The younge man smiles then turns to the store owner and said "Thank you very much" the old man just smiled as the young man walks down to the hotle. Mean while the young woman reached the base of the tall mesa.The womans growles as she looked up to see how tall it was,"man this is going to take have a day to clime." she said then starts to clime the face. Then back to the town where the young man just comes up to face his mother. She war fair looking woman with dark rich hair with a few gray hairs her face with a few rinkles with a golden tan skin and amber eyes. she look at the younge man with a puzzled look and feeling that she had met him before but gose to ask."so you here to rent a room."she ask him and the younge man bow his head yes. "good fallow me and we can set your room up" she said. The younge mand fallowed her then the women closed the door quickly as soon as he walked in. The young man turn to face her and her amber eyes. In a soft and caring tone she ask if he could take off his hood.The young man did revealing his silver white hair,marble blue eyes and scare on his face. She starts to cry as she hugs him and softly say,"my boy your back my lovely boy came back to me".The young man laid his head on hers and huged her back.
Darkblade Tekkaman · Sat Jun 11, 2005 @ 09:10pm · 1 Comments |