Wow.... I just watched a huge fight here on campus and like 30 people are getting arrested and sent off to jail most likely sweatdrop
Now its all anyone is talking about around here tonight. One of my friends got hit with a poolstick and knocked out. He got sent to the hospital and they're considering kicking him out of here stare Thats not fair considering he never threw any punches. I just watched like 15 people get their bags since they were going away in police vans. Its messed up and its gonna make this place look worse than it already is.
Well at least I was never involved in it so I'm not worried 3nodding
Guess thats about it for now. Nothing much else going on thats worth writing about sweatdrop
Laters heart
-DeathlyDan · Tue Aug 14, 2007 @ 06:22am · 4 Comments |