I love typing things that are really long. I'll show you one I've typed before.

Aleydream on Neko-Kitsune009's Profile

Have you ever been staring at the sun one day and randomly realized that it was nothing more then a little white in our sky because you've been staring at it so long that your eyes turn gold and your hair gets bleached then you walk into a locker room and everyone looks at you like you're some new freak they have to bug because you've turned a crispy red from being in the sun too long and then you go to class and your teachers smiles at you and asks what your name is because they can't recognize you with bleached hair, golden eyes, and a crispy read skin and while doing this your brother, mother, and dead aunt Martha all get into an accedent involving a nonmotered bike, a big dog, and a pepsi can although they all come out fine and your cell phone rings in your pocket and you pick it up and it's that friend who talks in really long sentances without any dots and they can't spell worth crap or type worth a dime but you sell their work anyway because it's really long and they actually make no sense so you pick it up in class with the teacher asking who you are because they can't recognise you with your crispy red skin, golden eyes, and bleached hair and you tell them that you're in the class with the pcycho teacher who thinks your a guy name Danny Divino and that you're going to shoot the entire place and you have a hit list in the locker by Mr. Reno's Class so they say Oh well I was calling to see if you wanted me to turn off your computer where you keep all of your illigal documents from skipping the country from Canada and you tell them no but then they do it anyway so the police catch you because the system crashed and they can't do a thing about it and you're sent to jail for the rest of your life because of a really long message on your Gaia account because a girl hated the fact she wasn't at the top or bottom of your comments list?

Now the best part of this is that it's all one sentance. The guilds I posted some other ones in are gone unfortunately so I didn't get a chance to post those.