hey, Organization XIII! ^-^
3nodding we no longer need any donations donated directly to the guild! but donations are still needed
3nodding now when you donate, send your donations to the guild mule:
all the donations will be saved up for contest prizes now coming up!
if we get enough donations, we will hold an Organization Christmas Give away! ALL of the donations will be used to buy prizes or just give away to members! (only the active ones of course, so not to worry! O= )
donate as little or as much as u like
3nodding to donate, click below~!
Donate! ^-^your donations will also be added to your guild score and be kept track of below
3nodding Guild Donations:
(example: name - gold amount)
ShadowSora(unknown KH) - 900
Koichi2005 - 114
[[Sakura Mizrahi]] - 5000
Kioushan - 300
jayjaystillhere - 300
lunathetarotmaster - 712
Mushroom-Chan - 200
Azul Estrella - 219
seth_tyron - 1000
bunni-rena - 1000
kairi~inner~sky - 1000
Guardian#732 - 500
[PC] Chaos - 16000
pwnd_by_twlt - 1000
Lyseria-Pesvita - 1000
Alixraen - 2000
sephrioth609 - 600
redfire11967 - 500
finalshade13 - 1000
Jay Pharwolf - 1100
AznSpadez - 10000
IGojuroI - 2 superior forms - 11,500 points (not gold, points)