Do you like GOD? |
Yeah, he's never done anything to me... |
63% |
[ 58 ] |
No he's a big doody head that dosen't do anything good for anyone... |
8% |
[ 8 ] |
God...I don't care about God, I just care about this gold! |
27% |
[ 25 ] |
Total Votes : 91 |
Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:18 am
Here's something that I've been pondering for a while now. As a homosexual I am blessed with the ability to see thorugh the regular mundane things about life and I get the chance to question why things are the way they are. Here's what I came up with.
If there is a God, this is a big if, and he is omnipotent, all powerful, and created the universe. Then it stands to reason that whatever that is in this universe created by God is by his will and his design. Whatever violent, harmful, disgusting thing in this universe created by God is wanted there by him. If God did not want this thing, thought, or expression of love to exist then he would simply remove it from his universe, or not have created it in the first place. If his creations interpret his actions in their own way, it is THEIR interpretation of the divine's will, not the actual expression of his thought. If popular religious text states that God has removed certain cities or individuals from earth becasue of lax moral or ethical judgement in the past, then it stands to reason that he would and could do the same thing in the future. The fact that certain unpleasent or distasteful things, (distasteful for the creations of God, or at least they interpret this things as distasteful), exist means that God wants them to be there, and is happy with the way things are, assuming he exists. If he were unhappy with the outcome of his creation, then he could by a simple action change things to be the way HE wants them to be, right?
This is what has been bouncing aorund in my head. I am curious if others share my belief, and if they can expand on my arugment, or rebut against it. I hope this sparks alot of conversation!! ^_^
Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:07 pm
Yes, but God is supossed to be all powerful and all loving. And is supposed to I believe not care about somethings imperfection, as long as (if it's human) it accepts him as their creator and savior on their own will and want. I believe most of that destroying was before he sent Jesus down to take humans sins.
Also some distateful things, remember, would be satan's doing. Because in most religious, Satan is the base of sin. Which would be that stuff.
I'm not 100% sure of that suff though lol. I'm talking to some people about all that so I'm just learning about all that stuff lol.
I believe there is a God and Of course Satan.
Also the quiz I believe is not "yea, he;s never done anything to me" it's i dunno what else, because God is supposed to work in peoples lives with good and bad. Which will (is supposed to) lead one to eternial happiness.
Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:45 pm
I'm kinda of a semi-atheist(sp?). If you ask me a person beleives in the "Powers above or the fat man upstairs" it is something to post blame on or think that it guides them. In my opinion it is a type of weak or strong, matters how radical you are in the religion, is a escapism from life. You just imagine that something is out there and will help you from your first movements till your deathbed. I've never liked that concept, and I've never liked kneeling or bowing to a man unless he/she has gained my respect and trust, or I'm just being a smartass. Just my opinion which is the key words.
Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:29 pm
In response to wolf_spirit's post I have to say this. YOU and the rest of christianity interpret god as a all loving all powerful being. Has he ever told you that this was his intention, or explicitly shown this to you. It just merely the interpretation based on stories written by humans who lived hundreds of years ago, without the benefit of a significantly higher level of education.
I have always had trouble with the concept of Satan. I just don't buy it. It didn't make sense to me that if God could create Lucifer, then wouldn't it make sense that if he dosen't like what Lucifer's doing then he could just remove him from existance. Unless like I said before, he wants Satan to tempt people, and casuse them to eventually end up in hell. I didn't get how if God knows EVERYTHING, then wouldn't God have seen the uprising of the Morning Star and have, I don't know, quelled it? Or atleast prevented it from happening? I just don't get it, I guess i'm just a very logic based person, and if I were God, and I didn't want something to be there I would just wave my mighty hand and get rid of it! Not allow my "followers" to continue to believe that I don't like this particular thing, ( THAT I CREATED), and allowed them to burn, murder, and maim the things I wanted to exist in the first place. I know hindsight is always 20/20, but I figured God would have like 100/100 sight, (yes I know this would mean that God is like past legally blind, but I'm trying to make a point)
Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 11:10 pm
Satan is doing his God-given duty of testing those on Earth, to make sure they are worthy of entering God's kingdom. Evil is a convenient way of making him the big G's scapegoat.
Essentially, the only answer for such a question is that any all-powerful being that created all that is around us had to have intended it to be this way, whether we like the current situation or not. There's no way to tell what reason there is for it to be this way, only that if it is able to make its will incarnate, things are how they are supposed to be.
And this is all still assuming anybody's even up there.
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:33 am
you make some interesting points there but i beleive more in a celestial burocracy than i do of a dictatorship type religion
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 11:16 am
I don't take Christian/Catholic/etc, too seriously. The idea of people eating up the "information" of a, roughly, two MILLENIA year old text concerns me. I don't understand how proclaimations of what is good and bad in this world are made when they are based off of a Book.
"You cannot love another man if you are a man or woman if you are a woman"
"Why?" you may ask,
"Because it says right here in the Bible!"
"Really? Who said that?"
"(enter name)"
"and he was?"
"(enter possible explanation)"
"So, what you're trying to tell me is that your argument is solely based on what a man voiced as truth by stating that God had said it? An arguement ONLY backed on by an opinion in an aged book that was and IS highly Susceptible to..hrm...*editing* to fit the needs of, perhaps, a reigning Monarch or Holy Man at the time. As an absolute truth?"
Now, I'm not a Homosexual but I still have strong opinions about the bigotry that, essentially, Damns my uncle and several friends to an eternity of pain and torture for living for who they are instead of living as a hollow shell. In other words: Living a Lie. The Hypocrisy that surrounds that hateful book is really distressing.
Back on topic, I've used the same arguement myself and I was also countered with the influence of Satan bit. Well, you could always continue with the "All powerful" bit and say that god could have halted all said emotions/thoughts/existence of said Fallen Angel. If anything, the lifestyle of Man-on-Man action could be ended at the snap of a finger if this god is as pwerful as he is boasted to be. I've also been countered on that point with this...
"God works in mysterious ways"
I'm sorry, but that is no explanation or even a reason. That only avoids the subject when you're at the end of regurgitating what has been shoved...*Break Time/Breath*shoved preached to you. Have Faith and live with the belief that there is something beyond, but, Holy Christ, Do Not preach to others about YOUR God.
...I'm done...I think...
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:19 pm
not to upset anyone but, the bible was written by a person, yes it was supposedly his words but they could always change what ever they want to in that book, i myself am not christian so nothing the book says really bothers me, i know quite a few homosexual people who are christian, does that mean they can just give up on there religion because of there sexual preferance?
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:02 pm
i have to say i am i proud christian...although i believe that homophobia is wrong i dont agree that God created violence and things like that...God created an eden...a golden age....and gave man choice and free will. it is because of this we have violence predjuice and war not becasue God wants it there. he may not be happy with what is going on around earth and whatever other life he may have created lol and he could stop us but he chooses not too because he gave us that choice and hopes we make the right ones...kind of like our parents do for us now...which is why God is also called the Father.
God bless you all! biggrin
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:49 am
Why not have homosexuals? Why not have other things that are "bad"? What would the world be without some spice? How could be know what sugar was unless we had tasted spice? And how could we prove ourselves worthy of God's kingdom if not first put through a test? And if the world were always "good" and "right" and "free of temptation," it wouldn't be a hard test to pass.
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:27 pm
I appreciate your comment ames-chan but I have a couple of problems with it. First off you're assuming that God wants us to make the "right" choices. What if murdering others, and raping kids IS what God wants us to do. That makes more sense in my opinion, otherwise how could a God who claims to LOVE us and CARE for us, allow such things to happen. You make the argument that most christians do that it's all the fault of Adam and Eve, that Man causes all the misery that befalls him. I do agree that we are the root of our own problems, but here's my issue with it. If God didn't want these things to exist in the first place, couldn't he have made man to not be violent, not murder, and not have inclinations to kill. Beyond the basic need to hunt to eat, couldn't God just have made us vegetarians. That way violence wouldn't exist to the extent that it does today. This cuts back to thw whole issue I have ith "Free Will". You assume that any of us have that. That we choose the actions that we take, what if God is that little voice in your head telling you what to do? In this light, we have no free will at all, and therefore all our faults are God's faults. (since he's the one pulling the strings) The fallicy of free will is something used by people to justify murder and violence, to say that it's not God who wants these things, it's man acting up. But we assume that we have free will, and we assume that we have choice in our lives. What if it's all predetermined? I really shouldn't ask this question since it's not possible to answer in any satisfactory way. In either way, humans will and can never know the answer. I don't know where I was going with this thread, but I'm resigning myself to the fact that NO one has the answers and I might as well just answer my own questions...But if I don't think murder is a bad thing, is it justifyable for the police to arrest me for it? Something new to ponder! ^_^
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 8:33 pm
the way i see it, god can be all powerful or all loving but not both.
if all pwerful, then death and disease and all catastrophes like tsunamis and hurricanes and earthquakes are his fault.
so he has to be cruel and heartless, if he (or she) is powerful.
if loving, then he or she can't be real poerful or the world would be a kinder and more peaceful place.
so i choose a loving but weak god.
if you say "pshaw my powerful evil god pwns you!" remember, this is still god, she still has some power, and will wim=n in the end.
but in the in-between times, she is too kind to punish the bad people; she still hopes for their redemption.
and as for the chaos like earthquakes, it's part of an unfinished creaiton, and will only be answered at the end of time when creaiton is done. untiul then, she suffers with all who suffer.
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 9:54 pm
It is very possible that an omnipotent being can be beneficial.
If you have a kid, and he scrapes his knee from playing outside, would you keep him from ever going outside again? Would you lock him in a bubble and keep him from ever getting hurt or feeling pain again? Of course not (if you said yes, I highly recommend that you never have children). The point of pain and suffering is so that we learn from it, hence going through failures is so integral in life, because it shapes us into better people and more mature mindsets.
On the level that we see, of course it will seem much worse and difficult. But as a whole, the point is to make us a better world for it. I'm not going to say whether or not it's actually working, as effective arguments can be made both ways, depending on your set of values, but it assumes that the deity is letting us go through the bad times with a long term goal in mind.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 5:29 pm
God can and is going to destroy Satan but Satan questioned God's right to rule back with Adam and Eve so we humans have to prove Satan a liar and then when as many people on the earth serve god truthfully then god will destroy all the bad people, governments and then he'll lock Satan up for 1000 years the earth will heal and become a paradise bring the dead back. After 1000 years he'll let Satan out to test every one and then he'll destroy Satan forever. Yeah it's all in the Bible people.
Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:56 pm
I don't care about god or religion enough to care about what some guy in the sky thinks about gay people. But my boyfriend says that god gave humans free will... If that's true, then I'd say that's why so many gay-haters think that being gay is a choice. So... that would mean god doesn't like gay people (like so many people say anyway), but he puts up with it because of humanity's free will, and when the time comes gay people would just go to hell...
I just think we're all gonna rot in our caskets the same... gay people won't have more maggots... but that's just me I guess. xp