O RLY? |
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Total Votes : 61 |
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 8:24 pm
Today, my media group and I finished a majority of the editing for our rant project. Our target of choice was PETA, whom I'm sure all of you are familiar with. Throughout the course of the rant, we ripped on the hypocracy in the upper levels, the utter lack of logic in their arguments and statements, and their immoral and often outright dispicable advertising tactics. And then our ranter voraciously ate a hotdog, which has to be 10 dead animals right there. xD
So, just out of curiosity, I'd like to hear your opinions on PETA. 3nodding
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 8:31 pm
they have P's and E's and T's and A's........
Phsykadellic Hippy Vegetarians, too!
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 8:36 pm
WARNING *Opinion to follow* WARNING I believe animals should be treated ethically, inasmuch as they are living creatures. I do not believe, however, that they are more important than humans. I believe that we are meat eating, leather and fur wearing, pet loving, zoo visiting, safari going people. I personally own a rabbit coat, a mink stole and a fox fur collar. I wear leather shoes, eat steak and chicken, love my dog, and take my kids to the zoo and the aquarium. And know what? I don't feel the least bit guilty. If PETA thinks that their militaristic, terrorist-based actions are going to get me to change the way I live, they are dead wrong...just like the Islamic extremests are not going to get me to change the way I live. *End Opinion*
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:08 pm
I believe that everycreature other than humans, reptiles, amphibians, and bugs are supior to humans. Humans trash what they create, go agaist thier own logic and are self distructive. Cats know how to live. Sleep when ever whereever. Eat what you want do what ever you please. The human race will soon destory itself as it has done to other species. And you know what, I'll come un-dead just to laugh, and pet another kitty.
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:11 pm
Metalic_Noodles I believe that everycreature other than humans, reptiles, amphibians, and bugs are supior to humans. Humans trash what they create, go agaist thier own logic and are self distructive. Cats know how to live. Sleep when ever whereever. Eat what you want do what ever you please. The human race will soon destory itself as it has done to other species. And you know what, I'll come un-dead just to laugh, and pet another kitty. While I appreciate you voicing your opinion, this isn't what I'm looking for. I'm not asking for your opinion on the treatment of animals; I'm asking what you think of this specific organization. 3nodding
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:19 pm
if anyone has seen the South Park episode on the 2004 election (terd sandwich versus a giant douche), and you remember the PETA encampment, then that's pretty much how i feel about them. they're psycho, they're idiots, and they jsut dont think things straight >_< also:
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:40 pm
peta is a very bad thing.... i mean they have a point but they r wayyyyyyyyyyyy overdoing it... besides animals are here for our uses... ppls lives rnt worth a seagull or whatever
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:07 pm
Penn and Teller Me and Teller would choke every chimp on the planet with our bare hands if it could save someone with AIDS. Made of hilarious and truth. xD
Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:21 am
Meh. PETA is so overdone and overrated. Really they're like that anoying piece of a corn kernel you just can't seem to get from between your teeth.
I'm all for letting animals have rights and everything like that, but I do have to draw a line somewhere. Yes dogs and cats are murdered for food and the like in countries such as China and Korea. But guess what; get the hell over it! It's been that way for centuries, and if you think about those cats are going to be saved a lot of pain and the like from living with no food or love. I myself am an avid cat lover, and I can see the logic in tradition over in those countries.
As in such, I respect how they've been, and I respect that they use the cats for something good. For food! I understand that it's considered inhumane to do that to a cat. But that's only because you're from America. PETA basis a lot of their views on American ideals. Have they ever stopped to consider that some of the foods they eat might be considered an inhumane act to someone else in another country? My thinking leads me to say no.
I dare you to go to some parts of India with a pound of ground beef in your hand and preach about the taste of a nice meaty burger. I bet your life wouldn't last thirty seconds.
Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:35 am
I always thought PETA stood for People Eating Tasty Animals.
My family owns a ranch we raise and slaughter around 100 cows a year. Animals are here for us to eat. Some of them are too cute to WANT to eat, but if it was an emergency situation i would club a baby seal for some food.
Edit: DAMMIT! i wanted to find a PETA forum and argue with them about how tasty meat is... but the main site doesnt have one... *sigh* ruin all my fun.
Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:39 am
Sakura-Kyoukan ... but if it was an emergency situation i would club a baby seal for some food. You would club a baby seal?! How could you?! ninja *Stashes away my seal slippers* ninja
Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:51 am
Gyokutei Sakura-Kyoukan ... but if it was an emergency situation i would club a baby seal for some food. You would club a baby seal?! How could you?! ninja *Stashes away my seal slippers* ninja I'm thinking a quick swinging motion with a large blunt object...
Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 7:01 am
Please be warned. 99% of sane users who view the following will think I'm a nut. They're probably right.
In my eyes, PETA isn't doing enough. Neither is Greenpeace. Both groups are all talk, and get nothing done. I would rally behind a more militaristic, efficient version of PETA. Yes, I eat animals, but only because God put them there for that purpose. He did not put them there for us to test on and torture. Most of this research isn't even necessary. How does the R&D section of March of Dimes justify sewing the eyes of puppies shut? Honestly. Nature needs to take the world back. Hurricane Katrina, the tsunami. . . not enough. THERE ARE OVER SIX BILLION FRIGGIN PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. We don't need all of them. I'm ashamed to be human.