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Just as my name intells I am a poet. Although my name is poet of chaos I dont always write about chaos as you will discover once you read my Journal.
There's a fine line
By:Lumvouris Webb

There's a fine line between wants and needs
There's a fine line between the birds and bees
on that day I gave up something
Yet in return I got nothing

I gave up my feelings for our friendship
So now Im in for a lonely trip
I have no girl to share my world
No wonder my mind is in such a swirl

There's a fine line between likes and loves
There's a fine line between baby and "gloves"
I know now that I should stay alone
And stop lookin for girls just to bone

I give up those feelings on that day
But in the end I know I'll be ok
My heart has been many times used and abused
Like a pair of raggedy old shoes

There's a fine line between living and dieing
There's a fine line between fate and good timing
I told her at a time completely wrong
So here I am writting my lonely song

For the world Im sorry for giving up so soon
Giving up on love with the passing moon
So good bye to love and happiness
Hello great pain and maddness

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jul 25, 2007 @ 07:00pm
u know when ever there is a end there is a beginning so look on the bright side

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