This is a contest for dream avatars. I will pick the first ten people to enter.
The will be a reward. its 2k gold.
You will have to pay 300 each to enter.
If you have more than 1 avatar that you like to enter you have to pay 100 more. If i had 2 avatars to enter i would pay 300g then for the second one i would pay 400 gold and so on. You money may be returned if u want to drop out.
You may think im getting profit and i am and so is the person who wins so make your avatar and everyone one can vote but quote Someones elses vote to vote for that person 2 so no one will get mixed up.. If you think thats stupid then you just wont win a 1700 profit. Anyway how am i gonna make my money?
My profit: 300 x 10 =3000 - 2000 = 1000 gold
So since you will be getting back 1700 gold and i will be getting 1000 gold out of it you should be lucky.
Keep it PG-13
Be nice and make the best avatar ever.!!!! and i mean it!!!! Here are some of my avatars that i made i didnt enter these but if i did you guys avatars would be owned. This contest will end in a week which is May,13,2006 So the first five people will be able to enter remember.
Thanks and Do your best.
The website if you dont know to make a Dream Avatar is:
((Fore the Newbies))
biggrin smile xd 3nodding blaugh surprised xp razz lol cool mrgreen rofl ninja These are the avatars i made on my own time do you like?
Im working on this fox one now.