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PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 4:51 pm
I have decided to create an RP. Woo-! If nobody likes it then oh well but weather you like it or not I would like your opinion.
Also, since I know that not everyone will put up with reading all this I have put "supporting laziness" sections in blue that cover the main points. Read the other things in color too... and you can't get outta reading the rules!


Aproxomitly 2570 AD. Technology is more advanced and so is the human race, in some ways. World War III wiped out more than 47% of the human race so the World Leaders made peace, putting an end to almost a century of sencless fighting.
Many smaller countries were completely demolished, leaving only ruins behind that are now forbiden to all forms of travelers. They were left as they were as a reminder of man-kind's mistakes and only disturbed for their resouces or by athorities tracking down criminals and the such who attempted to take shelter in the abandoned territory.
Other countries that survived made treaties with eachother or completely joined together to form a new country.
Much of the planet's geography had been altered by various occurances.

Since the end of the war, scientists have moved their focus from creating more advanced weapons to creating more advanced ways to help their own people as well as preserve the Earth and all it's creatures.
Many desiesses were cured but others still remained and just as many were suddenly appearing. Thanks to the brilliant, young, American scientist, Dr. Jescaro, the world became more health consious (thus the downfall of fast food). More people began eating properly and excersizing. As a result, less and less people were out of shape, the average human abilities increased and people lived a little longer.
Tsumiki Yumei (last name first), a Japanese woman, created a guideline for better methods of teaching that could be improved on depending of the needs of the student, creating generations upon generations of brilliant minds that added on to the world's further develpment.
One of the first to be taught under Tsumiki's plan, Jisarume Tsubaki (last name first), created the first civilization on the moon which soon led to underwater cities as well.

Splicing became a possibility. Scientists began splicing different animal DNA to create new species and, although thouse who protested it were proven right when vicious creatures that had been created by their expiriments went on a rampage, there were many expiriments that proved succesful and took their place among humans as pets and other useful things.

A new language was created so that the world would have a universal language understood by all to make comunication easier. The inventors of this laguage uncleverly named it "Earthian".

Side note: Because science is dominating there isn't much religion.

Supporting Laziness

-It's the future.
-Countries get along better.
-The world looks different and has new countries and such while others... are gone.
-Lots of abandoned areas of the world that are off limits to the general public.
-New, more advanced technology.
-People are stronger, healtier, smarter, live longer, ect.
-People can live on the moon or underwater too.
-There are people that are part animal.
-There are new spicies of animals.


Magic doesn't exist. Right? But there is the magic of science! The average human only uses 10% or less of their brain. What about the other 90%? Perhaps there are some sort of abilities locked away.
Who knows what could come of it. Telekenisis, clervoiency, telepathy, conjuring fire, controling electricity, a supercharged "green thumb"? All that and more just by useing another 3% or so of your brain?
That's what's happening to many of the world's youth.

Just after the war ended, an unknown scientist (who was, of coarse, insane) tried to create a way to "awaken" the other 90% of the human brain. He succeded and came up with a cyrum. But after he used it on himself he realized the danger it could cause the world. He destroyed all traces of the cyrum and everything relating too it, then he killed himself so that even he could not revive his research. But what he didn't realize was that some of it still remained.
It stayed trapt underneath the ground in a large containment device where it withstood centuries. Now it has somehow become unearthed and drifted to various parts of the world in the form of either a gas or a strange purple-ish liquid.
It seems harmless or is otherwise completely missed at first. Only affecting thouse between certain ages, it slowly awakens parts of peoples' brains that they may have never even realized they had. Gaining knowledge of how to do amazing things as well as more memory storage and the such.
Some of these people blessed with these abilities use them for good purposes, while others use them for crimes and abuse their power.

This could very well be the dawn of a new era for mankind. But will it lead to prosperity around the planet or a new dark age?
A manipulative man is gathering together people with these gifts and storing up power. Who knows what evil he's up to.
Slowly people are noticing this mysterious mastermind who goes by the codename "Dragon." People agree that this evil man Dragon must be stoped. Especialy thouse who have witnessed his wrath.

Supporting Lazyness

-People between the ages 12 and 24 are somehow starting to have their brains develop past the norm. thus giving them seemingly superhuman abilities.
-There are good people and bad people with these powers.
-An evil man called Dragon is conspiring something evil.

This is blue-ish so read it!

Basicaly, you're either a good guy, neutral, a normal criminal or working for Dragon. You don't have to be one of the people with powers if you don't want. You can have more than one power but you start with one. There must be about a ten day gap between each ability you get... and don't go crazy with it!! If you get powers you don't have to get them right away. You are allowed to switch sides but you have to show signs of it first. (Like, you get an offer to join Dragon and it's a bit tempting.) If you happen to want more than one character then I'd preffer if you didn't have more than three. It gets confusing for me.
If you have any questions then just ask.


-Follow guild and Gaia rules.
-Fill out a profile and PM it to me. (PMing your profile is not required but it is preffered.)
-No godmodding.
-No cybering.
-Be at least a little bit literate. I don't want to see *text* for actions and I don't wanna see chatspeak. I at least want to be able to understand what you're saying.
-Put the text for your profile in a color. This is to make sure you read the rules. So read the rules.
-NO FLAMMING!!!! scream But I'm sure I didn't have to say it. 3nodding
-OoC= (( text )) ( text ) [ text ] [[ text ]] ect., ect.
--OoC doesn't have to be literate.
-No posting and running.
-Please tell me when you're gonna be gone for a while.
-When your character gets a new ability then please have some way for it to be scientificaly described. Put it at the end or begining of the post you gain the new power in.
-All characters are human or part animal unless I say it's okay for something else.


Starting ability: (Only if you get abilities.)
How your ability can be described in Si-Fi:
Opinion on Dragon and/or people with abilities:
Where you live:
Played by:

Side note: If your character lives on the moon then they must be visiting the Earth to gain their abilities. Remember about the difference in gravity!

Another side note: I'm not too picky about one liners. I would preffer not to have them but I will accept them as long as they are somewhat litterate.

New powers?

What the ability is:
How your ability can be described in Si-Fi:

Geez that's long! eek Sorry 'bout that.  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 4:52 pm

Name: Charles A.K.A Charlie
Age: 16
Gender: female
Appearence: Brown hair, blue eyes, scar over left eye, is never seen wothout a gun and a trench coat
Starting ability: (Only if you get abilities.) To fly
How your ability can be described in Si-Fi: She can control the air within a three feet radius to lift her body and other objects she holds from the ground
Opinion on Dragon and/or people with abilities: Dragon has employed the help of her little sister, Kimi so she has to get her sister back cause she knows Dragon is evil
Where you live: On earth
Bio(optional): Charlie and Kimi's parents were killed in an accident when Charlie was ten. She took care of Kimi until dragon took her.
Other(optional): Um, she likes ramen and has a pet cat that follows her around.
Played by: Me, Ritz_freak

Name: Chet
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearence: Chet
Starting ability: He is very skilled in most forms of martial arts.
How your ability can be described in Si-Fi: The increase in brain abilities allowed him to easily understand the form of martial arts techniques and the keys to mastering them.
Opinion on Dragon and/or people with abilities: He doesn't really know about Dragon yet and his lazy attitude makes it so he doesn't care about either. However, when he learns of Dragon he will understand that he is evil and must be stoped. (In the morning. xp )
Where you live: Nowhere in particular. His foster parents are rich so he travels a lot.
Bio(optional): An orphen most of his life, Chet was lucky enough to be adopted by a rich couple but they didn't love him as real parents should. They only took him in because they thought they could become a normal family as well as the fact that they wanted an heir but they didn't want to go through "the miricle of child birth." He never had many friends and that never bothered him. He was to laid-back to try to make friends or keep them. He just let things play out as they would, without a care in the world. Even in his rich environment he was lazy and never did any more then what was asked of him, sometimes not even doing that. Never letting anything bother him, to others he seemed to have ice running through his veins and seemed more impressive to buisness men and such then he really was.
Other(optional): He has a little robot that floats around him that he'd found in a garbage dump and had repaired. He calls it Tsume. A Japanese name since he found it in Japan.
Played by: blue green

Name: Brady
Age: 14
Gender: male
Appearence: 5', red hair, one blue eye and one red eye, wears a suit
Starting ability: (Only if you get abilities.) Sees things that no one can see
How your ability can be described in Si-Fi: His red eye can see anything that is supernatural or any thing like laser5s that can't be seen
Opinion on Dragon and/or people with abilities: one of Dragon's right hand man
Where you live: earth
Bio(optional): Brady lived a normal life until he lost his right eye in a car crash His new eye was infected with the cyrum before it was transplanted. Now he sees all different things. His parents feared him because of his eye so they left him. Then he met Dragon and now works for him.
Played by: [TwIsTeD PiXeLs]

Name: Keahi Ardelle
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearence: (To spare you reading, she's a demi-human, she has the animalistic traits of an arctic fox, and though she's still human, appears more fox like than human.)
The long version--
Keahi has black tipped ears and tail, and the rest of her is covered in white fur. Her feet are actually like broad paws, and she has a bit of a muzzle with a pink canine nose. The eyes are yellow, and the hair, a little longer than her shoulderblades, is fiery red and tied back in a low and loose ponytail at the base of her neck. Kea's always wearing a black choker with a little golden symbol repeated along its length. She wears black shorts that fit her stocky legs tightly to her knees, and her forearms are wrapped in black bandages. Her ears are overly pierced, gold studs and rings everywhere. The rest of the outfit is all connected. Covering the torso is somethin like a corset. It's bright red with gold trimming, which is also present around her waist and up the front so it connects with the trim around her neck. The piece covers the entirety of her back. From her waist, yellow flames lick up the corset. There's a half of a skirt flowing behind her, also bright red, trimmed in gold with yellow flames. It only covers about half her thighs before flaring out behind her, hence the need for the shorts. There's a similarly designed strip in the front that also reaches the ground between her feet.
Starting ability: Pyrokinesis
How your ability can be described in Si-Fi: The ability to conjure fire to various points of the body or on certain objects using a certain, normally untapped, part of the brain.
Opinion on Dragon and/or people with abilities: For abilities, neutral on Dragon
Where you live: Earth
Other: Keahi is skilled in martial arts.
Played by: General Phade

Name: Xander Corales
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Appearance: 6'0" with green eyes and short black hair.
Starting ability: Quantum Molecular Readjustment (Fire, Weak)
How your ability can be described in Sci-Fi: By concentrating Xander can cause small areas of molecules to change in a desired fashion. He calls his ability "Quamore" to make it sound exotic.
QMR (Fire, Weak): Xander can concentrate to heat a small area or focus a short but intense beam of heat which is so extreme that the oxygen molecules caught within its effect combust. This leads to the appearance of a beam of light like a laser.
Opinion on Dragon and/or people with abilities: Xander knows he can do more than at present but needs some direction. Not a bad kid he was still raised without much affection so he comes across as a blunt and often dour young man.
Where you live: Earth
Bio (optional): (As it is revealed.)
Other (optional): --
Played by: Shadow-Savant

Name: HW-MA100XSEL; Codename Sophia
Age: 1 Year Old
Gender: N/A


Sophia has an appearance of a 12-year-old girl of medium/frail build. She has shoulder-length silver hair. Her eyes can change colour - although they predominantly remain grey. Although she is an android, she has an unkeenly and almost scary likeness to regular humans.

Initially, her social appearance and actions is of a 12-year-old girl but her fake and immature personality subsystem cannot disguise her machine-like mind.

Starting Abilities and Description

HW-MED100 Medical Nanomachines: Equipped with many medical nanomachines (smaller-than-cell robots that specialize in healing and repairing organic systems) in her body, Sophia acts as a mobile infirmary. By transmitting the nanomachines through a target's body, Sophia can heal up lesser wounds and diseases in a short amount of time or serious pains and illnesses during an extended period.

HW-HG100 Handgun: Made as a defensive and a warning weapon, Sophia uses a handgun to emit strong beams of light at a target. While it is capable of dealing damage to a target, this basic weapon system was not meant to be used alone. The damage caused by a single beam is negligent. Furthermore, the HW-MA100 series were not designed to be combat model androids. This weapon is extensible by using different expansion cartidges.

Opinions on Dragon and People with Abilities

As she was recently activated, and she is an android, she currently has no opinion about Dragon. As her initial highest priority is the protection of all human life, she has no problems with any humans.

Where You Live

Sophia is found on Earth by the current group during their explorations.


The Prototype Nanomachine-Controlled Android HW-MA100XSEL, codename Sophia, is a Self-Evolving Lifeform Android prototype created by an unknown technology corporation. The only thing known about the corporation is the HW branding on all its products.

The HW-MA100 series of androids by HW are medical androids designed to assist and heal patients in hospitals. They are normally equipped with the HW-MED100 Medical Nanomachines, a self-destruct function, and an emergency forced-control function. Their main priority is to treat, cure, and protect all humans.

However, Sophia differs from the regular line of mass-produced medical androids. While she possess the same skills and functions as the other models, she is the first model which Self-Evolves. Her entire operating system - including her Neural Intelligence Network (the equivalent of a human brain) and optional Personality/Human Interaction subsystem (the equivalent of a human heart) - can change and evolve. This is possible because the nanomachines in her body can dynamically create, manipulate, update, and change data in her operating system and software components.

Unfortunately, she was never activated, deployed, or mass-produced. Before her activation commenced, the project was trashed and Sophia - still asleep in her stasis chamber - and all the documents pertaining to her project and purpose were lost. That is, until she was activated.

The only thing in her possession were some clothing, a HW-HG100 handheld beam gun, and a digital document explaining her Operating System, her Self-Destruct function, and her Emergency Forced-Control function.


Because she has never been activated before until this time, Sophia will adapt and learn from the personalities, actions, and knowledge of the people of the group. Unfortunately, this will make her easy prey for most types of manipulation until her Operating System evolves and matures.

She is a self-maintaining android and will not need food or water.

Her changing eye colours are directly linked to her Personality/Human Interaction subsystem.

Played By: Jironimo Kasumi

Name: Aaron Joseph (Alias: Element)
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearence: Short, spiky black hair, light blue eyes, tanned skin. Wears baggy denims and a casual shirt. On each of his wrists (top of the wrists, at the base of his hands) and ankles (the little grooves on the outer side of 'em) are small tattoos representing a base element (Air on his left wrist, Fire on his right, Earth on left ankle, Water on right ankle).
Starting ability: (Only if you get abilities.) Aerokinesis
How your ability can be described in Si-Fi: Tapping into the deeper recesses of his mind, he can create and sense the flow of any form of air (gasses, clouds, and such), manipulating it at his will.
Opinion on Dragon and/or people with abilities: Has heard stories of Dragon, but thought little of it, or others with abilities.
Where you live: Underwater colony
Bio(optional): Growing up, he had been troublemaker, always pulling pranks and making life miserable for others. As he grew up, his mischief started becoming more deviant, until one day, his pranks led to a little girl being jettisoned into deep ocean. He was tried and acquitted for the act, but it taken its toll. After the incident, he changed his ways, always looking for a way to help others, especially those less fortunate than him, as he came from a fair well off family.
Other(optional): In an attempt to discipline him from early on, he had been put into martial arts classes, and continues to practice them, excelling in the arts, especially T'ai Chi, which he began after the incident to help him find balance.
Played by: Xanatos Forever

Name: The Stray
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Appearence: Sharp Feline eyes (yellow), Tan skin and dark brown hair. She wears a skintight bodysuit.
Starting ability: Enhanced Agility and Reflexes.
How your ability can be described in Si-Fi: She was a "Volunteer" of some Syndicate's Experiment, they Injected her with a Serum that effected her on a Genetic Level but far to subtly to affect her apperence. instead her muscles and Tendon's among other things where enhanced several fold, Giving her Grace and Agility comparable to that of a Cat.
Opinion on Dragon and/or people with abilities: They're all the same to her. Stray has an mindset of taking care of yourself.
Where you live: Anywhere on the Planet. but never underwater and not on the moon.
Bio(optional): Stray does not really recall her past beyond being experimented on. Honestly she doesn't care all that much either.
Other(optional): She sometimes has fairly catlike Mannerisms.
Played by: Nekotalim_II

Name: Cheal
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearence: [X]
Starting ability: He can walk through solid objects.
How your ability can be described in Si-Fi: By seperating his molecules he can slip in and out of other solid objects.
Opinion on Dragon and/or people with abilities: He doesn't see Dragon as evil and counts people with abilities as equals.
Where you live: After his parents death he became a wanderer.
Bio(optional): His parents died when he was 12, causing him to become mentally unstable. Cheal was sent to an asylum for 4 years, before he found his ability to phase through solid objects. After escaping the asylum he became a loner and wanders around the wasteland of a world.
Other(optional): He can only hold a phase for a few seconds, and if he were to still be inside of the object he would become part of the object. At the moment, Cheal is learning to combine his molecules with an object that he phases through.
Played by: Cheal Berts

Name: Lito Mira
Age: 22.
Gender: Male.
Appearence: Black short hair, brown eyes, slightly tanned skin, your classic Hispanic descendant. Lanky, about 6'. Shaves weekly. An honest look about him. Generally wears long non-denim pants and short-sleeved shirts.
Starting ability: (Only if you get abilities.) Localized Telekinesis
How your ability can be described in Si-Fi: Wheras a classic telekinetic is capable of moving objects at many ranges, Lito's range is rather short, no more than half a foot away from any part of his body. However, this reduced range can allow for a stronger force to be emitted; about two times his body weight can be lifted or moved by this force. Not to say he can stop bullets, but he's not bad at hand-to-hand.
Opinion on Dragon and/or people with abilities: Hasn't heard of him. He did meet a few other dudes with abilities... or rather, tried to mug them. More or less, normal people.
Where you live: Urban areas of Earth.
Played by: Disamorado

Name: Cyrus.
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearence: 3
Starting ability: (Only if you get abilities.) Lightning manipulation.
How your ability can be described in Si-Fi: Thick like a cross between static shock and raiden. His brain has electricital particles that can control and create electricity. You know how the brain has electricity in it, right? Well his brain is more attuned to electricity.
Opinion on Dragon and/or people with abilities: He doesn't care. He's nuetrual.
Where you live: England.
Bio(optional): He's a mix between Chinese and Persian Iranian.
Other(optional): He speaks a few of the ancient languages. He's part snake. He has a long thin snake tail and a forked snake tounge.
Played by: God_of_Summoning (Big G for short)

Name: Tanto Yamaki ( stadard first name, Last name )
Age: 14
Gender: male
Appearence: tan-ish, jet black hair, looks like a ninja kind of, silver eyes
Starting ability: Psychokinesis
How your ability can be described in Si-Fi: ability to telepathicly control living things and inanimate objects
Opinion on Dragon and/or people with abilities: Dragon=evil b*****d that killed my parents (not really in real life) people w/ abiltities=OK considering I am one
Where you live: whatever Japan became
Other: weilds multiple katanas w/ pyschokinesis and a staff in one hand.
Played by: um... orreso

Newly accuired powers/abilities:




What the ability is: Remote viewing
How your ability can be described in Si-Fi: Brady can leave his body to see what is behind a door or if there are camra's or another reason. He can only go as far as 100 ft. He can't move while in RV mode. He can't defend himself in RV mode.


What the ability is: Improved QMR control.
How your ability can be described in Sci-Fi: By concentrating Xander can cause small areas of molecules to change in a desired fashion. He calls his ability "Quamore" to make it sound exotic.
What the ability is: QMR (Fire, Mediocre): Xander can concentrate to generate intense heat in a small area or focus a sheet of heat to cover an area about 4'x6' which is so extreme that the oxygen molecules caught within its effect combust. This leads to the appearance of a sparkling curtain of light.



What the ability is: Terrakinesis
How your ability can be described in Si-Fi: Tapping into the deeper recesses of his mind, he can create and sense the motions of any form of earth (rocks, mud, precious stones, even some metals), manipulating it at his will

The Stray:


Lito Mira:





PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 4:53 pm

July 4, '06: RP started.
July 4, '06: First post edited a small tiny bit.
July 4, '06: RP finaly up.  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:20 pm
Heres a good title...Dragon city!  



PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:56 pm
Hm... maybe... I'll wait till I have more suggestions before I decide.  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 6:58 pm
Name: Charles A.K.A Charlie
Age: 16
Gender: female
Appearence: Brown hair, blue eyes, scar over left eye, is never seen wothout a gun and a trench coat
Starting ability: (Only if you get abilities.) To fly
How your ability can be described in Si-Fi: She can control the air within a three feet radius to lift her body and other objects she holds from the ground
Opinion on Dragon and/or people with abilities: Dragon has employed the help of her little sister, Kimi so she has to get her sister back cause she knows Dragon is evil
Where you live: On earth
Bio(optional): Charlie and Kimi's parents were killed in an accident when Charlie was ten. She took care of Kimi until dragon took her.
Other(optional): Um, she likes ramen and has a pet cat that follows her around.
Played by: Me, Ritz_freak



PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 6:58 pm
When we get another person we'll start I guess.  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:06 pm
Do you have a chracter?  



PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:29 pm
Um... >>;; I'm working on it. I just figured it'd be better to start with three people instead of just two. It makes it more inviting for other people I think... or something like that.  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:31 pm
Name: Brady
Age: 14
Gender: male
Appearence: 5', red hair, one blue eye and one red eye, wears a suit
Starting ability: (Only if you get abilities.) Sees things that no one can see
How your ability can be described in Si-Fi: His red eye can see anything that is supernatural or any thing like laser5s that can't be seen
Opinion on Dragon and/or people with abilities: one of Dragon's right hand man
Where you live: earth
Bio(optional): Brady lived a normal life until he lost his right eye in a car crash His new eye was infected with the cyrum before it was transplanted. Now he sees all different things. His parents feared him because of his eye so they left him. Then he met Dragon and now works for him.
Played by: [TwIsTeD PiXeLs]

Edit: My profile text is black and the backround is darkred  

[TwIsTed PiXeLs]


PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:43 pm
*waits* I can tell you read the rules but you forgot something.  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:53 pm
[TwIsTed PiXeLs]

Edit: My profile text is black and the backround is darkred
Haha. Very funny. I'm putting up my profile too so you and Ritz can start. I'll join you once I'm done.  


[TwIsTed PiXeLs]

PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:55 pm
[TwIsTed PiXeLs]

Edit: My profile text is black and the backround is darkred
Haha. Very funny. I'm putting up my profile too so you and Ritz can start. I'll join you once I'm done.

just look  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:02 pm
Geez! Even the people who read the rules forget that one rule! I guess I'll just get rid of it then. -_-;  



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PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:43 pm
What rule?  

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