I need to rant. So here it goes..
Okay... Too many people are depressed. Why? The reason escapes me. I can't figure it out. I have a former friend who is depressed. That's why I'm not her friend anymore. She is selfish, annoying, and rude. She gets nearly everything she wants, but she's depressed. Why?
A. She has a bipolar mother. (In my opinion, she's bipolar.)
B. She has an abusive boyfriend.
She could get rid of both of these so easily. Get rid of both. She could move down to Oregon to live with her grandmother, and leave her boyfriend behind. She claims to "love" him. No. I'm not buying it. The only love I have ever seen between them to the most extent, was them [********] each other while I was trying to sneak her boyfriend in to help her. They have no "love." They have lust.
She's become a b***h. Intolerable. And there's only one person that I can think of who is willing to stay her friend.
But she's the second depressed person. Why is she depressed? Because she refuses help. I'm tired of that now. Sick of it. I've done nothing but pull my weight everywhere for her. I've tried talking to her, I've tried to help her. No. She just says "nothing."
"Nothing.." Really... NO!
I should have earned her trust by now. She says she doesn't want to burden us with her pains, because we have too many problems already. I don't have any problems. My life is problem free. My dad is the only exception, but he doesn't even bother me most of the time. If he does, it's just for the day. I'm over it within twenty-four hours.
I just got yelled at yesterday because I wanted to check on Adrian, who had hurt his knee again and had to go home early.
"Dammit, Jessie!" and then she stormed off.
Well ******** her too... I'm tired of her crap. If she isn't willing to trust me and be decent to me, then she doesn't deserve to be my friend. Call me conceited, but I don't deserve this. No one should.
I've managed to stay pretty far away from drama this year, and I want to continue to do so.
She wanted to apologize to me today. But I wouldn't have forgiven her. She wouldn't have any idea what she should be apologizing for. Well.. She will soon enough.
I'm still not willing to being friends with the first person I mentioned yet. When her boyfriend is gone, and she isn't so confused, I'll consider it.
The second person... It's going to take me a long while to forgive her. But I will, eventually...
I really needed to rant about this, and I know this is harsh. But this goes through my head every time I see them.
So there you, there's my rant.
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