Captain Koby fell on his butt as the waves crashed into the ship. His crew clumsily walked towards him. They picked him up and hauled him onto the rail of the ship. All of the sudden, a strong wave hit the ship, everyone held tight,getting skinned by the wood. As they looked into the ocean, they saw Johnny....drowing. He called for help... he wailed and screamed. Nobody could do anything about it, so they sat there and watched him die. Then a stronger wave crashed into the front of the ship, sending the crew flying through the door, down the steps and into the food storage.
"Yumm...." A voice came from the back of the storage. Everyone looked to find Billy looking at the sandwiches, drooling. Bob slapped his big jolly stomach and shouted," Why are thinking of food when one of the best people in our crew died?!?!?!" "Who?" He asked with no expression on his face. Bob scowled at his blank look and looked around the room. Half-eaten sandwiches and bitten chiken legs were scattered on the floor. "That's another night in the basement!" Joe shouted angrily. "This is the 26th time you have snucken into the food storage and I think that's enough!!!"