These were random poems I whipped up to amuse myself. They are copyright of Don't freak out, that's me. What would really be neat is to illustrate them and post the images in this thread biggrin I'll post any that I come up with so check back heart
Chapter 1
Tother was a very nice man
That was very well known in the lan’
His favorite quote was “in your eye!”
He would sit there and eat pumpernickel pie
And hyurk up berries at his sister
Which the results were ver’ sinister
As days went by the lan’ grew well
And in this expanse there was no hell
But heaven as far as the eyes could see
Until the day Tother went to sea
That day was sad, so very sad
Let us hope what happens is not bad
Blue his soul and blue his power
Blue enough to bloom a flower
What is this blue? The sea is blue
The sky and lakes, they’re blue too
The water, his aid, the sky, his lover
In the water his ship hovers
But alas! Here comes a problem
It could no other be than the Pirate Slobbem
Slobbem laughs, Slobbem jeers, Tother hears
And then cries, down comes his tears
They hit the water and there come the mer
They see his distress but nothing they wear
But as that is but a problem not
They still come to his aid and plot
A way to tip over the bad pirate ship
Poor Pirate Slobbem had no measure
That he was going to be just another treasure
Over the ship goes and with a great cry
Pirate Slobbem drowns and then dies
Along with his mates all of but one
Who turned to poor Tother and yelled “Done!”
“Done” Tother heard and then he woke up.
“Done” said his mother when handed him his sup.
Chapter 2
Again another adventure
Tother and the dangerous venture
On the way to school one day
He came across a brilliant bay
Blinding him the bay was laughing
As the sun shines off the water lapping
At the sand the water sank, only to go
Where no one can know
Tother groaned but went his way
As far as he could from the bay
He came to the school, the rusty old thing
And went to the back as the bells ring
The students file in and snicker
As Tother again was thicker
In the ways of the A’s from the class
Their being there to make him an a**
So he sat there and stared out the window
Thinking up a brilliant crescendo
Not that he would know what one was
But thought that the word was cool because
The sky was so blue and the trees were so green
And perhaps sitting there he fell into a dream
Of pirates and ships and water and sky
That was what made the hours go by
As I had mentioned blue once before
Don’t think that was just part of the “lore”
Of poor Tother and his dreams here
In sunny, pretty, Tharis Strip, dear
Alas he lives in Sorebellum Grait
The port of call to the mainland Erayt
Tharis Strip alas is his home
But alas it exists only in this tome
Don’t blame him love for wanting to dream
For nothing at all is what it should seem
Tother is the water that makes up the top
Of our world that is the land beneath called Histop
A land beneath the lake so deep
That none from above even dare to peep
In fear of the trolls that once where
But are no more thanks to the mer
They live above and had a war
But alas I’ll tell you when time there’s more
Fast Gold 4 Poor Gaians
A guild originally dedicated to helping earn gold that evolved into an awesome community of friends. Rekindling the flame anew!