Think your up to the challenge?
Think you can beat upto 9 other contestants?
Think your avi has an original streak?
This is the contest for you. I'm lucky for the best put together avatar. It can be whatever you want. It can be tektek, but must have relevance to you. Eyes and skin tone for instance.
Think you can beat upto 9 other contestants?
Think your avi has an original streak?
This is the contest for you. I'm lucky for the best put together avatar. It can be whatever you want. It can be tektek, but must have relevance to you. Eyes and skin tone for instance.
Follow the guilds rules.
Post your avatar using the below form.
Send a trade with 250 gold to me.
Winner gets 1k plus their gold back.
Remaining gold goes towards my quest
Random donations welcomed but not neccesary.
Be nice.
Bumping unnecesary, as there isn't even a full page of contests yet.
Teh Peach luffs you. Show peachy you luff her Comment her profile XX