Role Playing Types
n00b (Newbie) oh she says shocked by his asnwer you mean you .................... Not how the red indicates speach, and the uncolored text indicates action. But you can see here there is a lack of grammar and spelling isn't very good either.
Semi-Literate "So Miss, what can we get you" Yashi just continued to grin as she glanced at their customer A semi-literate has very good spelling, and very good grammar but tends to make mistakes from time to time. Being at least semi-literate will help you build a good reputation on Gaia.
Literate "All I know is that yes I am in danger more than you guys are. There are people after us why and who I don't know yet but I will find out. I just could stay there and let them come to the house and hurt Jasper I loive him too much."Alice said softly. Notice the difference between the n00b and the literate: the literate has excellent spelling and grammar, while the n00b has none. Those who are literate gain access to many more role plays, as well as earn more respect. Post format is key to being literate; always make your text size 9 or size 10.
Novelist Bright streaks cut through the empty void, leaving a small trail of exhaust. Imminent contact upon the Carriers shields sent it shimmering, until it disappeared. Right behind the explosions came 4 MAC rounds, one tearing into the shield and the other three impacting the Carriers surface. Explosions began to run through the hull, blue flames spurting out of the sides. The lateral lines began to implode sending blue streaks in a circular pattern throughout the ship. Debris from the Covenant Carrier began to come off as blue plasma ripped it slowly apart. More streaks cut through the battle, swerving past the debris of the fallen Covenant vessel. Tiny explosions appeared where a few streaks had been, leaving only a small few to penetrate the hull of the ship. The four SHIVA nukes had found their way inside the ship, impacting with a deadly explosion. The surface of the Ships hull began to bubble, fire seeping through the wounds that had brought it's inevitable death.
Everything was quiet while an icon of the Covenant fleet burned in all of it's glory. No ship's hull groaned from the stress brought by battle, no warheads or plasma cut through the night. Only the Harmonious Unity burned from the inside out. An unrelenting heat erupted from the Carrier as two of the four nukes went off inside, detonating the core. The glossy fire glinted upon the hull of the UNSC Monterey as he maneuvered to avoid the floating debris.
"Let every man know, they are not invincible!"
Several HAVOK missiles were released only a moment after, cutting through the debris with inhuman precision towards the covenant flag ship, impacting upon it's shield. It shimmered around the mass and then steadied, indicating it was still up. That was the target, the flag ship. Cut off the head of the snake and the body dies. The large ship began to testify it's new anger as it turned it's starboard side to the Monterey charging it's lateral lines. A defiant blue streak fired through he void called space towards the vulnerable ship. The thrusters increased to 110% on the Monterey's port side, turning the ship and sending them into a spin. All thrusters had shut off, and the MAC began to charge at 120%, four NOVA missiles being loaded into the cannons. The shields on the Flag Ship began to dissipate as the lateral lines began to glow. If ever there was an opportunity for the UNSC fleet to win the war, it had been then for the shields had completely disappeared so the plasma could be fire. A Novelist is the ultimate form of a literate role playing individual who knows what their doing, and grasps a hold of their imagination in an effort to bring their post to life. They are look upon highly as the Royalty of Gaia role playing, and can be found in guilds mostly.
Profile/Character Layout
Character Name: Michael Van Gaurd [Make the name sound cool, or have a meaning.]
Title: Gunslinger [Give your character a title based off of occupation or status.]
Age: 21 [Depening on how your character acts and looks, you should base the age.]
Gender: Male [Your character doesn't necessarily have to be your gender.]
Height: 5' 11" [Base the height of your character off of logic and weight.]
Weight: 157 lb [Base the weight of your character off of appearance.]
Eye Color: Saphire Blue [Make sure that whatever the eye color is, it fits your character.]
Ethnicity/Race: Jordian/Gunslinger [Race/ethnicity is greatly determined by the characters background.]
Weapons: Dual Glock 32's with a .357 caliber bullet. [Base your weapons off your character and your knowledge of the weapon.]
Description/Picture: Michael stands at 5' 11" with Sapphire blue eyes, tanned skin, and dark brown hair cropped short. He wears blue jeans, a black bandana, white t-shirt, and black boots. After fighting Michael obtained a music player with the word iPod on the back, and black Sony dynamic stereo headphones (or so they call them.) He always wears his black leather gloves with the fingers cut off, and wears a single silver earing on the upper part of his left ear; a sign of the Gunslinger. Michael also wears a single black cross on a strand of leather around his neck, given to him by a priest in a town he saved from bandits. It was supposed to give him good luck, but it reminded him that he was mortal. [A good description details what your character looks like, while leaving a tiny bit of mystery. Pictures help, but also limit your creative ability.]
Background/Biography: When Michael was a kid, he was known as Prince Michael by the entire kingdom. He was looked up upon by even the strongest of warriors, including his Father, King Michael XVIII. But the kingdom of Jordan, a place known for it's elite warriors called Gunslingers, fell into turmoil. Young Michael was taught in the art of the Gunslinger at the age of ten instead of becoming King when his Father died on the battle field fighting the Rebellion. The Rebellion was led by a Dictator named Maxamellion de Lise, an exlied Gunslinger. So did Michael lose his Mother to the Rebel leader, sacrificing herself so that Michael could escape the tyrony of the lands he had once called home. The thirteen year old boy wandered the desert to the east of Jordan where the exiled were sent, for several years. He was the only one of his entire family to survive what is known as the Era of Lise. The boy had become a man, and trained his skills with the guns he had: his Father's. With Michael's sharp eyes, and honed senses he is sure to be of value to any one able to ally with the Gunslinger. [A biography/background needs to be detailed with the main sections of the characters life. A paragraph is suggested.]
Places to Role Play
The Barton forum is the center of all role plays. It is the backbone of Gaia online, where every thing was started.
The guild forum is the center of all organized factions and role playing. It is the secondary role playing forum of Gaia, where Military is prominent.
List of Twilight / Vampire Role Plays o: A Twilight RP: Accepting. o: An Under Construction Twilight RP: Peek but Don't Post. o: Vampires in the Night of Twilight: People Needed! (Bad guys.) o: Dusk (Twilight RP!) OPEN//ACCEPTING
 Total Value: 1,503,054 Gold, 6,000 Tickets After Exclusions: 369,789 Gold, 6,000 Tickets [Item Information]
Item List: Yellow Holographic Eyepiece Golden Laurels In Da Hood Gold Necklace Tan Hippie Shoes Western Zodiac Gold Starman Earring Waste Glamrock Headband Yellow Torque Shades Oculus Magica Egyptian Gold Bracelet Egyptian Gold Bracelet Ancient Katana Card Shark Bands Long Black Socks Black Glamrock Jeans Black Musketeer Top
xHAMR · Sat Nov 17, 2007 @ 11:15pm · 0 Comments |