Read everything & Actually take it in please |
Sure thing miss! ;) |
80% |
[ 859 ] |
done and dustied and replied |
19% |
[ 214 ] |
Total Votes : 1073 |
Angelic_Highlights Vice Captain
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:32 pm
Welcome to "How not to be a noob 101"Have you ever joined a guild and wondered why you seem to be doing everything wrong there is a simple solution to this problem and probably one in which you have skipped over. Every guild just like this one has rules and guidelines to which must be followed the difference is with FG4PGS is that the captain, vice captains and mods all work towards aiding you to get those dream item's you so desperately seek. So the rules and helpful hints on making gold have all been written in simple and easy terms for even the newest member to understand, everything you see here in either the stickies or in the guild information sub section have been written by people who have quested for item's and been on gaia for a long time so they do understand how hard it is to understand gaia's terms.
The rules here are simple and if you take the time to read them all over you will understand there they are all visable for your own benifit. If you decide you know everything there is to know about this guild and how to make gold and decide to skip over the rules and stickies then be sure that one of the mods or possibly the executioner will become involved and you could lose your one chance at making gold and friends fast.
Dont try to be a know it all and think you are untouchable from the rules. We understand there is some people who have just joined gaia and wandered across our guild through many different means so they may be a complete noob to the facilitys to which gaia and the guild do offer them. Due to them being complete noobs they will do things wrong, get told off and sometimes decide to leave and go elsewhere, because FG4PG is here to help poor gaians we don't want people to leave and lose the best chance at getting those hard to reach items.
I have patched together a easy to understand guide on the following which is below. Also just so you have a better understanding on where everything is and what you should do i have included some screenshots. Since the old pics were broken, new shiny pics were supplied by Rydia-beck aka Lillea. tab tab Contents Introduction 1st Step At Understanding The Guild 2nd Step At Understanding The Community Locating The Important Stickies Adding A Poll Knowing Your Captain & Vice Captains Knowing The Mods REMINDER ABOUT DISREGARDING THE STICKIES LACK OF RESPECT AND TALKING BACK GIFT NINJAS Closing
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:34 pm
1st Step At Understanding The Guild We understand that when you join a guild everything can seem really over powering, the amount of rules to which must be followed, the over whelming amount of sub sections and sometimes it is very easy to over look the simplest of topics so this is why sakura our captain decided to add the rules to the front page. By doing this he assumed that every new gaian that requested to join the guild also checked over these rules and guidelines before posting there introduction. But it would seem that it is always being overlooked, maybe people do not know what there looking for.
For a detailed outline of FG4PGS rules and guidelines you can simply click the banner below and it will take you to the front page. If your still confused about the rules or still have some doubts of understanding in your mind then feel free to pm me and i will make them even simpler to understand through pm.
If you wish to view the rules again and don't wish to click the banner again you can simply click guild home button top left.
Angelic_Highlights Vice Captain
Angelic_Highlights Vice Captain
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:34 pm
2nd Step At Understanding The CommunityThe best thing to do if you wish to understand the community and the members is to view everything which has been posted before in the "sticky, announcement & site info / Q&As" it sounds too obvious but if you wish to make a good impression here in the guild i suggest you read through all the stickies, it may take a long time but you will gain more information from here than anywhere else. Ever wondered who the gift ninjas are well there is a handy topic in there which tells you everything about them and what you can do to possibly get a donation.
I have included again another screenshot showing just where the sub section is actually placed. When you select to view the forum you should see many subsections before the general forum. Once you know where the sub section is it becomes very easy to be found. Click the screenshot again to be taken straight through.
Edit by Midori on 6/7/2009: Seriously if you read through the subforum that has all of our stickies and rules we wouldn't have so many problems. So go read it, now! If you need to view one of the topics again from the sub section then simply look at the second sub forum from the top of the main forum page.
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:35 pm
Locating The Important StickiesEven though we have a seperate sub section for stickies and Q&As it does sometimes become more apparent to us that if we had some in the general discussion bit noobs would actually see it better and bother to read it, so alas more stickies were added and have been viewed a little bit more than before but of course it would seem like these are being over looked or ignored so again i photoshopped another screenshot this time showing you exactly where the stickies were there is one stickie which always gets overlooked which is the introductions thread. As you can see below there is many stickies but they all do have a purpose and are there for your own aid.
Some of the stickies are there for information purposes to make your time at gaia a lot more enjoyable but there is also some they for your own fun and benifit.
For instance having the introduction sticky thread is ten times better than having ten threads all saying "hi im new" this way you get greeted better and dont get yourself off to a bad start, what's more it doesn't take as long as a thread to post.
Then we have manjis bar when you can hang out and chill and meet all of the regulars and most of the mods there too, great way to get known and have a laugh at the same time.
or maybe you need to rant and rave about something that happened at school, work, home whereever... then you have a whole sticky just for your use.
as you can see there is stickies also there for your gain so surely taking 30 minutes to look through them all wouldn't hurt now would it?
Angelic_Highlights Vice Captain
Angelic_Highlights Vice Captain
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:36 pm
Adding A PollAhh the very essence to which we all make gold fast from, adding a poll is one rule here at FG4PGs and a brilliant one at that, not only does it mean you make a little extra gold from posting a topic, or replying to one it also means that the topics become a little bit more interesting. Not only that but now we have the ability to forever change a poll which means a regular amount of gold coming onto your account. Sound good? i think so too....
But we sometimes have ppl who either don't bother to read the rules or actually don't know how they can add a poll, even though it is really simple and outlined in the port reply box. I guess for people who have never been on a forum before this would become really alien to them... so again i opened my photoshop and did a handy screenshot which shows where the poll option can be found.
We have had many topics asking how to add a poll and frankly I think were all tired of forever saying the same line over and over. You can add a poll by following these simple steps.
Open up the "new topic" page Type in your title and post content Scroll down the page
Type in your poll question in the first box Then click the add option which is to the right of the screenshot Fill in the options of the poll question Keep clicking the add option until your happy with the options And then finally click submit
There and now your done! Sometimes new people cannot be bothered to wait for the options to load because maybe there internet connection is slow or it could be that they don't have any time or just can't be asked to make one. But it makes everything ten times easier if you follow the rules.
Those who don't bother to add a poll even when they are directly asked to by mods risk having there topic deleted and if they continue to ignore the rules they can also risk being banned from the guild.
So is not bothering to add a poll really worth all the hassle?
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:37 pm
Knowing your captain and vice captains Now you have finally joined the community and done everything i have said above and made a name for yourself or tried to so. I feel you should feel our ever famour captain and vice captains, they're as mental as the rest of us but their hearts are indeed in the right place and if you take the time to know them you will enjoy your time with us. Your Captain Rydia-Beck aka Lillea Rydia is everywhere. Feel free to take advantage of Rydia's sheer power of incessant talking as she will respond swiftly to your threads and conversate you verily. Or if there's a problem she's good with those too. We currently have 2 semi active vice captains. If you see them around they know their stuff! Your Vice Captains tab tab Angelic_Highlights tab Sakuchwan tab
Angelic_Highlights Vice Captain
Angelic_Highlights Vice Captain
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:38 pm
Know your mods
There is one active mod besides the captain right now and if others return to active they will be updated here in the mod list.
AaronAlroy May the gods have mercy on your soul if you run into...
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:40 pm
Spam and the understanding Spam - what is it.
Spam, there is indeed two types the nasty meat you get in a tin or the annoying spam of bringing up old topics, posting emotions or being a royal pain in the a** just to increase post counts and gold total. Where here to talk about that spam, not the tinned stuff, that's just nasty...
Types Of Spam
There are many types of spamming going on around FG4PGS and on gaia too for that matter, some are unaware they breaking rules whilst other members love what there doing and just don't give two hoots. Below is many forms of spam which i collected from talking to respected members and the staff so be sure to read and follow them as i will come hunting for you with my bam hammer if you do any of them!
Spam Is - doing the following
Posting single words or emotion posts. - Posts like "cool", "gold" " wink " are spam and not allowed.
Posting Phrases that have nothing to do with the topic at hand - posting things like "i'm new" or "god gimmie gold" are completely off topic to someone talking about dogs! see my point. We have a topic for saying hi i am new and a section for asking for help with your quest.
Double/Triple posting for def - Don't double or triple post because your too damn lazy to wait for response or click the edit button! yes there is a button which will allow you to edit old posts eek so use it! also replies come thick and fast but sometimes you will have to wait. Update: This is a little more laxed with the much lower traffic in guild now. If an hour or two goes by with no reply to a post and you have more to add you can post again without worry (added by Lillea 2024)
Bumping - bump and i bump your a**!! this gets annoying time in, time out! don't bump using images, emotions, words, sayings or anything else better still JUST don't do it EVER
Posting pictures what are random and have nothing to do with the topic - Don't go and post a image and then leave no discussion, or post images which are completely out of the blue this is bumping... also don't post ten ton of picture threads, we have a stickie to show yourself off. ALTHOUGH posting a topic on something you have changed about yourself with one image is allowed as your starting a discussion on peoples thoughts.
Long sentences that stretch the page - Any threads, posts in which stretches the page and makes us have to scroll sideways for ages just to see the end of the topic, is spam and annoyance it makes things look untidy.
Repeated Topics - If you see a thread being posted in on shall we say "valentines day" don't post another such as "valentines discussion thread" there the same thing and it becomes annoying and repetitive! we have a event sub section so those threads would be in there, same with halloween, christmas etc
Reviving Threads - Do not revive threads that are one week or past page 2, this is spam and not needed, we have many new topics ALWAYS being added.
As you can see there is a lot which is classed as spam but they all are indeed self explanatory to everyone and should be common knowledge, how would you feel if someone kept spamming your topic shouting IM NEW or GOLD you would become very ticked off. Well try seeing it from a mods point of view there is only so many times we can tell people off without losing our temper. smile
it is simple and easy to follow, an by not doing any of the above you will make friends in the guild instead of them ignoring your topics.
Remember we have a nice little sub section just for people who want to spam just click the can of spam above to see!, eek Yes see how nice we are to you, if you must post spam to increase your post count or gather gold fast then please post to your delight in there instead of ruining the other sections that have set topics to them! It ruins peoples fun!
Angelic_Highlights Vice Captain
Angelic_Highlights Vice Captain
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:41 pm
Recently it has come to my attention that some people are ignoring the stickies and not bothering to read them and when they break the rules and get either a warning or instant banning they are shocked and come back with the excuse that they did not know they were breaking a rule and also that we do not have any threads explaining the rules around the guild. Sorry come again i am sure there all stickied on the main guild part... oh wait yes there they are rolleyes
This excuse will not work on any of the staff members the same way the excuse "my sister/brother/cousin got onto my account" will not work :rolls: it will just make them more annoyed that you did not take the time to read up before wandering around the guild. If you have time to come up with excuses then you have time to read the stickies. wink The second reason why this excuse will not work is because the rules and all the details is on the guild home page! you would have had to see this page when requesting to join the guild. Sakura has made it really easy to understand so there is no reason why you should have any problems understanding anything or being able to follow the rules..
A small hint and a reminder for all the newcomers and also some of the people in the guild that have been here for a while. Please remember that we have stickies and there not there to look pretty. They all do have a purpose and I suggest you take the time to actually read them. I have explained the importance of reading the stickies in the forth post so I am very bewildered that some people just disregard them. It will make your time here at the guild a lot better if you actually take the time to read them.
The mods will be a lot happier as well as they do work hard on making these threads for your gain just like i do with this topic! so please give them the respect of taking 5 minutes to check them out.
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:44 pm
Lately I have noticed that there has been a lack of respect for the mods here at Fast Gold 4 Poor Gaians which is completely un-called for a disrespectful. Each and every moderator here within the guild works just as hard as Sakura & the vice captains to make the guild run smoothly and become a brilliant place to be. You may think we sit pretty and just have a laugh around the guild but that is not the case everyday were dealing with something new and dealing with problematic members. You probably do not notice this because we literally are so fast with dealing with the problems here at the guild that there gone before you have a chance at noticing them. This is because we have a amazing team who actually work together here at the guild.
We have a few other moderators and a vice captain who actually take on more challenges to make the guild a bit different from anywhere else. For instance this topic takes a lot of updating and time to get finished yet i do not mind spending the time because it is for a good cause and even now there is people who are finding it a great help and stopping them from getting into problems around the guild. Then we have Goddess Ace who does amazing comics featuring people from the guild bringing this place to life! she has done numerous comics which have given us so many good moments and she has marked every event we have had within the guild and featured it in her guild which makes FG4PGS different from everywhere else.
As for the other moderators i could not list everything they do because it is just too much! We all work together within the sections and are constantly coming up with new ideas to make the guild better. You will always see the moderators commenting in threads and working fast bringing contests and events to the guild making it a fun place to be. You may even noticing them giving warnings out in threads now and constantly moving topics this is because the traffic to this guild is remarkable.
So i think they deserve the hugest amount of respect you can given them! because if they were not here making this place the way it is today you would not have FG4PGS. At least not with the same atmosphere a guild of this size is a challenge to keep tidy and in order.
You really must be brave if you have ever tried this or would end up doing so. When your warned or are spoken to for either breaking the rules or bullying someone the wisest thing to do is apologize and hope that your not placed on watch. The dumbest thing you can do (which happens more than you think) is answer a moderator or GM/VCS back this is a sure way you will get the ban hammer or a visit from mr executioner and believe me this is something you do not want. Ever!
It has happened to me more times than i can remember if you receive a warning it is because of a rule you broke or because you were seen picking on someone and so forth. We do not issue them because were bored so i would again recommend you keep your mouths zipped and take the warning with grace and apologize and then never do it again.
You can ask where it happened and what you did wrong for future references but it would help to read the rules first so you know what to do and not to do around the guild.
If anyone is answered back around the guild or in the pm system it is logged and you have a 95% chance of being banned from the guild, if you keep answering back then you can be sure your banned for good and logged just in case you reattempt to join once again.
is it really worth it? the risk of losing the chance to be someone in the guild, losing the best way at making cash? i would say not.
Either way DON'T do it!
Angelic_Highlights Vice Captain
Angelic_Highlights Vice Captain
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:46 pm
GIFT NINJASSo you have been within the guild for some time now and made your introduction post, posting a few topics, read the stickies and this thread and noticed that a strange person with "Gift Ninja" at the start of there name who always seem to dress in stealth clothing and keeps popping up around the guild never saying a word just posting a strange icon ninja and nothing more. surprised
Well before you start howling and reporting them to the mods i suggest you do not biggrin these secretive people are not spamming the guild there actually a part of the guild! if you see this icon in a thread you have posted in or one that you have not this icon ninja means that someone has been ninja'ed and this does not mean there hurt it means that someone who has posted in the thread has been sent a gift or a amount of gold. Please refer to the dos and donts to see how you can improve your chances or getting a donation from one of them. UNDERSTANDING THE GIFT NINJASUnderstanding these secretive people is never easy as they never speak but this is not because they do not have a voice this is because they must make a vow of complete silence when they start there training, our source has confirmed that each and every ninja has took a vow of silence to never speak and never give away there identity (but this does not mean we have not tried to find out who they are they never answer there pm s sad )
These secretive people will never give there identity out because it allows them to give gifts when they wish and see fit in secret but of course they do not have endless amounts of gold or items in there pockets they have to earn them just like we do.
They go through extensive training in the Official FG 4 PG Gift Ninja Academy which believe me is on tight security sad if you see them making a appearance pray your being noticed and selected by them wink
The gift ninjas become excited when they see how much excitement they have generated by just popping in a striking someone that it makes them crazy and they end up doing multiple strikes and you never know the next strike could be you wink
Remember they never speak so sending them pm s is worthless but if you wish to show them how much there gift has made you happy then you can always comment on there profile but do not expect a reply wink DOS & DON'TDOS Be Active! (the more you post the more you will be seen) Be Seen To Be Aiding People (helpers will be helped back) Follow The Rules Become A Regular Be Kind & Respectful Remember The Sub Sections (They also visit here)
Break The Rules! Scam People (Duh!) Beg EVER! (no one likes a begger) Bully Anyone (They will notice) Post & Bugger Off (you will never get noticed this way)
Q&ASWhat Are The Gift Ninjas? - i have already said this there kind secretive people who keep there identity a secret and give out gifts and gold to active people in the guild. Wow How Can I Get A Gift? - Uh you don't they will give you one if they see fit too. You don't just send a note and get a gift they have to notice you first. Noticed? How Do I Do That? - Getting noticed is really simple the more you post the more chance you have of them seeing you. The less you post and that chance will be lower. Activity is a big thing to even have the chance of getting noticed. Can't I Just Send Them A Pm Asking Them For Aid? - Hell no this will get you a instant ignore, no one likes a begger so there is no reason why they should. But Why Not They're Rich? - This could not be further from the truth they have to work for there gold just like you and i do. They do not have a bottomless amount of gold. Ok So I Am Active & Not Begging Why Have I Not Been Noticed? - Well just like you and i they cannot be online all the time and because of the rate of activity in the guild there is a chance you will not be noticed. Think about how many members there are and also the amounts of posts we get a day. Ok So Ill Just Bump Til I Am Noticed? - Uh this is not a wise idea because not only you are breaking the rules your also going to become a annoyance this is a sure way of not getting them to notice you but to ignore you. Great So There Is A Chance I Won't Be Noticed - Just like with everything it comes down to chance and luck but don't fret the longer your in the guild and the more active you are the more likely you are to having them notice you. But Will They Know What I Want? - Simple keep your Wish list updated all the time and they will get a idea to what you want. But if you have nothing on it they will just give you gold. But I Only Want Expensive Items? - And? the price of a item does not make them choose not to give you a gift, if it is a price they cannot afford they will just give you a gold donation to help you on your quest. Wow I Got A Donation!!! How Can I Thank Them? - Congratulations and the simple answer is tell your friends and random people you meet on your travels about the guild. I Want To Be One Too!! How Do I Become One? - The FG 4 PG Gift Ninja Academy is where you would apply but do you really think you have what it takes? Can you keep a secret? they have to make a vow to never speak and never reveal there identities do you think you can do that? I DON'T WANT TO BE SILENT!! - well then you do not have what it takes to become a gift ninja. But I Want To Be Noticed! - You can do that with your other account can't you not? Yea Yea Ok I Can Keep A Secret! So How Do I Apply? - To apply you will need to send the questions below to the gift ninjas mule the details are further down this post. Ok I Applied And Got No Reply? - All applications are screened and voted on by ALL of the gift ninjas so if you have still not got a answer back this could be because there waiting to see what the result is. But if your declined then they will give the reason why and they only decline if it is a good reason. But I'm Not Rich Will That Ruin My Chances? - Hehe nope they do not go on how much gold you have there main concern is being silent and keeping your indentity a secret. I Got Refused! Can I Apply Later? - Of course you will know the reason why you did not get through, work on that problem and then apply a little later smile
I hope this has helped!CHANCES OF GETTING A DONATIONThe chance of getting a donation from any one of the gift ninjas really does depend on your activity. The more active you are within the guild the more chance you have of getting struck by them. If you see a gift ninja strike in a thread keep posting around because as i said it simply drives them crazy with excitement and this could increase your chances as well.
Also following the rules and becoming a regular where you get known is also a way of being noticed more by them but end of the day nothing else really can improve your chances it is all down to activity, chance and luck.FANCY YOURSELF A NINJA??Ah so you fancy yourself a ninja? think you can keep a secret about your identity and also never utter a single word? Think that you can keep silent when you see someone saying they got ninja'ed? Or will the urge to yell "i did it" be too much for you?
if you can keep a secret, be silent and not have the urge to scream your the ninja then you just might stand a chance. Remember every application is taken seriously and will be voted on by all the ninjas. smile To Applyto apply you will need to send the following below to the fg4pg captain Rydia-beck aka Lillea
1. Why do you wish to become an Official FG 4 PG Gift Ninja? 2. When did you join FG 4 PG? 3. Why would you not consider just being a random donator within the guild? 4. Will you be active within the academy? 5. Will abide by all rules of the academy and swear to keep the identities of Gift Ninjas an absolute secret?
And now you wait, do not hassle them or send them begging pm's because they no doubt will end up in the ignore bin.
Good Luck!
Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 5:46 pm
Well finally after a couple of months of working on this concoction i have finally finished and i must say i am quite pleased with everything i have accomplished in here, i hope that everything i have added is in simple terms for even the biggest noob to understand, the screenshots are as clear as they need to be for you to understand what you must do or where the said sections can be found, if you find them to be a little hard to understand then simply as i have said once before pm me and i will tell you the information in simpler terms. There is indeed a lot of information to which you must fill your head with but it is all information which you do need to find your way around the guild and subsections and if you decide to ignore everything that has been said in here and in the other threads then may god have mercy on your soul because we mods surely will not razz
The list of mods is indeed a long one but because life is so irrational we never know what could be around the corner and some mods can be removed whilst new ones are being added it all depends on there lifestyles but either way i shall be adding to this topic when new updates come about so the list could forever change. Same with any of the posts in this topic, i have finally after many many months finished the whole thing and finally finished those blank sections with everything i think you need to know to get by and enjoy this guild completely. But who knows maybe i could add even more but of course i have run out of room maybe i will have to make a second version.... eeek i hope not haha
If your still getting into trouble and acting like a noob at this point then no one on gaia can help you it isnt hard to follow rules or add something as simple as a poll. There is a hidded agency called the gift ninjas which are forever watching it is a shame that none of us even the mods know there identitys sad but try to be on your best behavior and if you don't they you could be having a visit from the executioner but that is something none of us ever want to see....
anyway i fell you have everything you ever need to get by and stay out of trouble here on FG4PGS and probably even in the main gaia forums as well. Also remember to follow gaias TOS as well as the rules here.
Well seeing as i have finally finished and there is nothing else you need to know now i shall bid you all farewell and look forward to seeing you becoming a great regular to the guild and well if your one of those who i notice of always getting into trouble still then god help you because no one here at the guild will.
Always a pleasure wink
Angelic_Highlights Vice Captain
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:13 pm