Okay, for years now all I've wanted is a Org. XIII Cloak, back when KH first came out and Org. XIII was known as the "Unknowns" and the only pictures were those very few that us fan-freaks posted all over the net and came up with exaggerated theories to explain them. xD

My mom promised to make me one for her wedding, that was several years ago. x_X I tried to make one, and I broke her sewing machine 7 times. --" Then I broke my grandma's twice.

e__e So then I go and try and buy one, I saved up to 20 bucks. xD The cheapest one that I found that I LIKED (that actually looked like an outfit, right?) Was 80 + shipping and handling was 50. -_- It was on ebay and the thing is now closed, and I still don't have the money for it.

u_u I was wondering if anyone can help me on my escapade on getting my outfit? ;; I don't know what to do and I've come to the END of my rope where I was in tears because this means so much to me.

I'm going to get my hair trimmed, feathered, layered, bleached then dyed so it can look like Riku's. xD I'm also making everyone call me that. So. u_u I'd love you if you have any links, cheap patterns, maybe downloadable patterns, hints, tips, MONEY XD LOL I know that wont happen whatever. Or if any of you have ever made an outfit before? e__e