My boyfriend and I had a fun day at Renfest this last week (yes, my BOYFRIEND! I have an official one now~! x3)
So he came over at about 11 and we headed over in the hour and a half or so it took us to get there (we rode with my mom and aunt). When we got there, we met my dad, cousin, brother, and cousin's husband and son at the RV and we changed into our pirate outfits. Yup, we were pirates =D
So we went into Renfest and found tons of different odd things to take pictures of, and some people even took pictures of us. Overall, it was a fun day.
It was really funny when he bought a "OMG" thing of jerky (dubbed this because it was really long and really wide) and the guy selling it asked his name, then walked a few feet away and shouted:
At this, people were howling with laughter (mainly me xD)
We watched the fireworks at dusk, and rode home together. Overall, a good day
Community Member
My new school's mascot is a pirate! <3
I'm glad you had a great day with Chase
he sounds like a wonderful guy <3