Hello everyone. I'm teh new kid. Well, one of teh new kids. There seem to be quite a few, all with no love on their threads. But whatev.

As you can kind of tell by my presence here, I really love Organization XIII. I take it upon myself to learn as much as I can from playing the games. I've got, literally, almost 20 pages of notes on Kingdom Hearts. Hopefully one day this knowledge will be put to use in fanfics. Or not. That's cool too.

Some more random facts:

-I kinda dislike roleplaying.

-I do fanfiction and fanart, most of which sucks pretty hardcore. But I still try. ^^

-I'm well on my way to becoming the jaded college student I always dreamed of.

-I like weird slashy pairings. (Unrequited akuroku is among my favorites, but if I could ever find it, I would love to see Saix/Axel. {'We'll ensure he recieves the maximum punishment.' Yeah, I bet you will, Saix. You look pretty happy about that.})

So... hi! *waves*