Hi, I'm Egis, and I've been playing and running RPGs for 17 years or so. I'd like to run a game, and possibly even start a guild here on Gaia. There's no one right way to play a game, but I do certainly have some preferences. If your preferences coincide with mine, then we might get something exciting, challenging and surprising to all of us.
As a GM/DM/Storyteller I promise to...
1) Provide world, character, and situation appropriate reactions and consequences
2) Be a fair judge and adjudicator of conflict
3) Collaborate with players to develop unique, multi-faceted, player driven storylines
What I would require from players...
1) A complete, legit, character sheet for a 100 point GURPS character or a 1st level D&D or D20 character
2) A character backstory and description of roughly 2 to 5 paragraphs complete with any motivation, storylines or themes that the character or player would like to explore
3) Willingness to be relatively free-form when it comes to inconsequential or "flavor" actions.
4) Willingness to roll dice in a post for contested actions. (Don't adjudicate your own interaction with NPCs)
5) Willingness to interact with the other PCs and myself in a generous role-playing and improvisational attitude
6) A detailed description of how you would contribute and a committment to follow through on such. For instance, I'm a busy college student, and relatively new to Gaia. If I'm spending my time on your amusement, then how much gold would you be willing to contribute to my hobby every month? Remember: gift credits are $1 for 2000 and donation items are only $2.50 each
I look forward to meeting my future collaborators. Well thought out, non-twinked, three-dimensional characters with realistic personalities and flaws (regardless of type or setting) will get preference, though genuine humility and bribery will get you far
twisted Sincerely,
UPDATE: I've decided to copy this thread over into the general forums for wider coverage, and also so I can subscribe to the thread for easy tracking. Please post any replies