I wanted 2 write this becuz I am a person who likes yaoi

Time isn't real

A boy sat on the lonely island looking at the night sky and sighs. The boy with silver hair closes his eyes. He stays there for a few minutes until he hears the voice of a fimiliar friend he stands up and dusts himself. the other boy runs up with his dark slightly wet from the swim to the island.
"Sora what took you so long I've been here for an hour?"

Sora still catching his breath,"Sorry Riku I got sidetracked by Tidus'

Riku frowns at hearing Sora's excuse."Oh ok."

Sora notices Riku's concerned face, " He fell off his bike, haha."

Riku smiles softly hearing his friend laugh," You could have called."

Sora walks closer to him,"Sorry doesn't work with you does it?"

"Nope." smiles humorously.

"Well how about this for an apology."Sora leans in and kisses Riku.

Riku blushes and smiles then says, "Your right on time." he pulls Sora close to him."I still owe you the favor." he kisses Sora back. They kiss each other under the light of the moon. Riku and Sora both look at each other lovingly and walk off the island hand-in-hand