quests, guilds, shops or just ordinary banners for those that donate and want them. If you don't then please say so because i can allow a member who bumps or posts in here the chance to have one. =D
feel free to comment and bump in here. comments are always nice..